DIY Toddler Toys from Everyday Objects

Toddlers have an abundance of curiosity, a short attention span (when compared to adults), and an innate ability to uninhibitedly express themselves whenever the need strikes. One might say that toddlers excel at living in the moment. The good news is that this means you can make some DIY toddler toys out of everyday household objects that will attract and amuse your toddler. Obviously, parents will need to monitor their toddlers as they play with these “DIY” toys (just as they would if the toddler was playing with regular toys). Many parents have noticed this little “quirk” that toddlers have. … Continue reading

Best Toy Ever

The other day, Dylan got a new toy. It isn’t actually a toy like you would find in a toy store. It is something much, much simpler. It was actually free, we paid nothing for it. The funny thing is that all of the money in the world could not buy a toy that has brought the amount of joy that this simple, free gift from Grandpa has brought to Dylan over the past couple of days. What is this magical item that has somehow inspired Dylan to focus on playing like never before? A box of scrap wood. It … Continue reading

Time To Thin Out The Toy Collection

With Dylan’s third birthday just around the corner and Christmas coming about a month later, there are sure to be many new toys coming into our home. We already have a lot of toys, and they are currently all over the floor of the playroom because Dylan enjoys dumping out the toy storage bins. Sometimes I think that he has too many toys, but I am not exactly sure what to do about it. The other day I decided that I would like to use our too many toys dilemma as an opportunity to teach Dylan about generosity and helping … Continue reading

Memory Game

Jessie’s friend Braeden gave her a My Little Pony Memory Game for her birthday. Trying to play Memory the way I know how to play Memory is a frustrating experience with a three-year-old. Jessie wants to turn over all the cards and look at the pictures. She doesn’t get the concept of matching pictures and remembering where pictures are when they don’t show. She’s not ready. That’s okay because there are a lot of things that Jessie isn’t ready for. The My Little Pony cards have ended up in a plastic zip bag and Jessie carries them around. I love … Continue reading

Who Bought This Toy?

Children are noisy. We try to teach our children the difference between outside and inside voice. The two voices is a difficult concept for the toddler. The toddler’s normal tone of voice is forever at a loud whine. When I talk to other parents of three-year-olds I find that whining loudly is pretty standard for toddlers. We have a lot of toys that make noise. I think the majority of toys for small children make noise and flash lights. Jessie has outgrown the phase of having mostly noise making toys and her toys require her to use her imagination. Jessie … Continue reading

Toddler Book: Polly’s Pink Pajamas

I love pajamas. Pajamas are cute and comfortable. Jessie is very particular about her jammies. She will tell you that she wants to wear Doo Doo Dora, Elmo, or Princess. She will let you know if she plans to embellish her jammies with a tutu. Some of our favorite days are jammie days. Jammie days are the days that we lounge around the house without ever changing out of our jammies. It’s much easier to leave Jessie and Baby E in jammies too. Some days Jessie just does not want to get dressed. It’s bad when those are school days, … Continue reading

Free To Be… You And Me

My mom loves to send books to Jessie. Jessie knows the titles and asks for them. She doesn’t ask for the title entirely, but enough of it that we know what she’s talking about. For instance, Mommy Moon is My Mommy Hung the Moon: A Love Story by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell. Hippo book could be anything by Sandra Boynton but is usually All the Hippos Go Berserk, which we have three copies of. I was so excited when Mom sent Free To Be… You And Me by Marlo Thomas and Friends . I grew up on Free … Continue reading

Play Kitchen

When I was a little girl my friends across the street had child-sized kitchen appliances. They were wooden and made playing house much more fun and real-feeling. I wanted a kitchen of my own too. Every year for Christmas my parents gave me a brand new tea set. I loved playing with my dolls and tea sets were perfect for my pretend play. But I didn’t have a kitchen. I wanted a kitchen. I pleaded with my mom for a kitchen so I could be like my friends and play real house. My mom complied and got me a refrigerator … Continue reading

Balance Bike for Toddlers

When my husband and I started dating he took me to a supercross race in Anaheim. I knew about motocross, but hadn’t watched a race before. Motorcycles really weren’t my thing. I was excited about spending the night with him, but would have liked to bring a book along with me. I was not prepared for how much fun we were going to have. Being in the stadium with all the people was a blast. I don’t enjoy sports, so I hadn’t been to many games. I’d been to a number of stadium concerts and was a regular theater-goer. The … Continue reading

Birthday Presents

What are we going to give Jessie for her birthday? Each year she’s older there’s more available that’s age appropriate, fun, and educational. There is so much I want to give her, but I can’t give her everything. I have to save something for Christmas. Bicycle Grammy and Poppa are giving Jessie her first big-girl bicycle. I don’t know what it looks like, but they have their eyes on either a 12-inch or 14-inch two-wheel bicycle with training wheels. Jessie should be very excited. Elmo We gave Jessie Elmo Live for her first birthday. It made her smile so I … Continue reading