Ways to Prevent a Toddler Tantrum Before it Happens

Toddlers are known for having the ability to change their mood – from happy to extremely upset – within seconds. This can be very stressful for parents, especially if the “meltdown” happens in public. Fortunately, there are some things parents can do to prevent a toddler tantrum before it happens. Watch for Warning Signs Pay close attention to your toddler’s body language. Has he suddenly become extra grumpy, or more whiny than usual? Is she playing, but taking lots of breaks to lie down on the floor? Has your toddler started throwing their books, toys or food? These are some … Continue reading

The Ups and Downs of Toddler Development

If you think that life with your toddler seems to be full of ups and downs, you are right. Children actually pass through cycles of equilibrium and disequilibrium, changing from one to the other about every six months. I wish that I had learned about this a lot sooner, because understanding the cycle of equilibrium and disequilibrium has given me a new perspective on toddler behavior that just might help me to have a little more patience with my boys. When a child is in disequilibrium, he is actively growing, changing, and learning new skills. Intense behavioral changes are also … Continue reading

Testing the Limits

Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about toddlers (and preschoolers) and how they test limits. I try not to set too many rigid rules, and to choose my battles for the things that are truly important, such as respecting one’s self, other people, and the home that we live in. When I do try to set a limit for Dylan, I usually approach the subject in a kind and gentle way. I say “please”, and “thank you”. I empathize with him if he becomes upset about the limit. In short, I try to follow every piece of … Continue reading

The Importance of Staying Connected

Today was one of those days where I would have been wise to heed my own advice. How many of us, when we have time and space to do so, think of wonderful ways to approach parenting and then as soon as the kids wake up the next morning and we are launched into action promptly forget them? It happens to me more often than I would like to admit, and it happened today. Last night, I was really thinking about ways to focus on maintaining a strong connection with my boys throughout the hustle and bustle of the holidays. … Continue reading

One Strategy For Addressing Defiant Toddler Behavior

When you are the parent of a toddler, you quickly realize that sometimes things that seem to make no sense actually do make sense upon further examination. That is how I felt when I recently learned about a new approach to addressing defiant toddler behavior. I’m a big fan of Dr. Laura Markham and her web site, Aha! Parenting. I enjoy reading the articles on the site, which advocates a gentle and peaceful style of parenting that I try very hard to emulate, albeit while gritting my teeth at times. The other day I was reading some of the articles, … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Boss You Around?

Today was an interesting day, as are most days with a toddler. From the moment that he woke up this morning until the time that he went to bed this evening, Dylan wanted everything to be a very specific way and he wanted it immediately. I did the best that I could to keep up with the stream of demands, but I seemed to always fall short or miss the mark. For example, at breakfast, I made another batch of mini – frittatas just for him because he would not touch the ones with vegetables in them. As they were … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Test Your Patience?

Today was a particularly trying day for me. It seemed as if each time I asked Dylan not to do something, he look right at me and did it anyways. Also, he had a couple of tantrums over things that I could do nothing about. For example, he wanted to play with Play Doh and I could not find any in the house. For about forty five minutes he let me know how upset he was that I did not have the Play Doh that he needed. The whole day seemed to flow from one limit testing scenario to another … Continue reading

How Many Times Do I Have To Ask You?

If you have ever had to ask your toddler more than once to do something, you are not alone. I’m pretty sure that there are not many parents out there whose toddlers immediately respond to their every request. It can be very frustrating to ask your toddler repeatedly to do (or not do) something, only to feel like your words fall on deaf ears. There are a few reasons why toddlers do not respond to our requests the first (or second, or third) time. Fortunately, there are also a few things that we can do to encourage our toddlers to … Continue reading

Sibling Rivalry

Either sisters behave differently than brothers do, or my mom has conveniently developed a sort of amnesia about what she witnessed between my sister and I when my sister was a baby. As many parents do, I sometimes ask my mom about what my sister and I were like as children. I’m not sure if she is afraid to offend or if time has faded the memories of any early rivalry but according to my mom, there was no drama when she brought my sister home from the hospital or in the months that followed. The rivalry that eventually developed, … Continue reading

Not So Great Expectations

Sometimes, parents get upset with their children for acting in a way that they think is inappropriate. I know I do. Today I had an experience that made me think that perhaps at least some of the time, the problem is not my child’s behavior but my own unrealistic expectations. It started out innocently enough. I was running errands and it was almost lunch time, so I mentioned a few places where we could go to eat and asked Dylan to choose one. He chose a little place called “The Chef’s Market”. At the time, it seemed like a great … Continue reading