The Toddler and the Tree

One thing that may be on your mind at this time of year is whether or not to have a Christmas tree. Christmas trees are irresistible to toddlers, with all of the shiny ornaments and twinkling lights just begging to be touched. Toddlers can easily knock a tree over, break ornaments and get cut, or get tangled in cords from the lights. Since Christmas trees can pose a danger to your toddler, you are wise to consider whether or not to have one in your home. For Dylan’s first Christmas, he was a month old. He was always either asleep … Continue reading

Toddler Craft Idea – Salt Dough Christmas Ornaments

A few days ago, I was able to find time to do a fun holiday craft with Dylan while Blake was napping. It was a Saturday, and we had a few hours to spend at home before we went to a birthday party later that afternoon. I had been thinking about making salt dough Christmas ornaments for a few days, and it seemed like just the right time to do it. There are many different versions of the salt dough Christmas ornament recipe online. I used a simple recipe of two cups of flour, one cup of salt, and a … Continue reading

Fun Holiday Gifts and Crafts for Toddlers

If you are trying to navigate the holiday season on a tight budget this year, you are not alone. Many people, parents of toddlers included, are looking for ways to make merry for less. Whether your desire to cut back on spending is motivated by necessity or simply a desire to live a little more simply, here are some ideas that you might want to use this year. For your toddler, here are a few ideas. One thing that you can do is to round up any old, broken crayons that are lying around. Home made “crazy crayons”, made from pieces … Continue reading

Toddler Book Shelf – Virginia Lee Burton

There is something special about reading with children. Whether it is bed time or another quiet time during the day, inviting your toddler to enjoy a book with you can strengthen your bond and encourage your toddler’s natural curiosity. There are so many books to choose from, and I have found that there is no easy way to predict which ones will become Dylan’s favorites and which will be read once, or started and not finished because they did not hold his attention. I have found one author whose books Dylan absolutely adores. Virginia Lee Burton’s classic children’s stories from … Continue reading

Toddler Road Trip Wrap Up

Last night we returned to our home after a nine day vacation with my parents. Four out of those nine days were spent on the road, driving for many hours. This post is for any parent who is wondering whether it is a good idea to take such a long trip with a toddler (or, as in our case, a toddler and a baby). I am not sure if there was a specific reason that our trip went relatively smoothly, but it did. There were certainly moments where things got pretty intense, but we worked through them. When I stopped … Continue reading

Family Road Trip Part 1

It is finally time for my family to take the trip that we have been anticipating for quite a few months, now. This is the first time that we have taken Dylan on a car trip that is longer than six hours. As of right now, we are a little over half way to our destination. The trip from Vermont to Florida is a long one, and it can take anywhere from twenty four hours on upwards, depending upon how many stops are made. We began our journey a little over twenty four hours ago. The first small portion of … Continue reading

Oh The Ways That They Play

As your toddler grows, he or she can learn to play in different and more challenging ways. Teaching toddlers basic games like tag or hide and seek is a fun way to play together and help your toddler learn new things. The other day, I laughed so hard as I started teaching Dylan how to play hide and seek. First of all, it is so cute to hear him counting, even though the numbers are not quite in the right order. Also, since it takes time to learn how to play a new game, he was having a little trouble … Continue reading

Planning A Toddler Birthday Party

With about a month until Dylan turns three, it is time for me to put on my party planning hat and dream up the details of a special day for him. He has been very interested in trucks and construction vehicles lately, so I am sure that our theme will be something along those lines. Having already planned two birthday parties, I have learned that a few simple guidelines are helpful for parents of young children who are planning a birthday bash. My first tip for planning a party for a young child is to keep it small. Of course … Continue reading

Getting Road Trip Ready

I just realized today that in just a couple of weeks, my husband, the boys, my parents, and I are going to embark on the biggest adventure that we as a family have ever had. In the past, I have pretty much been a seat of the pants type of girl when it comes to travel. I am not sure if that is such a wise approach to take on a road trip from Vermont to Florida that involves four adults and two kids, so I am beginning to do a little bit of planning. There once was a time … Continue reading

A Day In The Life Of A Stay At Home Parent

I am sure that anyone who is the parent of a toddler can probably relate to at least some of what goes on at my house. Sometimes, though, I find myself sitting here in disbelief thinking things like “Did that really just happen?”. Then I laugh. Of course it just happened. Being a mom is a lot of different things, and interesting is certainly a word I would use to describe motherhood. Some people ask me whether I get bored, hanging out at home all day with the kids. Since there’s never a dull moment here, there is no time … Continue reading