Winter Safety Tips

Winter weather can be very serious. Several parts of the United States regularly experience freezing temperatures and large amounts of snow every winter. This kind of weather may look pretty in photos, but it can be dangerous to have to live in and deal with. Here are some winter safety tips that can help keep you, and your family, safe this winter. Snow Removal Safety The National Safety Council (NSC) has some safety tips regarding snow removal. They advise that people who are over the age of 40, and who are relatively inactive, should be especially careful when shoveling snow. … Continue reading

When You Are Prepared, You Don’t Panic

On Tuesday evening there was a loud pop and a few sparks at the end of our driveway. At the same time, our power went out in the house. It looks like the temperamental transformer blew, and it left five homes, including ours, in the dark. Although this was very inconvenient, we didn’t have to panic. We had a cell phone, which we used to call the power company, plenty of bottled water in case we got thirsty (without power, we lose function of the well pump), additional water to flush toilets, lots of snacks and easy to eat food … Continue reading

June is the Start of Hurricane Season

June is the start of the hurricane season, so it is a good idea to make sure that your home and your family are prepared. Making sure that you are safe no matter what nature has in store will give you a good peace of mind. If you prepare now, you’ll be in better shape before a hurricane is predicted in your area, which means you won’t have to run to the store at the last minute and fight for the last case of water or pack of batteries. Being prepared for hurricane season starts with creating an emergency kit. … Continue reading

Avoiding Heat Related Illness

In some parts of the country, heat waves can come on suddenly. The fact that our bodies have not yet become acclimated to the higher temperatures means that sudden heat waves in the spring and early summer can pose an even higher risk than normal of death or serious illness. This is especially true when the heat wave also comes with high humidity. We are experiencing such a heat wave right now here in Pennsylvania. The temperatures are up in the 90s, and the humidity is so high, it seems as thought you could be able to ring out a … Continue reading

What is a Bug Out Bag?

Do you have a bug out bag? Do you even know what that is? Bug out bags are gaining in popularity these days. Find out if it makes sense for you to have one. A bug out bag is a portable bag that contains all of the items that you would need to survive for 72 hours in the event that you need to evacuate from a disaster, such as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when so many were stranded without food, water or medical care. “Bugging Out” is the practice of taking your bug out bag and going to … Continue reading

Building a Storm-Safe Shelter

As part of being prepared, should you build a storm safe shelter? Here is some information about shelters and some things that you should know. Why Build a Storm Shelter The main reason to build a storm shelter is to protect you and your family from severe weather, such as tornados and hurricanes. Having a safe place that you can get to when you are home can mean the difference between life and death. If your area is prone to these type of weather phenomena, for example, if you have ever had a tornado touch down near your home, then … Continue reading

Which States Are Most Prone to Which Disasters?

Wondering where your state falls in terms of natural disasters? Knowing what you could possible expect in your area can help you be prepared. The National Weather Service and USA Today put together a map of where common natural disasters are most likely to occur. That said, keep in mind that natural disasters can occur anywhere in the country. For example, while Connecticut is not listed as particularly vulnerable to blizzards, I saw my fair share of them while living there years ago. Blizzards Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, … Continue reading

Be Prepared for Wildfire

Analysts say that this year is going to be a very active one for wildfires. Residents and visitors in vulnerable areas should be prepared to take precaution and to have a a safety plan in place. What are the states most prone to wildfires? Western states from Washington to New Mexico plus Texas are most prone to wildfires. On the east coast, Florida is also prone to wildfires. If you live or visit one of these states, take precaution. There is plenty that you can do right now to reduce the risk of loss of property and loss of life … Continue reading

Solar Storms Could Affect Our Planet Today

Okay, here is a new one folks, one of the biggest solar storm to hit our planet is in full force today. The solar flare was released from the sun late Tuesday and is expected to cause disruptions across the planet through the next 24 hours. There are two strong solar flares that erupted and sent plasma and charged particles to Earth at 4 million miles per hour! The combination of intense radiation, radio and magnetic material is expected to cause problems for satellites, communication networks and power grids. What this means is a slew of interesting events may occur … Continue reading

Secondary Source of Heat: Emergency Heat

According to a recent survey sponsored by a home generator manufacturer (of course), almost half of all Americans are in jeopardy because they live in an area with extreme winter weather yet do not have a secondary heat source. A secondary heat source is important in the event that you lose your primary hear source, such as when the power goes out. Many non-electric heat sources, such as an oil furnace, still rely on some electricity to run. You don’t want to be caught without heat, especially if your household includes the very young or the elderly. Beside loss of … Continue reading