Tolls Taking a Toll on Travelers

Nothing gets a traveler hot under the collar faster than having to spend extra money on tolls.  If paying for gas, hotel rooms and meals weren’t enough, several states have increased the amount of cash they are requiring road warriors to fork over for the privilege of driving on their asphalt. The expansion of the electronic toll system allows locals and visitors alike to speed through the express lanes without having to shell out cash each time.  Rather, drivers can pre-purchase toll devices and use them on highways, bridges and tunnels, from California to Maine. The largest toll program is … Continue reading

How a Road Trip Can Save You Money… and Your Relationship

Newsflash: A road trip with your spouse can help you save money on couples’ counseling… and potentially an expensive divorce. Despite what you saw when Oprah and Gayle did it, a new study finds that extended periods of time in a car with a friend or significant other can be good for your relationship. YourTango and Ford Motor Company just released the results of a poll that queried more than 1,000 people who had driven long distances with a spouse or significant other. According to the poll, 84 percent said that the road trip experience strengthened their relationship. The bulk … Continue reading

Are You Rude on the Road?

Admit it; you fume like an atomic plant when stuck behind a slow driver. And what happens when a SUV cuts you off? How do you react? A recent survey conducted by a major insurance company revealed that the level of courtesy extended from one driver to another on America’s roadways is “poor.” C’mon, that news can’t really surprise you. After all, when was the last time you had a pleasant experience driving from point A to point B? Survey respondents were asked that very question. In addition, they were presented with a list of poor driving behaviors and asked … Continue reading

Dings Do Matter

The price of gas may not be at a record high right now, but that doesn’t mean that filling up is cheap. In fact, recent polls show that many families across the United States are opting to rent vehicles that guzzle less gas than their family mobiles when embarking on long road trips. Renting a smaller vehicle may be an economical option, especially if you don’t want to add more wear and tear on your every day ride. However, if you are not careful your summer rental could put a major dent in your wallet. USA Today just a published … Continue reading

Summer Road Trip Survival

Do you remember when Oprah and her BFF Gayle embarked on an 11-day summer road trip across America? The queen of talk’s cross-country adventure served as a reminder to many of us about the challenges associated with being crammed in a limited space for an extended amount of time with more than just ourselves. Even the people we claim to love with our heart and soul can get under our skin during a long car ride. To avoid taking a turn into vacation purgatory this summer, it’s critical to be well prepared. Remember, when you’re cruising along the highway, one … Continue reading

Do You Pay Attention to Street Signs?

Stop. Slow Children at Play. Do Not Pass. Yield. Merge. We see these words and phrases on signs as we travel along roads across the United States, but how often do we really heed the warning? I readily admit that I’ve come to a rolling stop on more than just a few occasions. In fact, three years ago, I was pulled over for failing to come to a complete stop at an intersection between a middle school and a high school. Fortunately, I got off with just a warning. Had the police officer not been so generous I would’ve had … Continue reading

Road Trip Sanity Savers

Keeping the peace in a vehicle filled with cranky kids is no small task, and with the summer travel season kicking off this weekend, now is the time to arm yourself with weapons against the “Are we there yet?” blues. With advancements in technology, the family car often morphs into a mobile living room complete with DVD players, video games, and smartphones. These days, most parents don’t dare travel long distances without arming kids with portable digital devices, from iPads to portable PlayStations. These electronic entertainment systems are a far cry from playing 20 Questions in the back of a … Continue reading

Save on Holiday Road Trips

For many families, today marks the unofficial start of the Memorial Day weekend. As the summer travel season kicks off, gas prices have dipped slightly since peaking earlier this year. However, I still don’t think paying nearly $4 per gallon is cheap by any means. Fortunately, there are ways you can fuel up for your holiday road trip without breaking the bank: Timing is Key: Experts recommend filling your car with gas in the early morning rather than during the heat of the afternoon. If you wait to fuel up later in the day you’ll end up with less gas … Continue reading

Summer RV Adventure

There is nothing quite like hitting the highway in a half-car, half-house contraption in order to save money on food and lodging. If you can afford the rental and the gas, then vacationing in an RV is not a bad option considering its versatility. However, before you head out on the open road in one of these homes on wheels there are a few factors to consider: Packing Regardless of the size of your RV, packing wisely is always a good idea. This is especially true when it comes to kitchen items. If you are traveling with children, then you … Continue reading

More Ways to Save on Your Summer Vay-Cay

Thankfully, the price of gas has gone down in the last two weeks. Now, instead of getting just a couple of gallons of gas for 10 bucks, I can get nearly three. Woohoo! Truth… ahem! I mean… sarcasm aside, the cost of hitting the road on a summer road trip with the family has gotten a bit more manageable in the last month or so. However, there are many other ways you can help stretch your travel dollar while putting the pedal to the metal on your summer highway adventure. For starters, don’t put the pedal to the metal. Putting … Continue reading