Week 30 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 30th week of pregnancy! You are in the home stretch now! In no time, you will be cuddling your precious newborn, counting all of their fingers and toes. If you haven’t gotten the nursery done yet, you may be in a rush to finish everything in time. It is important to listen to your body and rest when you begin to feel tired. Try delegating tasks to other family members, to get more done with the least amount of energy. They may enjoy the opportunity to help out, so use that to your advantage. What you may … Continue reading

Week 29 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 29th week of pregnancy! Feeling achy? If you are, you aren’t alone. As your baby has a major growth spurt in the third trimester, so will your growing stomach. Round ligament pain and joint pain are very common at this stage, and you may find routine activities harder to do. Don’t stop moving, just listen to your body and rest when you start to feel achy or sore. Light swimming may be a great way to relieve pressure on your joints and abdomen, but still get a bit of a workout. What you may be experiencing Back … Continue reading

Week 28 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 28th week of pregnancy! Whether the weeks seem to be crawling or flying by, you will be a mommy in no time. With that comes a great many joys and responsibilities, so spend a little bit of time pampering yourself. Consider getting a manicure or pedicure to brighten up your mood. While you may not be able to see your toes- you will know that they look fabulous! What you may be experiencing Now is the time to start thinking about pre-term labor, though most moms don’t really want to think about it too much. Luckily, if … Continue reading

Week 27 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 27th week of pregnancy! By now, the whole world probably knows of your little miracle and you have started to dabble in maternity wear. Buying maternity clothes can be a daunting task, especially since you have little idea of how big you will become or how you will carry the extra weight. Since you get little use out of maternity clothes after the baby is born, buy as you grow and resist the urge to stock up the first time your pants don’t button. This will save you money, and get the best fit possible. If you … Continue reading

Week 26 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 26th week of pregnancy! As your stomach continues to swell and you begin to feel your baby more, the reality of pregnancy begins to set in. How you handle it, depends on your own personality and feelings about the pregnancy. Maybe you kick the nursery plans in high gear, or speed a lot of time thinking about the upcoming labor and following days caring for a newborn. However you prepare, don’t forget to include family members and partners in the planning process. Chances are they are equally nervous/excited, and will welcome someone to talk to! What you … Continue reading

Week 25 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 25th week of pregnancy! Your baby will be here before you know it! What you may be experiencing Physically you are growing bigger every day. An itchy belly is a common concern at this stage in the came, and you may find relief in creams and cocoa butter. If the itching persists, notify your doctor. There is a condition that could indicate a problem with your liver- so it’s best to let your doctor know just in case. You may also still be plagued with constipation as more pressure is placed on the bowels. Hemorrhoids may also … Continue reading

Week 24 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 24th week of pregnancy! You have reached the week of viability! Modern medicine has made some amazing strides in caring for premature babies, and if the unthinkable happens and your baby is born at this stage there is a good chance that they will make it through. It is also the time to start looking for pre-term labor warning signs. What you may be experiencing Most moms-to-be worry about their weight gain at one time or another during their pregnancy, which is normal. The idea of putting on 25-30 pounds in less than a year can be … Continue reading

Week 23 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 23rd week of pregnancy! You and baby are growing along at an amazing pace, and you may be amazed to find yourself looking larger than you did the day or week before. If you want to document your growing tummy- consider taking stomach shots every week or every month. It’s fun to see how much you have grown- and makes a great addition to any baby book. What you may be experiencing You are likely showing by now- some more than others. Be weary of belly envy, it can be really easy to get caught up on … Continue reading

Week 22 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 22nd week of pregnancy! If it wasn’t for the tiny little kicks and tell-tale bulge, you could almost forget that you had a little life inside of you. You may be feeling pretty good these days- and spend your time daydreaming about nursery decorations and little tiny pink or blue outfits. What you may be experiencing Physically, you may be feeling fine or you may be tired and dragging. Both are normal. You may begin to experience round ligament pain, which is normal albeit uncomfortable. As your uterus grows and expands, the ligaments holding it in place … Continue reading

Week 21 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 21st week of pregnancy! By now, you are starting to get to know your doctor fairly well and have seen them several times already. Don’t be afraid to call in with questions or concerns if they pop up- rest assured that they have heard just about everything under the sun. So there is no stupid question. Hearing that everything is OK will put your mind at rest and make you feel better about the situation. What you may be experiencing By now, you should have a bit of a tummy bump. Your doctor will likely measure it … Continue reading