National Scrapbooking Day

Today, Saturday May 3, 2008 is National Scrapbooking Day. NSD as it is affectionately referred to was first created by the International Scrapbooking Association, although many are confused and believe it started back in 1994 by Creative Memories (It did not). It was an idea conceived to promote the art of scrapbooking while celebrating with those that enjoy the craft. It is always the first Saturday of May. Thousands of people world wide plan and participate in National Scrapbooking Day activities and events. From store specials, to classes and projects offered just for the day, there are all sorts of … Continue reading

Old Scrapbooking Trends Make a Comeback

Scrapbooking has literally grown in leaps and bounds in the past ten years or more. Everyday new innovative products are released or designed with the scrapbooker exclusively in mind. However, as the industry continues to grow and change, obviously so do the different trends. So what do you do when you have spent a fortune on a particular tool or other item that seems to have run its course? First of all, you should use whatever you want to use on your layouts. Besides, who are those layouts for? You and your family are the ones that will enjoy them … Continue reading

Breaking the Rules of Scrapbooking

In an earlier article I touched on there being no rules in scrapbooking. I suppose that isn’t exactly true, because there are certainly some thing you should or shouldn’t do. However, it depends on what your reasoning is behind the creation of that layout. You might make layouts because it is an awesome outlet for your creativity. You might like the ability to express yourself through art, and maybe photography and the freedom to do what you want on your layouts leaves you feeling exuberant. Theres is nothing like the feeling of a masterpiece complete when we have finished a … Continue reading

Therapeutic Scrapbooking

Do you ever wonder if you would benefit from some honest to goodness therapy? We all hit rough spots in our lives, it is part of normal living. However, if you pick up the average scrapbookers albums and start flipping through, you might come to the conclusion that they have the perfect life. Why is this? Because we tend to only scrapbook the positive, happy memories. We want our albums to reflect happy times and not dwell on problems we have had in the past. Except those events in your life that were less than wonderful, help shape who you … Continue reading

Is Scrapbooking Dying Out?

When you’re in the industry as long as I have been, you tend to see different trends come and go, different products reach their height and then die out, and meet people who are scrapaholics and then simply drop scrapbooking all together. I was surprised to see a discussion on a message board which posed the question on whether the whole trend of scrapbooking was dying out. What I have to say to that, is simply no. Whatever the evidence in question is or was, scrapbooking is here to stay. And now with the introduction of digital scrapbooking, it opened … Continue reading

New Year Scrapbooking Goals 2008

First, I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year and a safe and prosperous 2008. It is hard to believe we have completed another year in our lives. It has almost been two years since I started with as well. Time seems to just fly by in a rapid pace, and if we blink, we just might miss something. This is why scrapbooking is such a significant hobby. It is a great way to preserve the everyday life that occurs and save it for future generations. And if you aren’t interested in future generations, then it’s just … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Withdrawal and How I Conquered It

First I would like to say it is really nice to be back and cozy with my family at I have missed you all while I took a break in November to get some writing done and other projects. I am happy to be back and look forward to sharing some all new and fun articles to get you on your scrapbooking way. Now, onto the bigger statement at hand. I suffered from Scrapbooking Withdrawal during all the time. I had absolutely no spare minutes to spend doing one of the things I love to do most. So I … Continue reading

The Scrapbook Store Garage Sale Controversy

Many local scrapbook stores around the United States, plan and host garage sales a couple of times a year. Often there is one in the Spring and one in the Fall, but some will just do one in the Summer months. Does your scrapbook store do one? There has been a large amount of controversy surrounding garage sales hosted by scrapbook stores. Why? Because there is a strong belief by many that they lose a lot of money, and time when paying someone to sell their items. And then, in the same breath, there are a lot of people who … Continue reading

What Are Your Scrapbooking Goals?

Scrapbooking like any hobby, requires planning, work and goal setting. Every year at the New Year I set goals for myself during the year. I strive to make them manageable goals so that I can feel as if I have obtained something and succeeded. Usually in the summer I review my goals and alter what I need to make them more realistic. With the New Year only two and a half months away, I started thinking about my goals for next year. My priorities are different now. I am still an avid scrapbooker and photographer, but I am also a … Continue reading

The Best of the Best Scrapbooking Articles

With 2008 peering ahead at us, a mere two and a half months away, I thought that I would do something a little different in the scrapbooking blog and change it up a bit one day a week. I thought it would be handy and useful, to provide you with the best of the best scrapbooking articles and how-to’s out there. Wouldn’t it be fabulous to have the best, right there at your fingertips each week? How it will work is simple, I will choose a topic each week, and give you links to the best of the best out … Continue reading