We Adopted Baby E

Baby E came into our lives the day after she was born. She weighed 5 pounds and 6.25 ounces. We had a Graco SnugRide infant carrier that we had successfully used with many of our foster babies, but it didn’t fit E. E swam in that seat. I did everything I could to try to make the seat fit so she’d be safe. I’m a Child Passenger Safety Technician and I know what adjustments can be made to a seat without compromising the integrity of the seat. Nothing was helping to make the seat work. A good friend of mine … Continue reading

Promoting Healthy Eating in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Today the girls and I went out to lunch with my moms’ group. We sat at a table with a bunch of my friends. Baby E sat strapped into the booster seat. I had another device for Jessie. It wasn’t meant to boost but rather keep the child from falling out of the chair. I didn’t install it all that well and Jessie wriggled out of it when she was done sitting. These luncheons with my moms’ group are informative and fun. Not only do we all learn something from the speaker, but I get foster parent education credits. Today’s … Continue reading

Teaching Please and Thank-You to the Toddler

I want my children to be well-mannered. I want them to know how to properly sit at a table and eat and drink correctly. I want my children to be polite as well as friendly and kind. When I was a little girl my family ate dinner together at the kitchen table. Mom and Dad taught us kids how to behave while we tried to or not to kill each other. My family’s lifestyle is different, though. We don’t typically eat dinner together. Jessie has her own table and chairs where she eats her dinner early. Chris and I eat … Continue reading

Holiday Traditions

My mom called recently to tell me that their beautifully decorated Christmas tree fell over. The tree took its plunge while Mom and Dad were sleeping. The tree was newly bought, installed, and decorated. The gallon of water keeping it fresh and supple burbled out onto the floor all night. Mom and Dad righted the tree and cleaned the mess. A few days later the tree fell over again. My parents’ tree had never fallen over before; a faulty tree stand is to blame. The neighbors’ tree fell over one year and our cat climbed our tree toppling it our … Continue reading

Chocolate Flavored Toddler Formula

The babies who have been in our care were all formula fed. They didn’t have any issues with the formula and tolerated the formula provided through WIC. These babies were good eaters and consumed enough ounces appropriate for their development. When babies turn one they move up from formula to whole milk. Their bodies aren’t ready for whole milk before one year. Formula manufacturers don’t want to lose this lucrative market just because a child doesn’t need formula anymore. To fill this niche, next stage toddler formula was created. Toddler formula has many of the same nutrients found in whole … Continue reading

TV Watching and the Toddler

Most toddlers have short attention spans and will, thankfully, limit their own television watching. Unhealthy habits can form when kids get too much TV. The general rule is for a child to view no more than 30 minutes of television a day. Even educational programming counts against this time. Educational programming does provide great information, but most toddlers will learn these skills in due time without having to watch it on television. Experts say that kids, who watch more than 30 minutes of TV a day, are developing sedentary lifestyle habits, which will be hard to overcome when they get … Continue reading

Teaching Toddlers

There are so many learning opportunities for toddlers. They are just beginning to explore the world around them. They can learn a lot on their own. However, with help from their family, they can learn even more. Teaching toddlers can be a fun and exciting experience. Playing with toys can be a learning experience for toddlers. Helping with daily chores are learning experiences for toddlers. Why shouldn’t we use the things that we do on a daily basis to help our toddlers learn? Here are some of the ideas that I have had and implemented in order to teach my … Continue reading

Why Toddlers Whine

My son’s new thing is whining, which I find very annoying. I want to understand why he is doing this and I’m trying very hard not to lose my patience with him. It is the constant sound of the whining that bothers me. While explaining this to my mother, she asked me how I could handle the tantrums he throws and not the whining. I answered that whining means he isn’t mad enough or upset enough to throw a tantrum, but he can’t just be okay with whatever is going on. I know this isn’t the scientific version of whining … Continue reading