Week 10 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 10th week of pregnancy! As you near the end of the first trimester, you may begin finding relief from some of the symptoms of the first few months. Though some moms don’t find relief for many months- so be prepared. New problems may begin popping up however- so now is the time to take care of any problems before they get out of hand. What you may be experiencing Months of morning sickness and fatigue may leave you feeling drained- and it is easy to let some things fall to the wayside. So much attention is on … Continue reading

Week 9 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 9th week of pregnancy! To the outside world, you still may not look very pregnant, but on the inside you are emotionally and physically all over the place! Rest assured that many of these symptoms will relieve themselves within the next few weeks- and you will regain a new sense of energy. If you feel great- then more power to you. What you may be experiencing Many of the symptoms from previous weeks may still be present. Morning sickness and breast tenderness may still bother some moms-to-be. Light skinned moms may notice veins popping up on their … Continue reading

Week 8 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 8th Week of Pregnancy! By now, you may have your first doctor’s appointment scheduled, and may have even had the opportunity to see your baby via ultrasound if there was a question about dates. You are right in the middle of the first trimester, and may be looking forward to the following months. Especially, if you have been plagued with morning sickness or other ailments. What you may be experiencing Feeling bloated? You are not alone. Your baby has begun to increase its demands for food and nutrients, and your body will respond by slowing down the … Continue reading

Week 7 of Pregnancy

Welcome to your 7th week of pregnancy! By now, you may be experiencing a wealth of symptoms and emotions- all of which are normal. So whether you are tired, sick, or just feel a little off- know that you are not alone. Joining a prenatal support group or exercise class is a great way to get to know others going through the same thing- and you will be happy to have mommy contacts when your little one arrives. What you may be experiencing The influx of hormones in your body can lead to a long list of symptoms. You may … Continue reading

Week 6 of Pregnancy

As your pregnancy progresses, you may be introduced to a whole new set of symptoms and concerns. Usually by this time, many women may begin to experience the joys of morning sickness and fatigue. Don’t worry if you aren’t experiencing anything- just count yourself lucky! What you may be experiencing As your body grows and changes, you may begin to experience morning sickness. This could be due to an influx of hormones, or your expanding uterus. Whatever the cause, morning sickness can come and go at any time throughout the day, despite its name. It can range from mild nausea … Continue reading

Week 5 of Pregnancy

Feeling pregnant yet? Once the shock of the positive pregnancy test wears off, many of the symptoms begin to set in. So if you are feeling tired or cranky, you are among friends. A pregnant mommy is a tired one! What you may be experiencing The miracle inside of you is still hiding from the outside world, but you may begin to feel the physical toll that pregnancy has on the body. Chances are you may be tired, despite a full nights sleep. It is said that a pregnant body is never at rest- it is as if you are … Continue reading

Weeks 1-4 of Pregnancy

Congratulations! Pregnancy is a journey filled with milestones, worries, and daydreams. While you may not look pregnant to the outside world, inside your body is diligently working on creating a new little life. It is your job to give it the best start possible. So take a deep breath, and relax, your body knows just what to do! What you may be experiencing In the first few weeks you may be experiencing any of the following: missed period, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, bloating, mild cramping, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. Some women may experience minor spotting around the time that … Continue reading