How to Store Leftover Photographs

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, and the big quest for leftover recipes already in browser search engines, I thought it would be a great time to take a look at leftover scrapbook supplies. Starting with photographs we easy because it is the most commonly leftover scrapbook supply. So what do you do with all those leftover photographs that are taking up space and are not seeing the light of day? I don’t scrap every picture I take. I try to scrap as many as I can, but I don’t do every one. Those that say they do, must either … Continue reading

Digital Cameras, Fireworks Photographs and Scrapbooking

Capturing the fireworks on the Fourth of July or any other holiday, can be extremely difficult. Not many camera’s are designed to take the magnificent photographs you see in books and magazines. A digital camera makes it even harder, as the pictures tend to turn out grainy and unfocused in low light. Most scrapbooker’s that I have talked to, have admitted that one, they wish they had a picture or two of fireworks to include on their Fourth of July layouts. And two, that they knew how to take a better picture of the fireworks. So I’d like to teach … Continue reading

Why Do I Need a Disposable Camera for Scrapbooking?

As any scrapbooker would know, the layouts are about the photos. Or at least, they are supposed to be. And most scrapbookers own a camera that has more functions than we know what to do with. Our camera is our lifeline. It is the main preserver in this hobby we love. So if I have this great camera, what do I need a disposable camera for? Disposable camera’s are one of those commodities that a scrapbooker should not be without. There are several reasons for this, but I will give the most obvious. Water Pools, Lakes, The Ocean – It’s … Continue reading

What Are You Forgetting To Photograph In Your Child’s Life

Sometimes we overlook the obvious. We might be so keen on capturing events and experiences, celebrations and holidays, that we forget the other things that are important to remember. When we have children, we want our children to remember every positive aspect of their childhood. There is nothing wrong with that. However, I am quite sure there are some things you might not have thought of, or that you might wish to capture now. These photographs can be commemorated in a single scrapbook layout or in a group page of like items. If you are looking for more opportunities to … Continue reading

Where To Get Your Photographs Developed (2)

Continuing from yesterday’s article, Where To Get Your Photographs Developed, this article will continue to show you the basic types of photo labs and places available for processing your film and getting digital prints printed. While there are many options, these articles discuss only the most basic options. Commercial Photo Labs Generally these are not available to the general public, however they are used for the general public. These are the labs that major discount stores, grocery stores and pharmacies send the film to process, when you drop it off for anything other than one hour service. Commercial photo labs … Continue reading

Where To Get Your Photographs Developed (1)

As scrapbookers, our most prized possessions usually include our photographs. Priceless picture of our memories that cannot ever be replaced if something should happen to them. Sure, you can keep the memory in your mind and heart, but nothing can capture a story like a photograph. Do you ever wonder where the best place to get your photographs developed, actually is? Do you ever get nervous dropping off a roll of film, wondering if the photographs will turn out? Will they lose the film? Or when you upload your digital prints online, or burn them to CD and take them … Continue reading

Keeping Your Photos Safe: The Scientific Side

The scientific side of keeping your photographs safe goes far beyond just keeping your photos away from water, dirt, high temperatures and making sure not to leave fingerprints and scratches. Although those are important, there are some more scientific things to be aware of. Most scrapbookers have heard the word acidic and the words lignin free. Perhaps you’ve even heard of buffered. But what does all this mean to a scrapbooker and how do you take proper precautions to make sure that the supplies you are using won’t damage your photographs? The first rule is always to look for supplies … Continue reading

Tips for Better Photos

Pictures are something that we depend on to help us tell our stories on almost every layout we create. Most of the time the photos are the focus of each creation. So, I think that it is important to strive to take better pictures so that we will have more material, which inspires us to create even more layouts. I am certainly not an excellent photographer, but I have learned a lot of things since becoming involved in scrapbooking. Here are a few of the things I have learned along the way. Take LOTS of pictures. I think the best … Continue reading

10 Most Common Photo Mistakes Scrapbookers Make (2)

While there is no right or wrong way to scrapbook, photos are known to make or break the layout. With proper preparation you can be sure that you don’t make any of the most common mistakes made. Here are five more of the top ten most common photo mistakes that scrapbookers make, and how they can be avoided. Camera Shake – This is actually more common than we would like to admit. Usually occurs when the wind is blowing, or the photographer moves or shakes slightly. The only way to help is to keep the camera as steady as possible … Continue reading

10 Most Common Photo Mistakes Scrapbookers Make (1)

There is no right or wrong way to scrapbook. Layouts are a creative outlet for most, and can be done any way a scrapbooker is inspired to create it. However, the photos the scrapbooker uses, need to be the best quality they can be. Often, they make or break the final layout. Here are five of the top ten most common photo mistakes that scrapbookers make, and how they can be avoided. Forgetting the camera – Alright, we have all done it. Either carry a disposable camera, or purchase one that can fit into your purse. Try to be sure … Continue reading