Teachable Moments

Do you take advantage of teachable moments? As a single parent it’s hard to stop what you are doing and focus on how you can use an opportunity to teach your child, but it’s important to do it. I remember one teachable moment when Hailey was three, and even though at the time I thought maybe she was too young, it has stuck with her. I picked Hailey up from daycare and pulled into a 7-11 to get gas. I took Hailey inside with me to pay. Once in the store Hailey asked for a treat, I said no, we … Continue reading

What Are You Modeling?

Yesterday I wrote a little about raising a moral child. The more I think about it the more aware I become that although we all want to raise our children to be incredible human beings, there are so many things we do every day that undermine that. Some of the things I’ve seen and heard, and yes, I am guilty of some of these myself, that go directly against what we want our children to learn, and who we want them to be. “Well, your teacher is dumb to give you homework on a holiday weekend.” “Your father only thinks … Continue reading

Raising a Moral Child

Have you thought much about your child’s moral upbringing? Unfortunately it is one of the things that can fall by the wayside when you are a single parent. With all the other things that need to be done every day you may think that as long as you model good morals your children will learn by example. In some cases, this is true, in others, not so much. I’m not saying you have to take your kids to church every Sunday, I’m just saying that teaching morals needs to be a more active thing than simply modeling what you want … Continue reading

How To Have A Happy Home

Is your home a happy home? I always imagined the American dream, Mom, Dad, kids, living happily every after in a house filled with sunshine. That didn’t happen for me but it was still important that our home was happy. Lots of times I didn’t have the time or energy to make our home happy, I thought it was a lot of work until I discovered it really is the little things that make a happy home. Show affection, every day. Start your day with a hug and end it with a hug. Hug hello and goodbye. It’s amazing how … Continue reading

Become The Alpha Mom

Do you have a hard time saying no to your kids? When I first got divorced no was not part of my vocabulary. I felt so guilty for depriving Hailey of an intact home that I just couldn’t bring myself to deprive her of anything she wanted. Needless to say, this quickly got out of hand. Our kids know who is in control and if you are always giving into them they know they have the upper hand and quickly become manipulative. So many times I’ve heard children stomping off to their rooms after mom told them no, saying things … Continue reading

Just Breathe

Every day can feel like a race against time. There is so much to do and only you to do it. If I sit and talk on the phone for fifteen minutes I feel like I’ve wasted time so I’m usually multi tasking while on the phone. I can cook, clean, fold laundry, work on a craft project, surf the net looking for blog ideas all while talking on the phone. It’s not a skill that can go on my resume but it’s one I’ve needed for the last nine years of being a single parent. There just isn’t time … Continue reading

Kids and the Internet

Do you know what your kids are doing online? Our kids are exposed to so much more than we were at the same age, it’s important to be aware of what they are doing and who they are talking to. As a single mom I’m always short on time, finding time to check up on Hailey online was hard, but it was necessary. On Facebook I see so many young girls posting pictures of themselves that would make their parents furious, if their parents were aware. You have to be aware. It is so easy for online predators to target … Continue reading

Leading By Example

Today there are some more things to add to the parenting list. We all want to raise emotionally well adjusted children. Sometimes that means we have to make the unpopular choice and sometimes it means we have to do things that take us out of our comfort zone. Our kids are worth it. When you are spending time with your kids, be with them, ignore the phone, TV and computer, focus on your children. As a single parent your time is valuable, make sure they time they get is worthwhile. Set boundaries, learn to say no and mean it. Discipline … Continue reading

Raise a Child in the Way He Should Go

The biggest question on my mind, as a single parent, is always, am I doing the right thing? Am I making choices that will benefit Hailey. Am I setting a good example, am I teaching my child to be strong, independent and an asset to our society? No one has all the answers, and sometimes, even when you do the right things, things don’t always turn out like you plan. Minute by minute you are making small choices and big decisions that impact your childs life and who they will become. Sometimes we forget how huge the little things are, … Continue reading

Exercise For Depression

Do you suffer from depression? Most of us, at one time or another, suffer from depression. It can run the gamut from just feeling a little blue to being unable to function. Major life changes can lead to depression so it’s no surprise that many women who go through a divorce suffer from some form of depression. Many of us think we are just fine. We sweep our feelings under the rug because, now with our new single mom status, we just don’t have time or energy to worry about ourselves. We are focused on survival. I know that sounds … Continue reading