Weeks 40-42 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 40th week- or maybe even more! So you have finally hit your due date, or maybe even seen it come and go. This can be a trying time for many moms. You circled your due date on the calendar, and made plans only to see that day come and go. It is tempting to show up at the doctor’s office screaming for an induction, but weigh your options carefully. What you may be experiencing It is important to note that most babies will come within 2 weeks of their due date- either before or after. So if … Continue reading

Week 39 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 39th week of pregnancy! Time for a baby! What you may be experiencing You may find yourself nesting in the days before you actually go into labor. So if you have the need to wash baby clothes, clean house, shop, or cook- go with it. But, don’t overdo it. Many a mom has nested herself into a frenzy, and then gone into labor without having ample time to rest up again. So do everything in moderation. Other moms may forgo the nesting in favor of support and information. Taking with other moms and family members about the … Continue reading

Week 38 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 38th week of pregnancy! It is time for this baby to make its entrance into the world! While not much may be happening in the way of growth and development, you are likely going a bit stir crazy waiting for the big day. Have a nice dinner out, or visit with friends. You may not get the chance to do so for a while after the baby comes. What you may be experiencing You may lose your mucus plug around this time, which is perfectly normal. It could be a thick, slippery brown discharge or could actually … Continue reading

Week 37 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 37th week of pregnancy! You are now considered full term and can safely deliver your baby at any time now. While many may still have their due date circled on the calendar- fewer than 5% of moms actually deliver on their due date. So make sure to let everyone around you know that nothing is set in stone. What you may be experiencing There are a wide variety of emotions that you can feel at this time: anxiety, anticipation, nervousness, or terror. This range of emotions is normal, and now would be the time to discuss your … Continue reading

Week 36 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 36th Week of pregnancy! In your last month of pregnancy, you can go into labor just about any time now- so be prepared. Now is the time to double check that your hospital bag is packed, and read up on the labor and delivery sections of your favorite pregnancy books. In no time, you will be a mommy! What you may be experiencing It may seem even harder to get a good night sleep! As the baby drops into the pelvis, the pressure on your bladder increases making trips to the bathroom more frequent. Luckily, a dropping … Continue reading

Week 35 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 35th week of pregnancy! Pretty soon you will get to meet the son or daughter that you have been looking forward to the past few months or even years. Now, is the time to tie up all the loose ends and prepare your home and family for the arrival of a little one. What you may be experiencing Emotionally, it is normal to have fears and wonders about how the baby will fit in with your life. If you have other children, you may worry about how they will get along and fit together. If this is … Continue reading

Week 34 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 34th week of pregnancy! With labor looming, you are probably getting nervous about the big day. You may wonder about the pain, and the health of your baby. Will you deliver quickly or will you be in labor for quite some time? All of these concerns are a natural part of having a baby. Try not to stress about it however- studies show that such stress can actually make labor worse! What you may be experiencing Now is the time to start mentally preparing for labor and delivery. Pack your hospital bag, and make sure to include … Continue reading

Week 33 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 33rd week of pregnancy! As if time couldn’t go any slower, you are stuck with a bout of insomnia. Suddenly, you find yourself up all night worrying about all kinds of random things. Do your best to find a good sleep position, and get as much shut eye as possible. Once the baby comes, you will have plenty of late night thinking time. What you may be experiencing Foot and leg cramps may add on to your discomfort this week. While they are likely to occur at night, they can happen at any time. Try to following … Continue reading

Week 32 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 32nd week of pregnancy! Your hormones may be raging at this point, as you have a million things going through your mind. From nursery fabrics, car seat ratings, to the various aches and pains going on inside your own body. It is no wonder that a pregnant mom is a distracted one! What you may be experiencing You may have begun to take on the “pregnancy waddle.” Your growing tummy coupled with an abundance of the pregnancy hormone, relaxin can make it difficult to walk properly. While this is all normal, and is part of your body’s … Continue reading

Week 31 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 31st week of pregnancy! This is usually the period where time starts to lag. You may be achy and anxious to meet your baby, and the next few weeks may seem to just drag on and on. Spend these last few weeks, reconnecting with your partner and loved ones and putting the final details on the nursery. The more organized you are now; the better things will be after the baby comes. If you find yourself nesting, do so but save your energy. You have a big task ahead of you in the labor and delivery room, … Continue reading