I Would Do It All Again

If you had it to do over again, would you? Raising kids is hard, there is no doubt about it. I remember sometimes thinking if I had really known what this was like, I might have made a different choice. Usually that was when I was walking the floor for the third night in a row with a teething baby or when my teenager seemed to hate me and everything I stand for, but it all worked out. For every moment that you think, “What was I thinking?” there are a million more that let you know there is nothing … Continue reading

Grandparents as Single Parents

Anyone will tell you that raising children alone is hard. Raising children is hard no matter how many parents live in the home. These kids did not come with an instruction manual so we are all just winging it and hoping for the best. Every day is a new challenge and sometimes I don’t feel up to it but you just have to keep moving forward. I don’t know about you, but at my age I can’t imagine starting over with little ones, especially by myself, but it happens every day. More and more grandparents are raising their grandchildren due … Continue reading

Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings are my favorite time. Ever since getting divorced is seems like Sunday morning is really the only time Hailey and I can slow down and just enjoy each other’s company. When she was younger there was always so much to do, the weeks were packed and Saturday was super busy with all the household stuff that was neglected all week, but Sunday was our day. Sunday has always been the day we get to slow down, we have a huge breakfast and spend most of the day in our pajamas. We don’t always “do” things together, although sometimes … Continue reading

I’m Grateful

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today is a day to be grateful so I’m going to stop and count my blessings. It’s so easy to get caught up in the cycle of kicking the dirt because of all you don’t have as a single parent, it’s time to be thankful for what we do have. I’m thankful first and foremost for the opportunity to be Hailey’s mother, whether married or single, being her mother is the single best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m especially thankful that my daughter and I are both healthy. It’s easy to take our health … Continue reading

When It Rains, It Pours

I had noticed it when I first pulled up the driveway a few weeks back. I had hoped it would not get any worse. Not knowing anything much about this thing, I did not panic. The following week it looked worse. Now I panicked. The topic of my interest? My roof. I got my three estimates and immediately knew who I wanted to do the job, the first person who gave me the estimate. Not only was he cheaper, but he had done my roof (a reroof) approximately 16 years prior without any future problems. The second guy talked the … Continue reading

Week in Review 7/16 – 7/20

This week, one of the blogs I wrote, Sometimes You Need to Stand up to Medical Professionals, tells the story of my labor and delivery of my son. What should have been a wonderful experience was marred by poor medical decisions. I hope by telling this story that if anyone who reads it needs to stand up to medical professionals, this will inspire them and give them courage. I also covered another change that happened when I became a single parent. In Changes: Finances I covered the ways becoming a single parent was a shock to my finances, and how … Continue reading

Week in Review 7/9 – 7/13

This week in Single Parent I did two blogs on saving money for single parent vacations. Single Parent Vacations: Saving on Transportation I wrote about ways to save money on transportation for your vacation. With ideas from driving yourself, to ways to find less expensive airfare. In Single Parent Vacations: Saving on Lodging, I give ideas on ways to save on the big ticket expense on where you are going to stay when you get where you are going. These ideas are anything from staying with people you know, to camping out under the stars. I also did a blog … Continue reading

Week in Review June 24th – 30th

This week in Single Parenting blog I covered a pretty wide variety of subjects. I jumped around to a few different categories as well. First I covered some changes that took place when I became a single parent. I covered how the importance and mode of music changed when I became a single parent in Changes: My Music. I also talked about my sleep schedule and our sleep schedule. I discussed how it was, how it is, and why it changed in Changes: Sleep Schedule. Another thing that I covered this past week as far as changes go was the … Continue reading

Single Parent Week in Review June 17th – 23rd

This last week, I covered a lot information about traveling as a single parent. I covered this, because I recently traveled with my son to visit my niece in Craig Hospital and spend some time with her there. This was the first time that I really traveled with my son since becoming a single parent. Most of what I covered were helpful hints of things to help you while you were traveling. I covered ways to help ensure that their behavior remains in the acceptable range. In Single Parent Travels: Behavior Rewards I covered one way to do this is … Continue reading

How Are Your Resolutions Coming?

As the end of the first week of our New Year approaches, New Year’s resolutions are in full swing! Most commonly people vow to lose weight and get into better shape during the New Year. With the first day of January comes hope and the thought that this is a new beginning. Toss the previous year’s failures to the wind and start forging ahead towards your renewed goals for the upcoming year. Single parents find themselves making resolutions to get in shape as well but also for better time management. Frequently I will write on topics related to time management … Continue reading