Your Emotions At Two Months Pregnant

If you are pregnant, you are probably well aware that pregnancy can feel a lot different, emotionally, than what you are accustomed to. Even during early pregnancy, your baby’s impact on your body is not easy to see yet their impact on your emotions is hard to ignore. Here are a few of the things that you may be feeling during the second month of your pregnancy. Have you noticed that things that would not normally bother you drive you crazy now? It is perfectly normal to be more sensitive and even more irritable than you usually are. The hormonal … Continue reading

Do You Know When You are Due?

This past week, I had a surprising experience regarding due dates. Everyone knows that due dates are never completely exact, but they can often be determined with a reasonable degree of certainty by calculating the date of your last menstrual period. There are things that can affect that calculation, though, causing the due date to be rather far off. One thing that can happen is that many people have no idea what the date was when they started their last menstrual period. Some people do, usually those are people who have been keeping track of their cycles so that they … Continue reading

Creating Pregnancy Calendars

When you get pregnant, you may decide to document this special time in your life. Although during pregnancy time can feel like it is passing very slowly, it will be over before you know it. Creating a pregnancy calendar is a special way to remember this time in your life. You can find numerous online tools for creating a pregnancy calendar. The layout and functions may vary a bit, some offer a weekly format and others are monthly calendars. However, most work in the same basic way. The first step in creating a pregnancy calendar is to input relevant data. … Continue reading

Three Ways to Cope with Stress When Pregnant

It was funny, when I was pregnant because on more than one occasion my husband would state categorically (and very emphatically): “The pregnant woman wins. No contest.” It would be nice, if that were always true. That philosophy would mean that stress at work, stress at home and stress of life would evaporate for that nine months and just make your life easier. Of course, reality sets in and all the nice thoughts in the world will not make the stress of living day to day life go away, nor will it alleviate other sources of stress – including other … Continue reading

Why am I so tired?

I found out I was pregnant and I was a little relieved, after all I’d been exhausted all the time. In fact, part of the reason I found out I was pregnant was because I went to the doctor to find out if I was sick. I’d been so tired and that was so unusual for me. It hit me over night, it seemed. One day I was fine and then over the course of a weekend, I felt run down and almost constantly craving a nap. The Amazing Race Your body is really quite wonderful. During what is called … Continue reading

The Line Turned Pink

It’s the answer to a question that changes lives. Whether you were planning for a baby or not, when that line turned pink – the world as you knew it changes. Your test is positive. You’re pregnant. You’re going to have a baby. Is your first reaction joyous disbelief? Fear? Overwhelming anxiety? Sheer delight? Chances are, you experienced some or all of these emotions. Faith of the Heart Whatever your emotions were or are, you’ve got an exciting and challenging set of months ahead of you. It’s a time when you will be experiencing emotional, physical and social changes and … Continue reading

Stock Up Time

Pregnancy lasts about nine months and those nine months helps prepare the fetus for life outside the womb and it gives mom time to prepare for what her life will be like when the baby is out of the womb. There are a lot of things we can’t prepare for, but there’s a great deal more that we can prepare for. When it comes to taking advantage of these nine months, here’s a list of things that are worth stocking up on before the baby is born. Television Seasons on DVD – There will be plenty of nights where you … Continue reading

AFP Tests – What do they mean?

Between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, you will receive a screening test called an AFP. It’s a blood test and you will need to give your permission before the test is done. There are so many blood tests and urine tests and just tests that we go through when we are pregnant and seeing our obstetricians that it is hard to keep them all straight. The following is some information on the AFP, I am not a physician by any stretch of the imagination so be sure to consult with your physician if you have any questions or … Continue reading

Considering a Second Pregnancy?

My daughter is eager for us to have another child so that she can enjoy being an older sibling. When my sister-in-law was pregnant last year, she enjoyed the experience of watching her belly expand and grow. Her favorite thing to do was to ask if she could touch her tummy and then she would sing to it. At the age of 4, I wondered if she would understand that the pregnancy was going to ultimately lead to another baby. I should never have worried about it. When she came to me with her questions about the baby and how … Continue reading

Where is the Glow?

When I first found out I was pregnant, I remember feeling equal parts excited and nervous. There was the initial disbelief and the waiting until I could take a second home pregnancy test to confirm my initial findings. That nervousness expanded to real butterflies and I called my doctor. I went in and one blood test later – we knew for certain I was pregnant. What was more amazing was that I discovered my pregnancy just two and a half weeks into the pregnancy – so I had LOTS of time to savor this experience over the coming months, The … Continue reading