Going to School with Kids

I have been asked several times over the last year how I could possibly manage to continue going to school with a child all while parenting alone. “How do you have time to do homework?” “Who watches your son for you?” “How do you find time to study?” “How do you keep your grades up?” All questions that have continued to come up time and time again. For the record, it hasn’t been an easy task, but here are some things that may help you attempt the college journey as a single mother. First off, don’t forget to check out … Continue reading

Education: Making Choices for Your Family

Sometimes the choices we have to make in life are not always good ones, but essential. Sometimes there is no other way. Does going back to school fit into your plans? Probably not. You are a single parent. You do not have time for school, but how much money do you bring into the household? Do you have enough earning potential to take care of your family? I am sure like most of us, it is lacking. Sure, you get by, but just by the skin of your teeth. Maybe you want to go back to school just for you … Continue reading

Don’t Let Teachers and Administrators Intimidate You

My experiences as a single parent negotiating through school institutions have taught me that I have to be the number one and only advocate for not just my children, but myself and my single parent family as well. Sure, I have met some great people and my kids have had some wonderful teachers—but I have also had to stand up to all sorts of judgment and preconceived stereotypes about what teachers and administrators thought of single parent families, kids from single parent families, and I have had to learn how to NOT get intimidated… I think that what can happen … Continue reading

Taking Continuing Education Classes

We have written here in the Single Parents blog about the challenges and rewards of going back to college or taking higher education classes in order to improve one’s situation, but we haven’t talked much about other types of classes. Community and Continuing Education courses can be a great way to get training, learn something new, meet new people, and gain confidence and self-esteem. There are some great things about community education classes that make them perfect for the single parent—often the hours are convenient (one night a week instead of several, evenings instead of during the day, etc.) and … Continue reading

Cooperating and Collaborating on College Applications and Financial Aid Forms

Getting ready to apply for a child heading off to college is challenging for any family (not to mention the almost adult!)—but in single parent families, filling out all those forms and FAFSAs can have the additional challenge of needing to accumulate information from two homes. Attempting to collaborate and cooperate on such a process can be tough! Tax forms, financial records, making sure the test scores and transcripts get sent to the correct address—it can take extra diligence for a family that is divided by divorce or separation. It can also be confusing—who pays for what? Whose income do … Continue reading

Higher Education Can Be a Priority for a Single Parent

I will be absolutely honest and confess here that I don’t know if getting my undergraduate (B.A.) degree has actually increased my earning power and potential or not. I live in a college city with a rather tight job market and for the work I do, having that degree might help a bit, but I still don’t make a comfortable living wage without doing freelance work in addition to more conventional type work. BUT, I do think that finishing my college degree as a single parent was important for my family’s stability and my own self esteem. I am somewhat … Continue reading

Time for Your Children’s Back to School

It’s that time of year again. Time for parents far and wide to get ready for the annual back to school rituals. There is a few things I wanted to go over for all the single parents sending their children back out to school. As a single parent, child care is something you need to consider especially if you work outside the home. I’m not talking the day to day child care, but the sick days and the holidays that your children have off and you don’t. Make sure you have a child care that can take your children on … Continue reading

Expect to Start All Over Every School Year

I couldn’t think of exactly how to title this blog–what I want to write about is how for a single parent, we often have to start all over each school year (even if our child doesn’t change schools) with making sure that the school sends records to both parents, that our child’s teacher understands the family situation, and advocating for and explaining our single family status. This doesn’t have to be stressful or anxiety-provoking (although it sometimes is), but we do have to be diligent and prepared to dig in and make sure the school gets it right. I find … Continue reading

Single parents and College: Schedule

Your schedule, as a whole, will need to be closely scrutinized when going back to school. You will have less time to spend with your child. Your child will be in child care more than s/he already is because you are a single parent and don’t have the other parent there to help. No matter what degree you are going for, you will have to take the classes that are listed for you to take. These classes are only during certain times, and you only get to pick from what’s available. This isn’t even mentioning that you still have to … Continue reading

Single Parents and College: Finances

A big concern for a lot of single parents is finances, and when you go back to school, those concerns can double. When you go back to school, you have to worry about tuition, books, gas, and extra child care on top of the financial things you already worry about. This can not only put a lot of stress on you, but your child/ren can and will pick up on that stress, and you may get short and testy with your children. The only way to avoid this is to have a plan. There are several ways to get help … Continue reading