Be Prepared Blog on Hiatus
The Be Prepared Blog is on hiatus. Please feel free to read the archives here or visit our Food Blog and Frugal Living Blog for similar articles.
The Be Prepared Blog is on hiatus. Please feel free to read the archives here or visit our Food Blog and Frugal Living Blog for similar articles.
A prepared pantry is a beautiful thing. Keep staple items in your fridge at all times and you will never have to fret about having an empty fridge or pantry. You will also save lots of money by buying items only when they are on sale. Below is my personal list of staple items in my kitchen. Of course yours will not be the same as mine, as every family has their own specific tastes and eating habits. My family loves Mexican food for example, so we always have on hand chili powder, pinto beans, tortillas, and the makings for … Continue reading
In preparing for emergencies, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. What do we store? What types of emergencies should we be planning for? As you might expect, it depends on where you live and the weather concerns that might affect you. To begin emergency preparedness within your own family, you should begin thinking about some of the most likely emergencies that could happen to you where you live. I have listed here a few of the emergencies that are the most likely to happen, no matter where you live. Neighborhood evacuation There are a few different reasons why … Continue reading
It’s the night before the big test and I mean BIG. Not only am I anxious, but my son is as well. I have to wonder if he is well prepared for what will be on this extensive Social Studies test. I have to admit that part of me is a bit perturbed at the teacher for having such a lengthy outline of what the students may expect on the test. These kids are only in fourth grade and already have to know so much information and in so little time. However, I do realize that teachers have guidelines to … Continue reading
A few years ago at the age of 30, I decided it was time for me to finish my degree. Oh, why did I not do this sooner? It would have been so much easier if I had finished in my early twenties when I was single and didn’t have a child at home. But oh no, I had to do it now. For months I tossed the idea around. My dear husband supported me, but I could hear the hesitation in his voice. I didn’t blame him, as we both had other responsibilities to consider. Not only did we … Continue reading
If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to family preparedness you should consider “Dare to Prepare!” by Holly Drennan Deyo. This guide has close to five hundred pages of detailed information on family preparation. It is organized in a clear and concise manner. It is a good book to have on hand when preparing your family for a disaster. This guide is very comprehensive because it has chapters that address individual natural disasters, as well as manmade disasters. You can learn how to protect your family during a terrorist attack or a nuclear attack. You will learn how to … Continue reading
As a parent you may consider having your child enroll in a life skills course in school or after school. These classes can be beneficial, as your child becomes more independent. The types of courses that fit in these categories can vary widely. It may be a class that you can take with your child to have some extra time together. It may be a class that you have her take by herself, so that she can stretch herself. Here are five possible classes. 1) You may consider having your child taking a basic cooking class. This is especially true … Continue reading
If you are interested in teaching your children about safety you may want to look into two courses offered through the American Red Cross. Both of these courses are designed to be taught in a group setting. The American Red Cross does not offer them at their facilities, as they do with other classes. You can purchase the curriculum to teach in an elementary school or at church group or another setting. The first class is “First Aid for Children Today” (F.A.C.T.). This course is designed for children between the ages of five and eight. It teaches about personal hygiene … Continue reading
One class that you may want to consider taking is a basic auto repair class. Most community and technical colleges offer basic auto repair classes, so you should be able to find one that is available in your community. If you have ever been stranded on the side of the road, and do not know what to do next, then this class will benefit you. I, personally, know nothing about cars. I can check the oil, but that is about all. I can’t even check the other fluids. Whenever I take a car to the shop, I feel like the … Continue reading
One type of class that you may want to sign up for is a lifeguard course. This is especially important if you have a pool at your home. It is also important if you spend a significant time in or around water. These classes will teach you the steps you need to take if you find anyone in need of help in the water. It can be difficult to know what to do if you haven’t taken the time to learn what to do in this situation. One good place to sign up for this class is the American Red … Continue reading