Week 20 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the midway point! Hopefully, the next 20 weeks will just fly by and you will be able to hold your little one in no time! You are likely busy with nursery plans and preparations for the baby- so spend some time catching up on what is the latest in greatest in baby gear. Remember that the best thing for your baby is one on one interaction. So no matter how cool or advanced the toy is, don’t forget to get down on the floor and play with your child. What you may be experiencing Most moms will be … Continue reading

Week 19 of Pregnancy

You are almost at the halfway point right now! Congratulations! How are you feeling? Some moms may experience just about every symptom in the book, while others are lucky enough to get away with very few. No matter which side you belong on- know that the journey is almost over. You will be feeling your baby kick soon, if you haven’t already- which is very assuring to most moms. What you may be experiencing Does it seem like everything you eat causes heartburn right now? There are a few reasons for this. As the uterus grows up out of the … Continue reading

Week 18 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 18th week! Have you felt your baby yet? Now is the time when some moms may start to feel flutters and kicks from their little one- but if you haven’t yet, don’t be concerned. Some moms may not feel their little ones movements for a few more weeks. If this is your first pregnancy, if you are very fit, or very overweight, you may not be able to feel movements until 24 weeks or so. So try not to stress over it. Once your little one starts kicking- they will keep you till all hours of the … Continue reading

Week 17 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 17th week of pregnancy! Depending on your own body composition, you are likely beginning to share you expected miracle with the rest of the world. A tell tale bump may be visible now, so be prepared for lots of unsolicited advice and belly rubs. Enjoy it! You are the center of the show for the time being, so take advantage of it whenever you can. What you may be experiencing The second trimester systems should be in full force now. Increased blood volume may lead to increased nasal secretions and nosebleeds. Your growing uterus may leave you … Continue reading

Week 16 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 16th week of pregnancy! How are you feeling? Some moms refer to the second trimester as the honeymoon period, while other moms just find a whole new group of symptoms and problems. Whichever team you are on, just keep in mind that you are almost to the halfway point! In the weeks ahead-you may have the opportunity to find out the sex of your little one and get an inside view of the miracle that is growing inside you. What you may be experiencing Are you feeling a bit stuffy? You are not alone. Rising hormone levels … Continue reading

Week 15 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 15th week of pregnancy! To the outside world you may not appear pregnant yet, but on the inside you may be ready to let the rest of the world know of your newest arrival. Chances are you may be too big for your regular clothes, and too small for most maternity fashions. Hang in there- it will just be a matter of weeks before everyone is rubbing your tummy for good luck. What you may be experiencing While many moms feel a renewed sense of energy during the second trimester, many moms may still feel tired. This … Continue reading

Week 14 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 14th week of pregnancy! Have you started receiving pregnancy advice yet? If not, it is only a matter of time before everyone starts to chime in with their opinions and stories. Take them with a grain of salt- and try not to believe everything that you hear. Some of it is well meant advice, while others may be old wives tales. What you may be experiencing Food aversions and cravings may begin to kick in – which can make meal time interesting. You may find yourself craving foods you never even liked, or running from those that … Continue reading

Week 13 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 13th week of pregnancy! It is around this time that many moms begin to experience the joys of the second trimester. Since the placenta has taken over hormone production, you may likely have a burst of energy. You are likely feeling better, and beginning to see that pregnant glow. The next few months will be all about growing- for both you and your baby! What you may be experiencing Reduced nausea and morning sickness make most moms-to-be very happy and energetic. You have likely begun to tell those closest to you, and may become obsessed with decorating … Continue reading

Week 12 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 12th week of pregnancy! You have officially made it through the first trimester, and hopefully nausea and morning sickness are now a thing of the past. If you haven’t begun to tell family and friends, you can now probably safely do so. So think of interesting and exciting ways to break the good news. What you may be experiencing Decreased breast tenderness and morning sickness is common at this point in pregnancy, though some women may continue to experience it to some degree throughout their entire pregnancy. If you have a dark complexion, you may start to … Continue reading

Week 11 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 11th week of pregnancy! You are almost done with the first trimester, which means that the risk of miscarriage will decrease significantly over the course of the next few weeks. If you have already had an ultrasound to date your pregnancy and confirm a heartbeat, you have even a smaller chance of losing the baby to miscarriage at this point. So, now would be a good time to relax and think about how you are going to break the news to friends and loved ones (if you haven’t done so already!) What you may be experiencing Many … Continue reading