Why Journal?

A couple of days ago, I was involved in a conversation with a non-scrapbooker about journaling and scrapbooking. While I love having these conversations, there are some that stay with me longer and make me really think about things. This was one of those conversations. Jennifer is just figuring out that she would like to put her pictures in a pretty album so her children can enjoy looking at them. She doesn’t think she’s creative enough to make pretty, elaborate pages like many of the traditional scrapbookers, and she really doesn’t think she has the time. Those two things I … Continue reading

Recording Memories

The holidays always bring an increase in the discussion of treasured family memories. It isn’t really the holidays that do it specifically, but mostly its because families are together during this special time and new memories are being created. Families usually enjoy talking about past memories and often we learn things we didn’t know before, from these brief sessions. Here are some tips to help you record your memories a little bit easier. Ask questions. Interview family members, ask them lots of questions and get information on photographs you might not know about. Try to learn about dates, events and … Continue reading