What Have You Learned About Money for Your Next Partnership?

Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of brushing up on one’s math skills and mastering some basic math and financing skills as a single parent. Since money is such a big issue for many of us and it becomes an even bigger issue in many marriages and partnerships, I thought it would be beneficial to talk about what we have learned from our past relationships and mistakes and ask whether or not you think you have learned anything that you will take with you into your next partnership? In reality, we humans often do not learn from the things we … Continue reading

Math Skills for a Single Parent

Strangely enough, I think I use more math in my every day life as a single parent than I did when I was partnered. Even though I paid most of the bills when there were two of us, we also had two incomes and two people spending money. As a single parent, I have become completely independent with my finances, but I have also had to learn about investing, retirement and as a small business owner, there has been a boost in the need for math there. I truly believe that every single parent needs to make sure that he … Continue reading

Single Parents—Saving Up for Major Purchases

Budgeting is one of the least favorite topics of many single parents—maybe because it is so important to all of us. If the every day budgeting for groceries, clothes and living expenses is not challenging enough, there is the daunting task of saving up for major purchases—a car, house, or other big expensive item. While the nature of saving is the same, it can feel a bit tougher and more challenging to save up for major purchases for the average single parent. It may take more time for a single parent to save up for a major purchase, but I … Continue reading

Eliminating Debt as a Single Parent

Talking about debt may not be a very fun or popular topic but how we manage our finances can be an extremely big deal for the average single parent. It can be such a tough catch-22 since we need to support our kids and take care of our lives and we also want to keep financial sound on a solid level—this means providing for our kids without going into debt. Now, I want to admit to you that I am NOT completely debt free—I still have several thousand dollars worth of student loans that I will probably be paying on … Continue reading

What Are You Willing to Pay For?

There is a myth out there that all single parents are frugal and cheap. While I have yet to meet a single parent who did not keep at least one key eye on the budget and I would definitely lump myself in that group, I also know that efficiency and saving time are issues for single parents too. If you find that you are pinching that penny a little too tightly, it might be time to take into account what you can save by spending a little money… I am often willing to pay a little extra for shipping and … Continue reading

Remind Yourself You Have Everything You Need

It can be easy to get consumed with what is lacking in a single parent’s life—after all, we are often trying to scrape together money and resources and spread ourselves thin to meet the obligations and requirements of life. We may also feel like we are constantly explaining that we cannot afford something, or feel as though we are putting things on hold due to lack of resources. I think this is why it can be so important to remind ourselves that we really do have everything we need. We are doing fine and all of our requirements are being … Continue reading

Trying to Keep a Recession in Perspective

There is so much talking going on now about recession and budget cuts and financial disaster. It is easy to get caught up in the concerns and predictions of doom. As single parents, we may already be feeling the reality in our bank accounts and check books (although many of us have been feeling the squeeze for some time now) and it can be scary. I think it is important, however, to keep things in perspective and try not to get too overwhelmed or to panic. The fact is, many of us single parents are already well-positioned to make adjustments … Continue reading

“But it’s Organic!”

I think it is pretty fair and honest to say that when I was growing up, we never talked about whether or not food was “organic.” Now, my mom was in to healthy eating and did the whole “back to nature” scene in the early seventies, but it was more about growing your own and not nearly at the level that things are now. In my own household, I find that my older teens and I are often deciding what we will eat and justifying our food choices based on whether or not something is organic—not necessarily whether or not … Continue reading

An Endless Financial Struggle?

For many single parents, it can feel as though there is just never enough money. No matter how hard you work or how many hours or how many jobs, the income just cannot cover the expenses. No matter how frugally you try to live or how hard you might fight to collect child support or get help with the expenses, it can feel like an endless struggle. Does it have to be this way? Do we have to feel like we are on a nonstop treadmill of financial stress? Yesterday, I asked the question “Does the recession have you worried?” … Continue reading

Does a Recession Have You Worried?

Talk of economic woes and impending recession abound. I wrote the other day about considerations for a home business owner and an impending recession in the Home Business blog, but I started thinking how many single parents feel especially vulnerable when the economy gets rugged. Are you worrying about how your life, livelihood and family will be affected by a recession? Rises in the prices of food and necessities, increased layoffs and job insecurity, rising health care rates and other daily expenses at the same time that income is dipping–all of these are the every day realities of how families … Continue reading