Preparing for Crops

  Weekend scrapbooking crops are the perfect venue to learn new techniques, get inspiration from fellow scrappers and experiment with new tools.  The organized get-togethers are exciting and informative, but they can also be intimidating for newbies. Depending on how large of a crop you attend, you could be looking at scrapbooking with hundreds of other memory book builders.  In order to keep the event running smoothly, there are typically quite a few rules to consider.  When I attended my first crop the following ditty circulated around the ballroom.  It was discovered on and speaks to the unwritten rules … Continue reading

Maximize Your Cropping Adventures

Organized scrapbooking crops are not cheap. However, the memories you can make at them are priceless, which is why it pays to experience at least one or two in your lifetime. In order to make the most of your cropping weekend adventure, it’s important to get organized, so you don’t waste precious time while you are surrounded by inspirational scrappers. Remember to pack your papers, embellishments, adhesives and tools. In addition, you may want to bring along a cushion to sit on. Some crops offer comfortable ergonomic chairs with padded seats, while others simply provide metal folding or banquet chairs. … Continue reading

Common Themes for Scrapbooking Parties

Hosting a scrapbooking party, workshop or crop? Trying to come up with a theme for it, can be challenging. You will want to focus on a theme that can work for you decoration, food and even supply wise. I don’t recommend themes that require massive costumes, simply because at that point, your scrapbooking buddies won’t be able to scrapbook because their costumes get in the way. So how do you come up with a theme for a scrapbooking party or crop? Well, it isn’t a whole lot different than hooking yourself up with a great birthday party theme either. Here … Continue reading

Setting the Scene of Your Scrapbooking Get Together

Setting the scene of a scrapbooking get together entails a lot more than just decorations. Since most of the time when you are getting together, you are doing it to scrapbook with each other. It is important to think also about room set up and where to put tables, what type of tables you need, how much space each person will need to spread out and other conditions affecting the general set up of your scrapbooking get together. Folding card tables are pretty popular among scrapbookers and can typically fit two very comfortably at each. So, if you are inviting … Continue reading

Planning a Scrapbooking Get Together

Having a get together of any sort, with your scrapbooking friends, is a great way to share your ideas and creativity, as well as a great time to connect and bond with your friends. It seems as if a lot of work would go into planning some type of scrapbooking get together, and while it does take some work, it can be loads of fun to plan and you will have a great time if you follow these easy ideas. Choose the Location, Date and Time You might just wish to host it at your home, providing a more intimate … Continue reading

Planning a Scrapbooking Get Together

Having a get together of any sort, with your scrapbooking friends, is a great way to share your ideas and creativity, as well as a great time to connect and bond with your friends. It seems as if a lot of work would go into planning some type of scrapbooking get together, and while it does take some work, it can be loads of fun to plan and you will have a great time if you follow these easy ideas. Choose the Location, Date and Time You might just wish to host it at your home, providing a more intimate … Continue reading

Finding Scrapbooking Retreats

Are you interested in attending a scrapbooking retreat? Do the girls you scrapbook long for some time away from home, spending a little girlfriend time together and getting some serious scrapbooking done without interruption? A scrapbooking retreat is perfect for this! But how do you find them? First of all, you can certainly search the Internet. I did and found several, except I feel that word of mouth is definitely a more powerful advertising tool. In addition to finding out someones favorite retreat location, you will be able to ask questions about the specifics of the location. What is around … Continue reading

Planning Your Scrapbooking Crop (2)

Now that we have begun our discussion on planning your scrapbooking crop and we have discussed the food and beverage, as well as the invitations, there are still a few other things we need to look at in hosting a scrapbooking crop. There are so many different ways to host one, you will need to decide if you want it to just be basic and simple, or if you want to follow a theme and decorate and have contests and more. In the meantime, let’s take a look at two other areas of concern. Supplies and Tools Most crop hostesses … Continue reading

Planning Your Scrapbook Crop (1)

We started out talking about setting up your scrapbooking crop, because making sure you have the space to hold it is one of the most important steps. If there isn’t enough workspace scrapbookers will have a difficult time getting work done. Now it is time to talk about planning for the crop. Each of these categories are areas you must think about when you are planning your crop. Hosting a scrapbooking crop can get expensive, so you also have to think about the cost involved, and if you can cut costs anywhere. Some hostesses charge a $10.00 fee which goes … Continue reading

Setting Up a Scrapbooking Crop

You have decided that you want to host a scrapbooking crop, and we are going to naturally assume that this will take place at your home. This is a really fun way to get together with your girlfriends, have a blast, share ideas and get some scrapbook pages complete. There are many steps to creating a successful scrapbooking crop, and we will delve into those as we go along. The first step in the whole planning phase, after selecting location and for this article, we are going to be assuming it is at your home, you will now need to … Continue reading