Week Twenty Seven

Week twenty seven has been largely uneventful in the world of pregnancy. I began the week with the same determination to maintain my pregnancy food journal and exercise routine. It has gotten easier to stay on track and I do not feel as deprived as I did when I started keeping tabs on everything. I feel like I am back in control again and that is incredibly empowering and it gives me even more motivation. This week I officially put away all my pre-pregnancy clothes. Thankfully the weather has continued to be fairly cool so my fall/winter maternity wardrobe is … Continue reading

Week Twenty Six

I started my twenty sixth week of pregnancy with the determination to severely limit my sugar consumption due to my excessive weight gain at my last prenatal visit. This has been my greatest challenge but it is amazing what a little will power can achieve. Every meal is accompanied by my food journal where everything that I consume is recorded along with a protein and calorie count. This helps me watch my sugar intake and it also helps prevent me from exceeding my (pregnant) daily caloric needs. In light of my commitment to avoid certain foods (in order to keep … Continue reading

Week Twenty Five

Week twenty five has been a week for changes and altered perspectives. I began the week rededicated to eating healthy and maintaining my protein intake while avoiding sweets and other foods high on the glycemic index which also includes limited my previously excessive fruit intake. As my uterus continues to expand, my baby has gotten more and more active and through her movements it seems that she is of a much more substantial size (I can actually feel her rolling back and forth from one side of my uterus to the other). Also new this week are in utero hiccups … Continue reading

Week Twenty Four

Week twenty four began with much welcomed cooler weather which supplied incredible motivation and energy. The sluggishness that the heat tends to impose, particularly on pregnant women, vanished overnight and for the first time in months we were able to turn the air conditioning off and open the windows to air out the house. The days of my twenty fourth week began with cool, almost brisk, breezes making my customary hot breakfast of three eggs and sausage (in the form of an omelet by adding sautéed potato, onion, and red pepper to the mix), and hot latte particularly appealing and … Continue reading

Week Twenty Three

Here we are at week twenty three. The weeks seem to be going by faster and faster now. It is almost astounding that so much can happen in one week and at the time so little. This week I have noticed the baby’s activity increase ten fold. I can almost predict her times of activity and sleep. She is all over the place in my uterus these days twisting, flipping, hiccuping, kicking, elbowing etc. One particular day this week my son was sitting on my disappearing lap and had pressed his elbow into my belly, the baby responded with a … Continue reading

Twenty Two Weeks

Here we are at twenty two weeks of pregnancy. It seems that not a lot has changed since week twenty one, but that is because most changes in pregnancy are fairly subtle from week to week. A couple of things happened out of the ordinary but most things have remained constant. Contrary to my belief that my nausea was a thing of the past, it resurfaced one morning during breakfast. I found myself running to the bathroom and trying to control my breathing to stifle the urge to throw up … it kind of worked but some of my breakfast … Continue reading

Seventeen Weeks

At seventeen weeks I find myself feeling extremely well. My Nausea has subsided and my energy has returned to near its full force. Most of my major food aversions have passed and I find myself wanting chocolate again, which is something I need to keep in check! Thanks to my lack of nausea and increased energy, I have been exercising five to six times per week and reaping the benefits of toned muscles! My stomach is bulging a bit more than normal and some of my tops are a little tight in the stomach, but maternity tops are still much … Continue reading

Reflections at Fourteen Weeks

At fourteen weeks of pregnancy, there’s a lot of different things going through my mind; things that I am expecting to happening and new things I have never experienced before. I have been told by several experienced moms that I will show early with the second pregnancy. At fourteen weeks, my uterus still hasn’t pushed passed my pelvic bone. I am not at all concerned. I know that soon my belly will be expanding at a very fast rate and I am in no hurry. I would rather enjoy this pregnancy day by day and not wish it away (e.g. … Continue reading

Why I Can’t Eat My Lunch in the School Cafeteria

This past week I have had to stop eating lunch with the other teachers and high school students in the cafeteria. It seems that my sense of smell is out of control and just about every semi strong smell makes me nauseated now. I wish it weren’t the case, but smells really push my now persistent nausea into overdrive. I have never been fond of cafeteria smells. While the aroma was always unpleasant to me, it never induced nausea before now. The constant smell of hot grease and fried foods, a staple in our cafeteria, permeate not only the entire … Continue reading

Pregnancy Blog Review Oct 29 – November 14

Welcome to the Pregnancy Blog review. Here you will find a brief description of recent posts in the blog. If you want to read more, click on the link to see the entire blog. Anxiety disorders may occur before or during pregnancy. Women have widely different experiences. Some find their symptoms are reduced, while others discover no change or an increase in symptoms. For others, they first experience anxiety disorder after they become pregnant. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment options in Anxiety in Pregnancy. Birthing positions can either help or hinder progress in natural child birth. Some positions … Continue reading