Sorting Shapes

We have the Tupperware Shape-O Toy. It has been a favorite of all the toddlers who have lived with us. What’s funny is that as much as the children love the toy, we try to hide it. Children love repetition. They are more than happy to hear the same stories, listen to the same songs, and watch the same movies over and over again. When the children want to play with the shape sorting ball we have to play too. We love the children and love playing with them, but it gets tiring having to repeat the actions with them … Continue reading

Toddler Speech Evaluations

My son had a speech evaluation this past week. It has been determined that he needs to attend speech therapy twice a week. My cousin attended speech therapy when he was my son’s age. From what I’ve heard, speech therapy is very helpful for late talkers. I was very apprehensive before my son’s evaluation. I didn’t know what to expect. I went to the speech and hearing center, which is on a college campus about fifteen miles from our home. I took my son in and filled out the registration papers. When it was time for us to go back … Continue reading

Bad Mommies Let Their Kids Sleep in the Car

A new study slams parents who let sleeping babies lie… in their infant car seats. According to researchers parents who allow their passed out kids to remain strapped in their car seats while they rush to unload the groceries from the trunk, grab the mail from the end of the driveway, or pick stale Cheerios from in between their vehicle’s upholstery, are putting their child’s life in danger. Oh wait. That’s me. Apparently, good mommies are the ones, who risk waking up their overtired tots by removing them from their infant seats, and placing them in their cribs to sleep. … Continue reading

Do You Over or Under Medicate Your Toddler?

My young daughter would rather endure excruciatingly painful injections to her thighs than down a teaspoon of grape-flavored medicine. Since she was a tiny baby, my daughter has forcefully regurgitated every single drop of oral medication that I have carefully and skillfully placed in her mouth… towards her cheek, away from her taste buds and not directly down her throat. As a result of her violent gagging and distressful purging tendencies, my daughter’s pediatrician recommends that my little throw-up queen receive medication via syringe. It works when the injection option is available, like when she had strep throat, hand, foot … Continue reading

What’s Wrong With the Rear-Facing Position?

Earlier this year the American Academy of Pediatrics debuted a new safety campaign, which recommended that young children should ride rear-facing in a car safety seat up to their second birthday. Five months later, parents with toddlers and babies are still upset with the AAP for issuing what some call, “unnecessary” recommendations. Huh? Why get mad at an organization that’s trying to preserve the health and well being of your child? New research indicates that toddlers are more than five times safer riding rear-facing in a car safety seat until they have reached the maximum height and weight recommended for … Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Slide With Your Toddler

Parents, who try to get their toddlers acclimated to playground slides by holding them on their laps before taking off, are not doing themselves or their children any favors. According to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, moms and dads should think twice before placing toddlers on their laps and heading down the park’s slide. Researchers say you are not protecting your child by placing him on your lap; rather you are increasing the chances of him getting seriously injured. The study found parents, who sit and slid with little Johnny on their laps, doubled the … Continue reading

Transitioning from Nursery to Big Kid’s Room

Your toddler just celebrated a major milestone: She graduated from the crib and is now sleeping in a “big girl” bed. The question now becomes, how do you find balance between her new bed and her remaining baby-themed nursery pieces? When my toddler transitioned out of the crib and into a bed, I completely overhauled her bedroom, with her help. I asked my daughter for some input (color, decor, etc.) and worked from there. Her wish was to have purple walls and floor-length curtains featuring Snoopy and Curious George. There was no way I was going to turn my daughter’s … Continue reading

Ways to Have Fun in the Sun with Your Toddler

Don’t let the calendar put a damper on your summer fun. Sure, there’s only a couple weeks left until Labor Day, but that doesn’t mean you have to head indoors right now. Instead, make the most of the gorgeous summer weather by partaking in educational games with your toddler outside. Here are a few to get you started: SAND DOUGH Take some Play-Doh outside and let your child have fun with it in the sand box. He’ll love feeling the texture of the dough once the sand has been incorporated into it. Use words to describe how it feels and … Continue reading

Does Your Toddler Fit Through a Doggy Door?

My preschooler does, so I’m pretty sure the average size toddler can get in and out with no problem. Unfortunately, this is not a good thing. Despite the fact that my daughter brags about her “doggy trick” with limitless aplomb, the fact that she can shimmy through a pet door is no reason to celebrate. Fortunately, the doggy door she has come to embrace doesn’t belong to us, so I do have something to cheer about. Frankly, I was a bit shocked that she fit through the tiny door. The size of the opening is deceptively small. According to experts, … Continue reading

Toddler Time

Ready, set, play! Nothing says lovin’ like an afternoon of fun with your curious toddler. Forget about spending a ton of money on fancy electronic toys. Instead, employ the following ideas to engage your tot in a day of discovery: CATCH WITH A CATCH Toddlers love to be chased, but there’s even more to love with this simple game when you spice it up. For example, instead of merely tagging your tot, the next time you catch her, plant a big kiss on her cheek or scoop her up into a big bear hug. My toddler loved getting tickled whenever … Continue reading