Stop Procrastinating

I am a major procrastinator. If I can find an excuse to put something off, I will. I tell myself I’m more productive under pressure but really all I’m doing is causing myself unnecessary stress. Being a single mother means my to do list is never ending, somethings I think it writes itself. It’s so easy to put things off, there is so much to do. The problem with procrastination is that the things on my to do list, or the problems that I’m ignoring don’t go away, they may even get bigger. Like the never ending pile of laundry, … Continue reading

I Choose Happiness

Life is hard, and sometimes very unfair. The life we dreamed of as a little girl, a husband, a family and a white picket fence has not materialized. Instead we are working long hours, taking care of our children alone, and that white picket fence? We are just happy to have a place to sleep at night. Life is not fair, but it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. I believe that happiness is a choice. Every day when I wake up, I make the choice to be happy. The car is making a funny noise? Thank goodness … Continue reading

Celebrating You

As a single mother it easy to get so wrapped up in your child’s life that you forget that you also have a life. How many times have you forgotten your own birthday until your mother calls to remind you? And then after you get off the phone, you go right back to forgetting. When you are solely responsible for the little people in your life it’s easy to forget about yourself. So many times we forget that we have needs too, even if it’s just for an uninterrupted bath. It is necessary for your mental health to remember that … Continue reading

It’s Ok To Be Pamper Yourself

Yesterday I wrote about how important it is to take care of yourself. We all know that as mom’s we put ourselves last, as single moms sometimes we don’t even make the list. We need to be better about this, we are important and deserve to do things that make us feel good, even if they seem like trivial things. What women doesn’t love a day of beauty? I don’t know many who would turn one down but as a single mom it’s hard to schedule one and even harder to justify spending the money. Who needs a manicure when … Continue reading

It’s Your Turn

What is last on your to do list? Chances are, like most single mothers, it’s anything you want to do for yourself. As mothers we always put our wants and needs last, when you are married your husband will often come to your rescue and give you the time you need for you, at least occasionally. When you are a single mother mommy maintenance is always at the bottom of the list. I’m not talking about the big things like doctor visits and the like, as mothers we are usually pretty good at taking care of the health of the … Continue reading

Bucket List For Parents

As I may have whined about a time or two on here, my daughter is getting ready to move into her own place. I’m not ready, there are still so many things I want to do, so much that I’m sure I missed, I want to go back and have a do over. Our kids grow up so quickly one day you are elbow deep in diapers and the next they are in kindergarten and before you know they’ve graduated and are getting on with their lives. Well, it may be too late for me to do that but it’s … Continue reading

I Must Exercise

In the hustle and bustle of my busy life sometimes I forget to take care of myself. Everyday it seems like my to do list gets longer and longer and time for me gets pushed farther and farther to the bottom. Winter is especially hard, I get a little depressed in the winter, nothing bad, just a little SAD (seasonal affective disorder) but one major downside is that I get very lazy. Everything becomes just too much work. My house falls apart, I don’t cook and I certainly don’t exercise. All I want to do is lay on the couch … Continue reading

Don’t Wake A Sleeping Child

As a parent some of my favorite times are when Hailey is sleeping. I know how that sounds but who doesn’t love a sleeping baby? When I became a single parent I lived for bedtime. I was just figuring out how to get through a day by myself and bedtime was a reprieve. It was that time of day when I could just sit quietly with no demands. It was pure Heaven. I remember putting Hailey to bed and just sitting on the couch with the lights off, trying to sort our my thoughts and feelings. That alone time helped … Continue reading

Blame It On Being Single

It’s tough being a single parent as anyone with any experience will tell you, but do you find yourself using the fact that you are a single parent to avoid doing other things? I know I am guilty of that. Take exercise for example. When I first got divorced I didn’t want to leave Hailey home alone while I went to the gym, it was bad enough that she was home alone after school every day. So I didn’t exercise. When she got a little older I told myself that I needed to be home because teenagers need to know … Continue reading

Everyone Needs A Time Out Chair

All too often we hear stories in the news where a parent has lost control and hurt their child. This is devastating to everyone involved and maybe it hits a little too close to home sometimes. I think we have all had a time when we were absolutely at the end of our rope and if our child did ________ just one more time……….. I remember when Hailey was an infant and was crying inconsolably, After trying everything and walking and bouncing and singing I just couldn’t take one more minute. So I did the only thing I could think … Continue reading