Ways to Embrace the Ordinary

All of us spend our free time doing little things that we find amusing. We take a break and watch a funny video on YouTube. Or we spend time browsing through Facebook or Twitter and passing along whatever caught our attention. At the end of the day, this often leaves people feeling unfulfilled. One way to bring meaning to your life is to find ways to embrace the ordinary. You’ve got five minutes left on your break. Which would you rather do: watch a funny video, or read about a random conversation you had a month ago? Amie M. Gordon, … Continue reading

Sanity Tips for the Single Mother

You’ve got a lot on your plate. If you’re anything like me your mind is going about a thousand miles an hour trying to keep track of this and that and what and when and who and…well you get the point. It’s kind of a mess trying to keep track of everything you have to do day in and day out because there’s no one else there to remind you of what needs to be done. I have felt myself going a little more insane each day, but I have learned a few tricks that have helped keep my sanity … Continue reading

Little Eyes Are Fast Asleep

It seems the only “me time” I get these days is when Logan is fast asleep, even then it’s a little touch and go. This is often when I am up working on all of the things that I couldn’t manage to get done with a 4 year old that day, but it is also a time that I can relax, even if only for a few moments. We’ve been out of school for a few weeks now. For some reason I thought this would mean I would have more time to get things done. Somehow our days were just … Continue reading

Take Time To Be A Better Mom

Since Mother’s Day is tomorrow it seems like the perfect time to talk about time for yourself. The hardest thing as a single mother is to find time for yourself but it’s also one of the most important things you can do for you and your children. Life can be overwhelming as a single mother and taking time for yourself can help to ground you and calm you down from the stress of life. Taking time for yourself will allow you to be a better parent in the long run. Stepping back and taking a break can help put things … Continue reading

Your Time Is Valuable Too

I struggle with saying no to people. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by people who are willing to help Hailey and I at the drop of a hat, and usually those are not the people who put me in a place where I feel guilty about saying no. Being a single mother means you have to rely on other people, people who are not your spouse or your child’s other parent. You have to swallow your pride often and ask for help when things get overwhelming. I have trouble asking for help, I don’t ever want to be … Continue reading

I Choose Happiness

Life is hard, and sometimes very unfair. The life we dreamed of as a little girl, a husband, a family and a white picket fence has not materialized. Instead we are working long hours, taking care of our children alone, and that white picket fence? We are just happy to have a place to sleep at night. Life is not fair, but it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. I believe that happiness is a choice. Every day when I wake up, I make the choice to be happy. The car is making a funny noise? Thank goodness … Continue reading

Celebrating You

As a single mother it easy to get so wrapped up in your child’s life that you forget that you also have a life. How many times have you forgotten your own birthday until your mother calls to remind you? And then after you get off the phone, you go right back to forgetting. When you are solely responsible for the little people in your life it’s easy to forget about yourself. So many times we forget that we have needs too, even if it’s just for an uninterrupted bath. It is necessary for your mental health to remember that … Continue reading

It’s Ok To Be Pamper Yourself

Yesterday I wrote about how important it is to take care of yourself. We all know that as mom’s we put ourselves last, as single moms sometimes we don’t even make the list. We need to be better about this, we are important and deserve to do things that make us feel good, even if they seem like trivial things. What women doesn’t love a day of beauty? I don’t know many who would turn one down but as a single mom it’s hard to schedule one and even harder to justify spending the money. Who needs a manicure when … Continue reading

Everyone Needs A Time Out Chair

All too often we hear stories in the news where a parent has lost control and hurt their child. This is devastating to everyone involved and maybe it hits a little too close to home sometimes. I think we have all had a time when we were absolutely at the end of our rope and if our child did ________ just one more time……….. I remember when Hailey was an infant and was crying inconsolably, After trying everything and walking and bouncing and singing I just couldn’t take one more minute. So I did the only thing I could think … Continue reading

What About Me?

I just need five minutes to myself! How many times have you thought or actually said those words? Just five minutes and I’ll feel like a human being again and can deal with all of this. As a single mother there isn’t any downtime, unless you make it. I know many single mothers who wait to read, or sew or watch TV until after the kids are in bed. Then once the kids are in bed and they’ve picked up the family room, washed the dishes and threw in a load of laundry, it’s time for bed and they never … Continue reading