Summer Scrapbooking Fun With Sandals or Flip Flops

Summer means hot days, popsicles, pools and sprinklers, shorts and t-shirts and hopefully a brand new pair of flip flops or sandals. What in the world does this have to do with scrapbooking? Let me show you how to create a fun piece to use on your layouts, as a card, as an album cover or as anything else you choose to use it for! Step 1: Grab a pair of flip flops and trace around them or search the web until you find a pattern for a flip flop (I found this one). You can either enlarge it or … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Your Favorite Recipe

Cookbooks fascinate me. Mostly the type that have beautiful full color photographs offsetting a delicious, mouth-watering recipe. I’ve discussed creating a cookbook with your scrapbooking supplies before. Did you listen? A couple of months back my mother’s art class decided to put together a cookbook using their beautiful painting techniques. My mother didn’t want to take the time to paint her page, and I have absolutely no painting skills. She asked me if I would scrapbook the recipe she wanted to do and hand over a page. She wanted two pages. One real clean and simple that she could add … Continue reading

Tips For Scrapbooking With Your Children

Scrapbooking is loads of fun and can be a great way to express creativity. Can you turn it into a family hobby and actually scrapbook with your children? It is easy to do and possible even with toddlers and preschoolers. Don’t just let them make their own layouts, ask them to help you with yours. I can almost hear the gasps of horror go around as you read that last line. I’m serious though. There are many ways a child can help with a layout you are creating, even if it is a masterpiece that you cannot imagine allowing your … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Small Milestones

Our scrapbook albums tend to be full of these big events and activities. We commemorate birthdays, graduations, weddings, the birth of a new baby and many other huge events. But what about all the small events? There are dozens of other events that we overlook or forget about, that would be great to commemorate on a scrapbook page. This all started when I realized that I have been with this website for almost two years. My anniversary is in March and I wanted to remember that. A totally insignificant event to almost anyone else. There are dozens of other small … Continue reading

Holiday Scrapbooking Gift Ideas

If you are trying to come up with the perfect gift for someone on your list, why not take a look in your scrapbook area or room and see what you can create that would make the perfect gift. There are dozens of items you can make that would bring a smile to anyones face. Here are a few ideas to get you started on the creative thinking process. Scrapbook Page Using your papers and supplies create a beautiful page just like you would ordinarily for your albums. Instead of slipping it into a page protector, instead purchase a frame … Continue reading

Portraits and Layouts: Home Studio Portraits

Not all scrapbookers choose to go pay the high prices for expensive studio portraits. So where do they get their portraits? Aside from the yearly school portrait packages that come home, usually they create their own home studios for taking these same types of portraits. Personally, I have not created a home studio to take portraits however I spend such a large amount of time with my camera in my hand that I have learned how to take great portraits of my children. So what do I do with all those prints? With taking your own prints, if you are … Continue reading

Portraits and Layouts: What’s With All the Sizes?

Portrait packages are notorious for coming with several different sizes. From almost too big to do anything with except hang on the wall, to being to small for anything that even resembles being able to see the photograph, the sizes can be challenging to work with. Yes indeed, the sizes of portraits are a problem. Those little bitty pictures are annoying, face it. You get dozens of them and they are so minute or tiny that they are even to small to reasonably work well in a typical persons wallet. How can you enjoy showing off pictures of your children … Continue reading

Portraits and Layouts: Dealing With All Those Portraits

As part of this series about portraits and your layouts, I am determined to find solutions for what to do with each of the problems that faces a scrapbooker. Many scrapbookers find the simply obnoxious amount of photographs you get in a package to be overwhelming. What to do with all those pictures? The Number of Portraits is definitely a problem for scrapbookers. Yes, you usually receive dozens of the exact same picture in a portrait package. That can be great when you have a lot of relatives and friends and family to share with. But can also be really … Continue reading

Portraits and Layouts

Portraits seem to be a challenge for many scrapbookers to turn into layouts. I’m not sure if it is because you are left with so many pictures, a very common complaint. Or if it is because of the many different sizes you receive in a portrait package. Perhaps its because not all portraits are captured at a studio, or you get the shots yourself, and most scrapbookers want to make the perfect layout to go with them. I have no idea what it is, but I am on a quest to make scrapbooking your portraits easier. There are several factors … Continue reading

Frugal Scrapbooking: Mother’s Day

Is your mom one of those that has everything? Mine is not a “things person” and already has what she wants. So what do I do for Mother’s Day, knowing that she doesn’t like clutter and doesn’t really need anything? We thought and thought, and my brother came up with the solution. It was brilliant. I’m one of eleven children (hooray for big families, the best thing you can give your child!). We’re scattered throughout the country, and even overseas. Doug had the bright idea to use our digital cameras to shoot Mother’s Day greetings from around the globe. He … Continue reading