Knock, knock…

Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange, who? Orange you glad I didn’t say banana? The toddler has discovered knock-knock jokes. It’s an adorable rite of passage for someone who’s still trying to develop language and cognition skills. She’s been walking around the house for days saying, “Knock, knock”. Nothing usually comes after the knock, knock except a whole lot of giggling from the toddler. She finds herself to be very amusing. Then the knock-knock … Continue reading

Missing School Days

I am so proud of Jessie. She is doing well in school. The reports from the teachers, counselor, and office staff are all glowing. Jessie is loving school too. Spring break was a difficult adjustment because she didn’t understand not going to school. She missed her teachers and her friends. I am beyond happy that she loves school. I hope it lasts. If she loves and enjoys school, she’ll be more likely to take it seriously and strive to do well. I don’t want my children to be underachievers like I was. When Jessie first started school I decided that … Continue reading

Speech Development

Our second foster placement was a toddler. She didn’t talk much when she arrived at 21-months old. I was very concerned for her because I was used to toddlers who were vociferous. After four months living with us and working with ECI, she was much more verbal and had added a lot of words. I was concerned about Jessie’s language development early, but ECI wouldn’t work with her until she was two. She didn’t seem to make a lot of progress between ages two, when the speech therapist started working with her, and age three when she aged out of … Continue reading

Jump N Land

I love our house. I wish we weren’t so far away from everything, but I still love where we live. We have a large property and the potential for a great and kid-friendly yard. Unfortunately, we do not have a fence; we cannot let the toddler go out back to play because out back is too vast and open. Jessie never stays put and wants to go visit the neighbors. Toddlers need places to play. Toddlers need to run and jump and climb. Toddlers need to be able to be as loud as they want to be. One of my … Continue reading

Navigating School Snow Days

I’m a Southern California girl. I love the weather and lived at the beach with my husband when we were first married. I hate the cold. I despise rain and I don’t do snow. I agreed to move to Texas because the weather is very similar to what I’m used to. Imagine my surprise to be snowed in two years in a row. I am the parent of a toddler and an infant. My toddler started the early program at the local school when she aged out of Early Childhood Intervention. Now I have to figure out how to do … Continue reading

Treacherous Threes

Being three is hard. You’re a toddler and you’re a preschooler. There’s so much you can do and still so much you can’t do. The year between two and three is commonly called the Terrible Twos. Many parents find that the Terrible Twos are not one year. Those Terribles can start at one and last until age five. My three-year-old was a great two-year-old. She wasn’t a Terrible Two at all; she was just Jessie. The threes have hit her hard. I think I live with a mini Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. She is the sweetest most loving little … Continue reading

Introducing the Tooth Fairy

My toddler is only three. She’s been going to the dentist since her first birthday. I don’t want to think about her losing teeth. She’s so little. I didn’t start losing teeth until I was seven. Children typically start losing teeth around age six or seven. Jessie has a ways to go, which is a relief. Jessie’s school is holding an assembly today for the Pre-K through second grade children. The tooth fairy is going to make an appearance. I don’t know what the presentation is going to be; I wish I could be there for it. I hope Jessie … Continue reading

First Day of School

Jessie started school today. She was supposed to start on January 4, after winter break. Unfortunately, she that night in the hospital and it was just not possible. I was planning on sending her next Monday, but decided on today instead. I figure starting on a Friday gives her a day to experience school and the weekend to process it. I got up really early to get myself dressed and ready for the day. Daddy got up early too so he could shower. I woke up Jessie at 7:00. Jessie helped pick out her outfit for the day. She was … Continue reading

Visiting Santa

I recently wrote about our Breakfast With Santa. The toddler would not get within two feet of Santa. I really don’t blame her; I never liked Santa when I was a child. I don’t like characters at all; I’ve been a character and I still don’t like characters. Last year we got a picture of the family with Jessie hysterical while I held her behind Santa. My photographer friend did non-Santa Christmas shoots for all the families who didn’t get a picture with Santa at my moms’ groups Christmas party at Wiggly Play Center. Jessie wouldn’t go in the same … Continue reading

Starting Preschool

We thought the time had come to start school and enrolled Jessie in the nearby Montessori school. I was so excited about this school. I thought Montessori was the right method for Jessie. We paid the enrollment fee and had the tuition ready. When the school sent out its calendar with the start date, I decided that neither Jessie nor I was really ready for her to start school. She was only two. Jessie was still receiving services through ECI, but those services were ending when Jessie turned three. Then she was supposed to start receiving services, if she qualified, … Continue reading