Preparing for Blake’s First Birthday

As Blake’s first birthday approaches, I am both excited and filled with dread. I am excited to celebrate our little guy with our friends and family, to formally acknowledge that he is crossing the line from infancy to toddlerhood. The thought of preparing a special meal and baking a beautiful cake is exciting, too. I’m also thrilled about the theme that I have picked out – since Blake was born two hours after St. Patrick’s Day, I have decided to go with a St. Patrick’s Day themed birthday party. Yes, I am fully aware that St. Patrick’s Day is more of … Continue reading

Getting Ready for a New Pet

Even though the ground is covered with snow, I can’t help but think that warmer weather will be here soon. After all, we are halfway through February, and then March will come in like a lion. By the time that March goes out like a lamb, it will also be time to celebrate Easter. This means that I have approximately a month and a half to prepare myself and my home for the arrival of a new pet. For a few months now, Dylan’s Auntie has been reminding me that Dylan will be getting a very special gift on Easter … Continue reading

Thinking About Spring in the Middle of Winter

Today, as I was shopping at a drug store in town, I saw something that reminded me that it is time to begin gathering information about something fun that I want to do this spring and summer with my boys. As I walked by the end of one of the aisles, I noticed a display with supplies for starting seeds indoors. Is it really time for that already? It turns out that it is not quite time yet, but stores are always very far ahead of schedule when they put merchandise on the shelves. According to the Farmers’ Almanac, I … Continue reading

Winter With Toddlers

I have always enjoyed winter in New England. When I was a child, I enjoyed building snowmen in my parents’ back yard and going sledding on some really fun hills. As I got older, I learned to ski and then to snowboard. Sure, it can get cold here, but the snow is only around for a few months and there is plenty of fun to be had before it all melts away. When my first son was born, I knew that that winter would be a difficult one. It was November, so that meant that my baby would be rather … Continue reading

Viewer Discretion is Advised

As the parent of a toddler, you might look forward to spending the occasional afternoon or evening snuggled up on the couch with your little one, watching a movie that you remember enjoying during your own childhood. That is not a bad thing, as even the most active toddlers occasionally enjoy a little down time. As you think about what movies you may want to watch with your toddler, it is helpful to take your toddler’s temperament into account. We do not watch a lot of television at our house, nor do we watch many movies. Interestingly enough, there are … Continue reading

Life Provides Many Lessons

As I sit here thinking about the day that my boys and I just enjoyed at home, I realize that without any effort, we have all learned quite a bit. There was no lesson plan, we just woke up and started the day with our usual morning routine of making breakfast. As I made breakfast, Dylan chose to stay in bed and watch Clifford. Although he was awake, he said that he still felt tired. At that point, he was learning to recognize a feeling in his body and to choose an action based upon what he felt that his … Continue reading

Toddler Learning

As I begin planning to create a Montessori home school preschool area in our home for Dylan, I am also thinking about taking the opportunity to incorporate some of the Montessori infant and toddler curriculum for Blake. Since Dylan has just turned three, he is ready to begin the Montessori activities for three to six year olds. Before I started researching preschool options for Dylan about a year ago, I did not realize that curriculum and materials existed for infants and toddlers. I am not all that concerned that I did not formally do any of the infant and toddler … Continue reading

Snowy Days are Here Again

It’s cold outside right now, and as Dylan sleeps the night away, it is snowing like crazy. We have not had much snow at all yet this winter, and winter in Vermont is normally associated with snow and plenty of it. It is possible that this storm will bring anywhere between six and eighteen inches of snow to our home. Tomorrow morning, Dylan is sure to be excited when he sees what happened overnight. He loves to be outdoors, even in the snow and the cold. If you have a toddler or two at home, chances are that your little … Continue reading

A Toddler’s Perspective on Christmas

For parents of toddlers, the holidays can be a wonderful time as well as a hectic and stressful one. We all try to do so many things, and sometimes we forget to enjoy ourselves and our children amidst all of the busyness. I know that I have done that from time to time. This year, I am really focusing on how my little guys might perceive all that is going on around them. Dylan is full of questions, and I am sure that even though Blake cannot yet verbalize what he is thinking, he is filled with wonder. I would like … Continue reading

My New Mom Obsession – Old Children’s Books

I’ve got a confession to make – I am thoroughly obsessed with old children’s books. When I read to my boys at bedtime, we choose from a varied selection of books that we borrow from the library and books that we own. Some of the books I like, others not so much. Then there are a few that are just amazing, and those tend to be the ones that were written and published years before I was even born. I am unsure why those older books are so captivating, but they are. Dylan seems to enjoy them too, and for … Continue reading