My Scrapbooking Week In Review- October 4th-October 9th

This week has been a great week for me for scrapbooking. The previous week, my dear daughter had a horrible stomach bug, and not much was done in the way of scrapbooking or doing anything else really except taking care of her! I am glad that is over, and that she is feeling better. So, this week, I wanted to jump right in and get some scrapbooking done again. I got several layouts done for my scrapbooks and had a lot of fun writing about the following topics: October 4th-Confessions of a Messy Scrapbooker A fun post about my scrap … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Blog Month in Review – October 2008

It hardly seems plausible that October is over and we are now staring ahead into November. Before I blink again, I am afraid Christmas will be here and I won’t know where the time went. Before you get all wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, be sure to check out what happened in the scrapbooking blog last month. I’d also like to encourage you to come back and visit frequently in the upcoming weeks for great gift ideas, new products and of course plenty of project ideas and other great scrapbooking related information. Here’s what … Continue reading

September 2008 Scrapbooking Month in Review

Did you know that the month of September was actually National Stamping Month, and that National Stamping Day fell which after a bit of research, I am find actually started with Close to My Heart, a home-based scrapbooking and stamping business. They have also made the second Saturday in September each year, National Stamping Day. What fun to celebrate one of our passions. Here is what was going on in the scrapbooking blog in the month of September. Time Saving Scrapbooking Tips for the Busy Holiday Season That magical time of year is quickly approaching and as each day passes, … Continue reading

August Scrapbooking Month in Review

I cannot believe it is already September. Our children are back to school, today is Labor day and fall is officially on its way. The year is simply flying by and before we know it we are going to be sipping apple cider and watching the leaves change colors. In the Midwest we are already experiencing unseasonably cool weather. Here is what happened in the scrapbooking blog in the month of August. See if you missed anything. How to Get Your Scrap Space More Organized There is nothing more inspiring than sitting down to scrapbook in an organized space. However, … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review

I’ve decided to forgo the typical Week in Review and focus more on a bi-weekly update of sorts here and in my other topics. It makes it far more interesting when there are more things to look at, and it allows you to see more articles that you might have missed. So what’s been up in the scrapbooking blog lately? Many scrapbookers struggle to figure out how to store their scrapbook albums. They wonder what the right things to do are, or perhaps how someone else might do it. In Displaying Your Scrapbook Albums you’ll find a few ways that … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for May 26 – June 1, 2008

Summer has finally arrived. The humidity level in the Midwest has made it difficult to enjoy being outdoors during the main daylight hours, so I have tried to play catch up on some scrapbooking. We have also had plenty of events lately that have called for some handmade cards so I have been busy churning those out as well. I will be sharing the How To directions for those in the upcoming week. In the meantime, catch up on some reading in case you missed these in the Scrapbooking Blog this week. How Do I Find Time To Scrapbook? School’s … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for May 12-18, 2008

School’s almost out, the days are getting longer and warmer and we had another great week in the scrapbooking blog. Who could ask for much more? Hopefully by now you have noticed that I have changed things up a bit this month and that there are now new ideas and step by step directions included more often. Here’s what has been happening in the scrapbooking blog. What is Hybrid Scrapbooking? If you are active in the scrapbooking community at all, you might have seen reference to a new term dubbed hybrid scrapbooking. But what in the world does it mean? … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for May 5-11, 2008

The weather has been somewhat more cooperative this week, but still we are plagued with rain that seems as if it won’t quit on some days. I am so tired of rain, yet have used the bad weather as an excuse to hang out with my kids, create more memories and overall spend some extra time scrapbooking. Here is what has been going on in the scrapbooking blog this week of May 5 – 11, 2008. How to Get Great Pictures The question is often asked, “How do I get great pictures?”. There is no need to be an expert … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for April 28 – May 05, 2008

Is it raining in your world today? It seems as if the rain has increased, rather than let up. Isn’t the old saying “April Showers, Bring May Flowers.”? Take advantage of the continuing rain and spend some time scrapbooking and playing around with your supplies. Perhaps you could even spend some time organizing your stash, going through your albums, or even set up a fun portrait session with your kids. Here is what has been going on in the scrapbooking blog this week. Be sure and check out the new columns appearing in the scrapbooking blog that were introduced this … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for April 21-30, 2008

I was on vacation enjoying our first real glimpse of summer weather, the last week of April and realized that I wasn’t able to do a Week in Review for April 21-27. So this is what was going on that week. Keep your eyes on the scrapbooking blog for some great new features and columns coming this week. I would love to hear from you all about what you would like to see more of, so please don’t hesitate to email me or leave a comment. Swaps – What’s the Point? Swaps have been around for awhile, and depending on … Continue reading