Toy Jail

They always said it was the terrible two’s. Then when Logan turned three I thought they must have been mistaken. Now that he’s four I’m wondering if they must have been off their rocker because four has been much harder than two or three ever was. At least when he was two he didn’t know how to talk back yet, don’t worry, he’s got it mastered now. Somehow in the last month he came up with the notion that he is in charge and he doesn’t have to listen to anyone anymore, especially Mom. We tried time-out. We tried talking … Continue reading

The Importance of Grandparent Relationships

My grandparents got home from Australia this week. They have been serving an LDS mission in Brisbane, Australia over the last two years and we were lucky enough to get the opportunity to pick them up from the airport on Monday. Logan was only two when they left. He frequently talked with them on Skype, but that was his only real memory of them up to this point. He warmed up quickly during the ride home, but what impressed me so much was the fact that the moment they walked off the plane my grandmother was already taking advantage of … Continue reading

Bills, Bills, Bills!

This time of year it seems like the bills really start to pile up. There are normal bills like rent, utilities, and food, but now you have the additional Christmas bills as well. As a single mom who is barely making it as it is it can really put a damper on your holiday spirit. If you’re wondering how you are possibly going to make it this Christmas season, you may be tempted to pull out the credit card. Before you resort to plastic look around and see if there might be some other options, rather than spending all that … Continue reading

Take Them Camping

Summer is almost officially over. Labor day is just around the corner. Are you doing anything fun? As a single mother money is always tight but I still like to take little trips with Hailey. Everyone needs to get away and one final weekend trip to end the summer is always welcome. When I first got divorced I was scared to go camping alone. I’m not sure what I was afraid of but I had to bite the bullet and do it, it was really the only thing I could afford to do. Taking kids camping is always fun as … Continue reading

Preventing Cyber Bullying

Unsupervised kids and the internet are a bad combination. As a single mother it’s almost impossible to watch your child every second they are on the computer. Somehow, we must, until they are old enough to really understand the dangers it is our job to protect them from themselves. Young girls do not understand that people are not always who they say they are, that boy from the next town they are chatting with may very well be a grown man preying on young girls. There are many ways to protect kids online, the biggest being keeping the computer in … Continue reading

Finding A Babysitter

Getting a babysitter for the evening when you are a single mom is almost like getting a little vacation. It’s wonderful if you have family that can care for your child, but sometimes you have to get a babysitter, and that can be scary. Most teenage girls baby-sit at one time or another and the majority of them are really good with the kids. They are close enough in age to remember what is was like to be smaller. When you are looking for a teenage sitter, word of mouth is the best way to find a really good one. … Continue reading

I’m A Big Kid Now

Potty training. Are there any other words that can make a parent want to throw up their hands in surrender? Some kids are so easy to potty train, they practically come out of the womb wearing Barbie panties, others, we wonder if they are going to school in pull ups. As a single mother diapers are an extra expense, and the sooner you can get rid of them, the easier it is on your wallet. However, being a single mother makes potty training more difficult. Usually your child spends time with people other than just you, and not everyone is … Continue reading

Keeping Our Kids Safe

As a parent, we always worry that something will happen to our children. We try to anticipate any situation they could be in that could be harmful and help them avoid it. We give them tools to keep themselves safe. Sadly sometimes, it’s not enough. When you are a single parent keeping your child safe becomes even more of a challenge. Due to only being one person and having to work, you are not able to supervise as much as you would like to, you can’t always be there, just a shout away if they need you. Recently in my … Continue reading

Sparkler Safety

The 4th of July, what fond memories we have of fireworks, sparklers, lots of good food and running around outside long after dark. It was always so much fun and I don’t remember any injuries. Things have changed and with all the fireworks that you can buy in any store now, the incidence of injuries rises. I learned today that sparklers burn at 2,000 degrees and are the number one reason for firework related emergency room visits. As a child, I didn’t know that, as an adult, I’ve experienced it first hand. When Hailey was little a group of us … Continue reading

Preparing Your Kids For An Emergency

It’s scary to think you might be separated from your child in an emergency. All the fires we are having here are making me think about our family emergency plan. When I got divorced one of my biggest fears was that there would be some sort of disaster and I wouldn’t be able to get to Hailey. She went to school on the other side of town from where I worked so if there was an earthquake I probably would not be able to get to her. Once she got a little older and had a cell phone I took … Continue reading