Be Prepared for a Flu Pandemic

The 2009 appearance of H1N1, or Swine Flu, reminded us all of the real possibility of a devastating flu pandemic in our lifetimes. Because of this, it is good to be prepared. Knowing what to do in advance as well as how to prepare can minimize or eliminate the personal risk of a flu pandemic to you and your family. Here is what you need to know in order to be prepared. A flu pandemic is one that occurs worldwide. It could be made up of any kind of flu, from seasonal flu to bird flu to H1N1 to another … Continue reading

A Great Website on Food Safety

In a food handling permit course that I took in high school, I was told that 98 percent of all twenty four-hour flu bugs were actually caused by food poisoning. This fact changed the way I looked at food, and how I chose what to eat and why. With the recent spinach scare I stumbled across a great site This site is a wealth of information. There is a great section available for kids and teens. One of the features on this site is a coloring book that explains basic food safety rules to children. It also links to … Continue reading

Check and Rotate Your Expired Medication

As you begin to stock up on cold medicine for the winter, it is a great time of the year to go through your medications and dispose of the ones that have expired. You will want to do so in a safe manner. You do not want to leave the medications in a place where children can reach them. In the past it was recommended that you flush the medication down the toilet for safe disposal. Environmentalists re beginning to say that this method is unsafe. It can introduce antibiotics and hormones into the environment, which can affect the plants … Continue reading

Keep Your Family Safe During a Heat Wave

As the country suffers a heat wave it is important to be prepared to deal with the rising temperatures in order to protect yourself and your family. There are a few simple things you can do to avoid suffering from the heat. 1) Avoid going out during the hottest part of the day. If you do go out be sure to drink plenty of water and do not participate in strenuous activities. Rest often and go inside as soon as possible. You can plan your outdoor activities for the early morning or the late evening. 2) Make sure that you … Continue reading

More Important Information from American Medical ID

Not only does American Medical ID have different types of jewelry, they also have a variety of styles to choose from. Styles come in stainless steel, nylon, sterling silver, gold-filled, 10Kt and 14 Kt gold. Important medical information as well as personal information (as you specify) is engraved on your choice of jewelry at no additional cost. Their jewelry starts at an affordable $21.95. Check them out at American Medical ID explains that these IDs are critical due to these facts – * In an emergency a medical ID bracelet or necklace speaks when the wearer cannot * Symptoms … Continue reading

Safe, Medical ID Jewelry from American Medical ID

American Medical ID makes beautifully engraved medical ID jewelry for people of all ages, even children. If your child, or someone you know has any sort of health problem such as the following they should be wearing a medical ID at all times. Some ailments, diseases such as these can be engraved on the jewelry: * Asthma * Diabetes * Seizure Disorder * Alzheimer’s * Hearing, Sight or Mental Impairment * Food or Drug Allergy * Organ Transplant * Heart Disease * Lung Ailment * Rare Diseases * Blood Disorder American Medical ID can custom engrave any type of ailment … Continue reading

Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer with Steamguard Technology

I remember, as I’m sure some of you do, having Vicks Vaporub rubbed on my chest and back when I had a cold or flu. It always made me feel better, breath better, and sleep better. Now I use it on my daughters when they are sick, and they also love the soothing and comforting vapors. Vicks wonderful product just transformed into something even better. They have launched their new, innovative product, Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer with Steamguard Technology. So, what the heck is that? It sounds nice, but let me show you some of the great features of this … Continue reading

FDA Medication Recalls

All drugs containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA) are being recalled. You might want to try calling the 800 customer service number on the side, which is listed on most boxes. They can help you get a refund for your medication. You should stop taking any medication containing phenylpropanolamine immediately. Medications containing phenylpropanolamine have been linked to increased hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in the brain) among women from the age of 18 to 49 within only three days after taking this type of medication. Although problems have not been found in men the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) is advising everyone (including … Continue reading

What Foods Your Baby Can’t Have And Why

A baby’s digestive system isn’t as developed as older children’s. What is completely fine for a child to eat further on down the line, can have enormous negative effects if introduced too early. So it isn’t always a matter of the substance, it’s a matter of timing. Most fruits and vegetables are fine for a 7-8 month old baby, but keep in mind that citrus fruits can cause a painful diaper rash. Also beets and spinach, although other wise a good choice of vegetable, should be avoided until the toddler stage. These veggies have a high concentration of nitrates that … Continue reading

10 Steps to Protect Your Newborn from Illness

Signs of Illness in a Newborn: Does your baby look different? Has your baby’s skin lost color, or is it rosy? Are there any rashes? Does your baby have a fever? Any of these changes could indicate illness. If you notice any of them, or other worrisome changes in your baby, call your baby’s medical professional. Has your baby been acting unusual? Is your baby crying more often than usual? Is your baby more short-tempered than usual? Is your baby sleeping more or less than usual? Does your baby seem worn-out? Has your baby’s eating habits or stools changed? Has … Continue reading