The Word “Maybe” Drives Me Crazy

For some reason lately, Dylan has become enamored with the word “maybe”. If he asks me for something and I say “no”, he pleads with me and asks me to say “maybe” instead. I’m not sure where he got that idea from, as I have been very careful not to use “maybe” with him. At the very least, I have been careful not to use it incorrectly. Of course, many of you might wonder what the big deal is. What’s wrong with “maybe”? I think that I summed up my feelings on “maybe” the other day, albeit during not one … Continue reading

Mom! It’s Snowing!

It’s that time of year again. If you live somewhere where it gets cold enough to snow, chances are that the flurries may have already started flying. There is something magical about snow, at least from a toddler’s point of view. Have you ever noticed that sometimes when there is no snow you can try and try to get your toddler out the door for a little outside play time, only to have him say it is too cold to go out. Curiously enough, an hour later when it is still just as cold outside, it starts snowing and your … Continue reading

To Santa or Not to Santa?

The Thanksgiving turkey has been enjoyed and we are now digging into the leftovers. Christmas trees are for sale at roadside farm stands. Town centers have put up lights and wreaths. It is the Christmas season, and for parents of small children, one common question is whether or not to take their children to the mall (or elsewhere) for the ubiquitous photo with Santa Claus. When I was a child, my sister and I went to see Santa at the mall almost every year. I am not sure how young we were the first time, and I am not sure … Continue reading

Teaching Toddlers Empathy

One important skill that we as parents can help our children to learn is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and experience the feelings of others, and to respond in helpful ways. No child is too young to begin learning about empathy. In fact, you have probably been modeling empathy for your child since the moment that she was born by being sensitive to her feelings and responding to her needs. As your toddler grows, she can begin to build on the empathy that you have shown her by reaching out to others in a caring way. Of course, … Continue reading

Connecting With Your Toddler

It has been said that a toddler who feels a strong connection with his or her parents is more likely to be happy. Fortunately for parents, there are many ways that you can strengthen the connection that you have with your toddler. Even better, there are not likely to be any adverse effects from nurturing that connection as frequently as you can. Perhaps the essence of building a connection with your toddler can be summed up in two easy to remember words, time and attention. If you are anything like me, you may feel that time and attention are two … Continue reading

Talking To Toddlers About Major Storms

It seems as though it has been weeks since reports about Hurricane Sandy first started to appear all over the news and all other forms of media. In reality, it has only been about a week since coverage of the storm and its anticipated path started. If you are a parent of young children, you may certainly be concerned about keeping your family safe. However, you are probably equally concerned with keeping the kids calm. When everybody is preparing for a storm like Sandy, things look and feel different wherever you go. Little ones can see and feel the differences … Continue reading

Last Minute Costume Ideas For Toddlers

Did you just look at the calendar and have a minor meltdown because Halloween is a week away? Parents of toddlers are busy, and sometimes things like buying or making Halloween costumes fall by the wayside as we try to take care of the necessities each day before we run out of time and energy. Fortunately, there are a few quick and inexpensive costumes that you can whip up in no time so that your little monsters won’t miss any Halloween fun. If your child has a rain coat and rain boots, you are on your way to making a … Continue reading

Parenting Is Hard Work

Even though I have been a parent for a relatively short time, almost three years to be exact, I am acutely aware of just how tough of a job it is. When I had my first baby, I learned that it was not easy to keep up with his needs let alone take care of myself and my home. As Dylan grew so did his needs, and taking care of him became even more challenging. At the same time, despite the challenges of raising a toddler there are also many rewards. Things like watching him master new pieces of playground … Continue reading

Easy Tasty Healthy Toddler Snacks

Sometimes it can be hard to get toddlers to eat anything, let alone things that are good for their growing minds and bodies. They are busy little people who often prefer to remain engrossed in whatever activity they happen to be engrossed in at the time instead of sitting down and clearing a plate of whatever nutritious meal you have just lovingly prepared for them. Fortunately, hunger does eventually overcome the excitement of play and your little one is likely to rush to your side and demand to be fed. Right. Now. With a little advance planning, you can make … Continue reading

Building Healthy Habits To Set A Good Example

Earlier this week I had a couple of days where I did not quite feel like myself. My patience was wearing thin, I was grouchy and irritable, and I was generally not all that fun to be around. I believe that the underlying cause of my acute case of the crankies is that for the past eleven days, I have been following a rather strict nutritional program called the Whole30. The Whole30 is a nutritional program designed by the folks at Whole9 that lasts for 30 days, as the name would imply. It is designed to help people reset their … Continue reading