TSA Making a Fortune from Forgetful Travelers

Have you ever found yourself running back to an airport security checkpoint because you forgot a personal item? Apparently, not very many airline passengers bother to return for the spare change they are forced to deposit into bowls at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints. According to the government, in 2010, travelers left behind $409,085.56 in loose change at TSA security areas. The exact breakdown: $376,480.39 in dollar coins, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies, plus another $32,605.17 in foreign currency. So, who are these wealthy flyers, who forget or choose not to collect their change when exiting the security screening areas? The … Continue reading

Mom-Friendly Airline Takes Flight

“Friendly” and “airline;” you don’t really see those two in the same sentence these days. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw “friendly” and “airline” in the same paragraph. If you’ve taken to the skies in a commercial airliner with kids in the last decade or so, then you know flying can be anything but friendly. A true sign of this is can be seen by looking at the evolution of United Airlines’ slogans. The carrier’s catchy tag line “Fly the Friendly Skies” debuted in 1965. The airlines stuck with the slogan until 1996. Today United’s slogan … Continue reading

Holiday Travel Lessons

I’ve flown nearly 250,000 miles in my 30 plus years on Earth, many with an infant, toddler, preschooler or elementary-aged child in tow. In that time I’ve had far more challenging moments than pleasurable ones, but I am still alive, so I suppose I should be grateful for that. Most of the commercial flights I’ve taken have occurred during the holidays when the last place on the planet you want to be is an airport. Still, the experiences have provided me with some important lessons, such as: Seating: If you or your child is prone to motion sickness, reserve a … Continue reading

Freaking Out Over Airline Fees

Just when you thought commercial airlines couldn’t suck you dry any more than they already do, several carriers are making headlines for the astronomical fees they charge for severely overweight checked bags. American Airlines reports that it charges passengers a whopping $450 for a bag weighing 71-100 pounds on its Asian flights. Meanwhile, United and Continental Airlines charge $400 for bags that weigh 71 to 99.9 pounds on international flights. According to a USA TODAY survey, those are the most expensive fees that airlines charge flyers these days. I am stunned by the numbers, but at the same time, I … Continue reading

Southwest Slammed Again

It’s the commercial carrier known around the world for hating kids, families, fat people, and fans of baggy pants, and now, Southwest Airlines has the dubious distinction of allegedly discriminating against homosexual passengers. Southwest is taking another PR beating today thanks to actress Leisha Hailey unleashing a Twitter tirade that’s been making headlines planet-wide. “The L Word” star took to the social media phenomenon shortly after allegedly getting booted from a flight because she was making out with her girlfriend prior to take-off. “I have been discriminated against by @SouthwestAir,” Hailey tweeted last night. “Flt. attendant said that it was … Continue reading

Luxury Travel for Less

My first experience traveling in first-class on a commercial airline occurred in the mid-1980s. I was an impressionable tween, who lucked out during a flight from Chicago to Honolulu, and was offered seat 2A in the first-class cabin. Back then I was more impressed by the free chocolate ice cream sundae pierced with Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Hazelnut Pirouette Cookies than the extra legroom and leather seat. I can count on two fingers the amount of times I’ve flown first-class since that fateful flight nearly 20 years ago. If you have never experienced the thrill of getting to dine on real … Continue reading

Travel Compensation

Imagine forking over $6 for a pair of plastic headphones during a 12-hour flight after being told by an attendant that the headset would work on all future flights on that particular airline. On your return flight you spend 10 minutes trying to cram the cord into the allotted space to no avail. You later learn that the headset is not compatible with that aircraft. You’re now stuck with a very slightly used pair of headphones and nothing to listen to for 12 very long hours. Do you ask the airline to compensate you? You can try, but these days … Continue reading

Finding the Right Seat

I have always preferred window seats on airplanes. While I agree that aisle seats work better if you have a small bladder, like to stroll around or need access to the overhead bin throughout the flight, I’m not a big fan of beverage carts, flight attendants and others smacking into me as they make their way down the plane’s narrow aisles. And then, there’s the dreaded middle seat. Or, purgatory, as I like to refer to it. Does anyone ever request a middle seat? Not likely. According to travel experts, exit rows, aisle or window seats, and seats located near … Continue reading

Making Summer Flying Bearable

Airports don’t exactly spell f-u-n, especially during the chaotic summer travel season. However, there are ways you can make your layovers bearable by following a few simple tips: Hang at an airline lounge: Amenity-filled airline lounges are typically reserved for first-class passengers or business flyers who have accrued a few million miles criss-crossing the globe. Fortunately, these days you can gain access to these elite rooms even if you are flying with an economy-class ticket. For example, if you are a member of Air Canada’s Maple Leaf Lounge, Continental’s Presidents Club, United’s Red Carpet Club, or the US Airways club, … Continue reading

Too Fat to Fly

Did you know that there are Internet forums designed for people to rant about having to fly next to oversized passengers on commercial airliners? I was sent a link to one the other day and couldn’t believe the viral viciousness being spewed by random flyers. One poster had the gall to tear into an overweight woman he was forced to sit next to whose “blubber spilled over the armrest” and invaded his personal space. The guy then cited a recent incident in which a woman and her mom were allegedly singled out by a Southwest employee for being “too fat … Continue reading