Document the Day

It’s a snow day around here.  And by snow day I mean, schools are closed, highways are blocked, and I am praying that the electricity stays on so that I can post this without incident. Snow and cold are nothing new in northern Wisconsin, especially in January.  However, when we get hit with a storm as massive as this one, even I venture out to document the aftermath.  Then, I do what any self-respecting scrapbook fanatic does; create a layout employing as many techniques as possible. You don’t need to wait for a major milestone to craft an eye-popping page … Continue reading

Super Bowl Scrapping

Are you ready for some football? Even if you are not into watching grown men pummel each other in order to get their hands on a precious piece of pigskin, the Super Bowl is likely one football game you tune into.  Whether you watch it for the commercials, the halftime show, or you are truly interested in the game’s outcome, the iconic sporting event can be scrapbook worthy. The NFL championship game attracts millions of viewers each year and is the cause for many parties from coast-to-coast.  If you are planning to gather with friends and family to celebrate Super … Continue reading

Holiday Time Crunch

Do you wait until January to craft holiday-themed layouts? I used to stock up on festive Christmas-themed embellishments, papers and memorabilia throughout the month of December, and then go into hiding during the first week of January to complete a marathon scrapbooking session.  However, my pages never turned out as well as I would have liked given my time crunch.  I felt pressure to slap together holiday memory albums just so I could cross it off my to-do list.  What’s more, I was extremely bothered by the idea of working on Christmas scrapbooks when Valentine’s Day was just around the … Continue reading

Customize Frames For Cheap

Whether you are a fan of digital or traditional scrapbooking, frames play a big part in layout construction. Frames make pictures pop and add to the overall appeal of a page design. In addition, frames can add personality to an image and help tie it into a specific theme. For example, if you are crafting a Halloween-themed layout, consider selecting a pumpkin-shaped frame to display a photo of your costumed ghost, goblin, princess… or pumpkin. Fortunately, there are a slew of different frames widely available at scrapbook supply stores and online. Choices range from traditional circle and squares to elaborate … Continue reading

Attention to Detail

What makes an ordinary layout extraordinary? For me, it’s all about the details. For example, a page design detailing a trip to the petting zoo is fine with photos of your kids interacting with bunnies, goats and chicks, plus a few stickers or die cuts depicting the same animals. However, if you really want to make your layouts pop, consider adding some fun details. For example, you could create a page border with stamped tracks. If you can’t find stamps or sticker tracks of the animals you saw at the zoo, then print your own from the Internet or draw … Continue reading

Sticky Situation

My mom is a die hard fan of glue dots. I am not. Long before she got into scrapbooking my mother’s craft adhesive of choice was a stash of glue dots. However, not only is she a rabid fan, but she’s also a pusher of the sticky circles. She’s been after me to give up my double sided tape and glue gun for years. While I have nothing against glue dots per se, I don’t think they should be used on all scrapbooking materials. For example, I think tape works much better when you are trying to adhere chipboard to … Continue reading

Speedy Scrapbooking

Sometimes I want to just sit an enjoy my art. I want to take it slow, and really make the perfect layout that I can cherish forever. Then, there are other days where I just want to get it done. I wish I could whip out 5 layouts, and move onto the pictures that I really feel passionate about making a great layout to honor those photos. So, sometimes, I wish I could scrapbook a little bit faster! One idea for helping you scrapbook a little faster could be to go through your supplies once a month and make yourself … Continue reading

Tie a Ribbon Around It

I love to scrapbook with ribbon. It can add so much to your page, and there are lots of things that you can do with ribbon to add dimension, and life to your scrapbook pages. This weekend, I actually got to sit down and do a scrapbook layout. It seems like it is harder and harder these days to find time to scrap. But, I used a lot of ribbon on a particular layout, and loved how it turned out. I took a very thick piece of ribbon that I wanted to use for an accent color. In this particular … Continue reading

Wednesday’s Weekly Challenge-Lots of Circles

I saw this layout recently that I loved that involved a ton of circles. So, for this week’s challenge, I thought we could try to imitate this layout, and cut lots of circles. To make circles, you can always use a circle cutter. However, for this project, we are going to create little circles. But, before we get to the circles, start with choosing a solid colored cardstock for your background. Then, choose one patterned paper to go over half the page. On the patterned paper, you will place your photo, or photos, and title. This will help you with … Continue reading