Switching Doctors: It’s Never Too Late

It’s been said hundreds of times, but it always bears repeating: it’s never too late to switch doctors.  If you don’t feel 100% comfortable with your doctor, you can switch.  It doesn’t matter how early or late into your pregnancy you are, whether you mostly feel all right with your current doctor, if you can’t put your finger on exactly why you don’t feel completely comfortable, or if you’re just curious to see what else is out there.  It’s OK.  Shop around.  Meet with other doctors.  Switch if that’s what, deep inside, you want to do: you’re not being unreasonable … Continue reading

Medication and the First Trimester

At the beginning of the week I cautioned against going off medication when you get pregnant.  Now I want to write a follow-up, because it actually is important to know any potential dangers with medicine and the first trimester. As a rule I’ve avoided reading lists of dangers, side effects, and rare pregnancy and birth problems.  They’ll just cause me unnecessary stress, and since pregnant women usually see their doctors at least once a month, I trust mine to keep me informed about anything that will actually/is actually affecting me.  But it is important to know that the first trimester … Continue reading

Most Important Early Pregnancy Advice

Many people might start off their first pregnancy blog with a story: why they decided to have a baby (or not), the story of how they became pregnant, their early thoughts on pregnancy and childbirth.  I might get to all of that, or I might not.  But today I want to share one of the most important things I learned in my first month of pregnancy: do not go off any medication without talking to your doctor first. This might seem silly or obvious, but I cannot stress how important it is.  My whole first trimester might have taken a … Continue reading

Dressing for Success

And by success I mean making it through the morning without losing your breakfast on the ride to work. When you are pregnant it’s important to celebrate even the smallest victories. If you are battling raging morning sickness, you may not give a hoot if your boots match your sweater or if your jeans make you look like a bag lady.  However, once you enter the latter part of your pregnancy, you will be more apt to embrace your changing body and want to look cute while waiting for Junior to arrive. Maternity clothes have come a long way since … Continue reading

Are You at Risk for a Stroke?

If you are pregnant, you might want to think twice before reaching for a diet soda to quench your thirst. According to a new study, there’s been a huge jump in the number of women suffering strokes during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth.  Researchers claim there’s been a 54% increase in the number of pregnancy-related stroke hospitalizations documented in the United States in the last decade. Health experts say they can’t pinpoint the exact reason behind the alarming rise in pregnant stroke victims, but they have a few ideas, including the fact that more women these days are overweight … Continue reading

Mega Morning Sickness

Kate Middleton’s baby is due to arrive any day now. The royal newborn will make the Duchess and Prince William first-time parents. It’s hard to tell who is more excited about the impending birth—Kate and Wills or the paparazzi. Middleton is said to be counting down the days to motherhood by clothes shopping near her parents’ home. Her retail therapy is a far cry from her hospitalization for severe morning sickness earlier in her pregnancy. Duchess Kate admitted to suffering from an acute form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum.  The serious-sounding condition can level even the toughest moms-to-be.  Doctors … Continue reading

Skin Changes During Pregnancy

Have you noticed any changes in your skin now that you are pregnant? If you have, take comfort in knowing that skin changes like breakouts, heightened sensitivity or dryness are common during pregnancy. If you have not experienced any skin changes yet, consider yourself lucky – and remember the tips from this article in case you do experience some changes during the coming months. One of the most annoying skin changes that can happen during pregnancy is that breakouts happen much more often than you may be accustomed to. Before you head to the drug store to pick up a medicated … Continue reading

Ouch – Pregnancy Heartburn

If I had to choose which pregnancy symptom was the most uncomfortable or unpleasant for me, I would say that it was the heartburn. I’m almost getting heartburn right now just thinking about the heartburn that I experienced during both of my pregnancies. Unfortunately, many women experience heartburn during pregnancy. It is one of the most common pregnancy – related discomforts, with just about half of all pregnant women experiencing during one or more of their pregnancies. If you are suddenly feeling the burn, you may be wondering why. There are a couple of reasons why heartburn is so common … Continue reading

Can You Drink Coffee During Pregnancy?

Have you noticed that when you are pregnant, the whole world seems to be watching you eat? Not only that, but everyone feels free to comment on what they see you eating. It can be downright infuriating because no matter what it is – healthy, unhealthy, large or small, the general idea behind all of the comments is that you are doing this whole pregnancy eating thing wrong. Unfortunately for pregnant women, everyone in society has his or her own idea about what pregnant women should and should not be eating. There are a few things that truly are unsafe … Continue reading

A Beginner’s Guide to Bed Rest

Did you know that one out of every five mothers will be prescribed bed rest during her pregnancy? Since there is a chance that you may have to become familiar with bed rest, here are some basics to get you started. First of all, let’s talk about what bed rest is. Bed rest can mean anything from complete and total confinement to one’s bed for twenty four hours a day to taking time to lay down for an hour or so a couple of times a day. Make sure that your prenatal care provider is specific in telling you exactly … Continue reading