Teach Your Children Before It’s Too Late

We all have things we wish we would have done differently., especially when it comes to raising our children. If I could do things over again I would have made Hailey do more chores, take more responsibility around the house. When I became a single parent it just seemed easier to do things myself. The time it would take to teach Hailey was time we could spend doing something we enjoyed, so I didn’t teach her. Now she is an adult and is missing some very important life skills. If you think it’s hard to teach a ten year old … Continue reading

Cleaning Or Playing, Decisions, Decisions

No one wants to live in an overwhelmingly messy house. For me, it’s stressful if the house is a mess. It’s also stressful to always be nagging my daughter about picking up after herself. I did feel it was my job to teach her to clean up after herself, I just never enjoyed that particular battle. When Hailey was small I had to accept that my house was going to have that lived in look. There are just not enough hours in the day to do everything. One lesson I learned early in my single parenthood was to pick my … Continue reading

Our Kids Need More Exercise

Are your kids active enough? We all need exercise every day, do your kids get enough? I was always concerned about Hailey’s activity level after I got divorced. When I was married we lived in a house in a nice neighborhood, I knew my neighbors, Hailey knew the kids, we had lived there since she was three. I felt safe letting her go outside to play with other kids. Once I got divorced that changed. We lived in a series of apartments and although they were always in what I felt where good areas, I didn’t feel safe letting her … Continue reading

Using Your Phone To Manage Your Life

Remember the day you separated from your ex husband? For many of us that was the day that divided our neat, orderly life from the chaos that reigns today. Let’s face it, it’s hard to be all things to all people, especially when those people aren’t even old enough to cross the street alone. What am I saying? It’s not hard, it’s impossible. All we can do is keep trying to find new ways to get some semblance of control and order in our lives, or make peace with the chaos. For me the only thing that works is lists, … Continue reading

Saying No Can Bring More Joy Into Your Life

I struggle with saying no to people, including myself. Once I became a single mother I was determined to do the best job I could so that my child would not suffer from being raised in a single parent household. Part of that determination was feeling like I had to be everything to everyone. I never said no when someone asked for help. I never said no when Hailey wanted me to stop what I was doing and entertain her. I never said no when I would tell myself to just keep going, people live perfectly well on five hours … Continue reading

Take Time To Be A Better Mom

Since Mother’s Day is tomorrow it seems like the perfect time to talk about time for yourself. The hardest thing as a single mother is to find time for yourself but it’s also one of the most important things you can do for you and your children. Life can be overwhelming as a single mother and taking time for yourself can help to ground you and calm you down from the stress of life. Taking time for yourself will allow you to be a better parent in the long run. Stepping back and taking a break can help put things … Continue reading

Realistic Splurges

I recently read an article about things that moms should splurge on. I eagerly read it, I’m always looking for ways to splurge without feeling guilty and breaking the bank. Unfortunately this list was for married moms or at least moms in a better financial position than most single moms. It was great advice but really didn’t apply to me. One of the suggestions was a really nice, all purpose purse. Since Hailey started school my purse is more function than fashion, after all, kids backpacks aren’t cheap and have to be replaced fairly often so there goes the money … Continue reading

My Day Planner Saves Me

If you are a single mother you better also be a master of organization. Since there is only you to take care of everything you need to make sure your calendar runs like a well oiled machine. Kids always need to go somewhere and when they are too young to drive there’s just you to get them there and back. Juggling work responsibilities, sports practices, doctors visits, school meetings and sleepovers can make your head spin. If you don’t write it down you will forget. Do you have a calendar that you use, or like many of us, are there … Continue reading

Your Time Is Valuable Too

I struggle with saying no to people. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by people who are willing to help Hailey and I at the drop of a hat, and usually those are not the people who put me in a place where I feel guilty about saying no. Being a single mother means you have to rely on other people, people who are not your spouse or your child’s other parent. You have to swallow your pride often and ask for help when things get overwhelming. I have trouble asking for help, I don’t ever want to be … Continue reading

They Think Life is Easier Without a Husband

Sometimes people ask too much of me. Being a single mom means that my time is already over scheduled but sometimes other people don’t see it that way. They think that because I only have one child and no husband wanting his dinner on the table after a long day at work, that I have all this free time. I hate to break it to you, but I don’t. Even without a husband, dinner has to be made. Without a husband laundry still has to be done, the house still has to be cleaned and the yard mowed. The only … Continue reading