What Happens At The Hospital Following Serious Injury Of A Child?

This may be a difficult Blog for some people to read, because we really don’t want to imagine our child hurting or suffering in any way. Serious Injury is never a planned event, and not a situation parents want to face. However, One of the leading causes of death for children are accidents resulting in serious injury. If your child is critically hurt there is generally no time to stop and think about what is going on. Some parents fall apart right away and cry or become inconsolable. Other parents switch into auto-pilot mode and just trudge through the situation. … Continue reading

5-Things To Know If Your Child Has To Fly To A Trauma Hospital

1- If you are at the scene and give consent for your child to be taken by helicopter to a trauma hospital life saving medical procedures may start during flight or at the hospital before you arrive. 2- If parents are not at the scene and have not been notified of the accident or injury the state may assume custody and life saving procedures may be started before you are notified or consent. When your children go on outings with Church, school or family and friends it’s important to be sure they have emergency contact information one them at all … Continue reading