Take a Deep Breath

I have a confession to make. I give great advice, but I haven’t been following it lately. I’ve been letting the stress of life get to me. So much so that I had a major melt down last night which in turn led my body to tell me to quit it. How does my body tell me this you ask? I woke up with a cold sore. I had never had one of these until I met my ex-husband, one of the many negative things he passed along. But now, whenever I let the emotional stress consume me I inevitably … Continue reading


I found out my ex-husband is getting remarried tonight. What’s worse, he didn’t have the nerve to tell me himself, I found out through Facebook. At first I was in shock. Wasn’t it only a few months ago that he told me he wasn’t getting married again anytime soon? Wasn’t it only a year ago that he was trying to get back together? While I am thoroughly convinced that getting divorced was the best decision in the world for me, it is hard to watch my former husband become somebody else’s. Not because I want to be with him, but … Continue reading

Act Like An Adult Please!

I’m tired of being the only adult parent my daughter has, her father is chronologically an adult but still acts like a teenager. When I got divorced I promised myself that I would never bash Hailey’s father, I would never make her feel like she had to choose sides or feel guilty for her loyalty. I had hoped that her father would do the same. For the last ten years my ex husband has said mean and hurtful things, about me, to our daughter. Many times Hailey would come home from a visit upset and it would take a day … Continue reading

Keep Social Media Out Of It

Divorce is rarely pretty. We all hope that we can be civil with our ex spouses and behave like the adults we are when working things out. This hardly ever happens. Usually one person wants the divorce more than the other which may leave one of you very bitter. When people are hurt they tend to lash out, now they have a much more public forum in which to garner support for their “side”. Thanks to social media, our most private things are out there for the world to see. There is an awful lot of he said/she said. Usually … Continue reading

Why Did You Get A Divorce?

Kids ask hard questions, there’s no denying that. When I got divorced I was surprised by some of the questions Hailey asked, it seemed that she was aware of more than I thought she was. I tried really hard to give her good answers without pointing any fingers. Since some of the issues leading to my divorce were too adult for her to understand, I sidestepped them. After all, it really isn’t my child’s business that her father was unfaithful. I didn’t want to paint that picture of him for Hailey. I chose instead to tell her that we just … Continue reading

Stop Hurting Your Children

Why can’t we all just get along? Words made famous for a different battle but apply just as much to people after a divorce. Divorce is one of the worst things you can go through, for you and your children. Even worse though are the battles that often continue after the divorce is final. Every day I see people who have turned completely against their ex’s and are trying to drag their children with them. How is it fair to a child to talk negatively about their other parent. I’ve heard parents tell their children that their father doesn’t love … Continue reading

I Wouldn’t Miss This For The World

It really is the simple things in life that make it all worthwhile. There is nothing better than the sound of Hailey’s laughter. Ever since she was a baby if she laughs too hard she gets hiccups. Now that she is all grown up she still does that. I wonder if her father remembers that about her. The hardest part about being divorced is trying to explain to your child why her father isn’t there. I’ve tried so many times, made a million excuses but inside my heart breaks for her. How can he not want to be part of … Continue reading

My Daughter’s Day Without Her Dad

Planning a wedding is so much fun and so much stress. Other than your own wedding there is no wedding you look forward to more than your daughter’s. You want everything to be perfect. Too bad things don’t always work that way. When I got divorced my ex husband and I struggled to figure out what our relationship should be. After a while we came to the conclusion that we wanted to be the best parents we could be to Hailey. Recently my ex husband has decided that Hailey no longer needs him and he doesn’t need to be a … Continue reading

What Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl

One of the hardest things as a single parent is helping your child maintain a relationship with their other parent. It’s even harder when that parent is not doing their part. I worked hard to make sure Hailey had a relationship with her father. I feel like I did more than my fair share, I would drop her off and pick her up on his weekends. He said since I was the one who wanted the divorce then if I wanted him to have Hailey for the weekend I could do the driving, so I did. I invited him to … Continue reading

Stepmothers Are People Too

As a single mother one thing I’ve dreaded is when my ex husband would get remarried. Not because I carried if he was married or not but because of what it would mean to Hailey. I am Hailey’s mom, I want to make the rules, I want to be the one she confides in, I don’t want some stranger disciplining my child. For all single mothers, one day this become a reality. The evil stepmother enters the picture. Cue creepy music and it just gets worse from there. How do you deal with this and how do you help your … Continue reading