Summer Camps for Kids Who Have Special Needs – 2012

Children who attend a summer camp get the opportunity to have some unique experiences that cannot be found outside of camp. There are plenty of summer camps that are designed to accommodate children who have special needs. Will your child be going to camp this summer? It is normal for parents to be a bit nervous about the idea of their child attending a summer camp. This is especially true for parents of kids who have special needs. In addition to all the typical worries about the weather and the food, there are genuine concerns about whether or not the … Continue reading

ECHO Helps Military Families Who Have Kids With Special Needs

Families who are using TRICARE may be eligible for ECHO. It is part of the TRICARE program and it is designed to provide financial assistance for certain services and supplies for families who have children with specific types of special needs. TRICARE is the health are program for uniformed service members, retirees, and their families worldwide. It is the health care program serving active duty service members, National Guard Reserve members, retirees, their families, survivors and certain former spouses worldwide. TRICARE is the main component of the Military Health System. It combines the health care resources of the uniformed personnel, … Continue reading

How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability is a program that is designed to provide income to people who are unable to work because they have a disability. This program is available for adults and children. Parents can apply for benefits for their children who have disabilities. Here is a quick guide that can help you get started. Trying to navigate your way through the application process for Social Security Disability benefits can be overwhelming. In general, government websites that are designed to give people information about how to qualify for benefits are written in language that is extremely difficult to understand. Don’t let … Continue reading

The SSI Program Could be Facing Cuts

There is a government program called the Supplemental Security Income (SSI), that is designed to provide a monthly financial benefit to people who are unable to work because of a disability. There are a lot of parents of children who have special needs that need the help this program provides. The SSI program is being scrutinized by lawmakers who are concerned about fraud and abuse of the program. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for children has started getting some criticism in Congress. In December of 2010, The Boston Globe did a series that called SSI “The Other Welfare”. This … Continue reading

Bar Mitzvah Help For Kids With Special Needs

Churches, from many different faiths and religions, are starting to recognize the importance of including children who have special needs into their services and teachings. There is a website called “On Eagles Wings” that specializes in helping special needs children to learn what they need to in order to have their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. The Jewish religion is one of the many faiths that require children to attend classes that teach them more about their religion. These classes are called Hebrew School, and involve teaching children how to speak and understand the Hebrew language. This is very important to … Continue reading

Special Olympics Summer Games

The Special Olympics Summer Games will be taking place in June of 2011. It is a wonderful opportunity for children, (and adults), with intellectual or physical disabilities to participate, compete, and have fun in an environment filled with people who understand and support them. Your child could be an athlete. In order to be an athlete in Special Olympics, a person must be at least eight years old. There isn’t an upward age limit, which means that the Special Olympics is open to both children and adults. In order to be eligible, athletes must have a cognitive delay, an intellectual … Continue reading

Autism Explores Program Helps Autistic Kids Cope With Flying

Traveling by airplane with children can be a difficult and frustrating endeavor. Children often do not comprehend why the need to sit still for so long, and may not understand how much longer it will be until the flight ends. The whole process involved with traveling by airplane can be especially difficult for children who are on the autism spectrum. There is a program called “Autism Explores” that is designed to help children who are autistic to cope with being on an airplane. There are some things that every parent can bring with on a flight to make things go … Continue reading

Early Intervention is Key to Success

Young children with developmental delays are more successful in school and long-term when aided by early intervention programs. Whether the child’s delay is due to a genetic condition, premature birth or infections, early intervention can help your child progress at more age appropriate stages. The first few years of a child’s life, mainly from birth through age three, are a critical time in your child’s development. According to the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY), what happens during those formative years stays with a child for life. That is why it is so vital to watch your child … Continue reading

Student-to-Student Program Benefits All

In Hudson, Wisconsin there’s a high school working to create a better educational and social environment for each of its students. The program, Student-to-Student is a partnership between Hudson High School and Bridge for Youth with Disabilities. It pairs students in the special education program with “mentor” students and is the brainchild of Margi Miller, who was on the board of Bridge for Youth With Disabilities when she thought of the idea. She is the mother to both a child without disabilities and a child with disabilities. Now in its fifth year, Student-to-Student has seen a huge increase in popularity. … Continue reading

Special Needs Children and Camp: Part I – Benefits of Camp for Children with Special Needs

It’s that time of year again; time to start thinking about your summer plans. It’s time to research activities to keep your children occupied and engaged through the weeks without school that will be here before you know it. For many children, it will be a summer of attending different camps from day camps to sports camps to overnight camps. There are many camps to choose from, even for children with special needs. Camps come in many shapes and sizes these days including camps for children with physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, children with chronic conditions and children facing emotional stresses … Continue reading