Prepping for the Summer Road Trip

According to AAA, more than 35 million of us will hit the road this Fourth of July weekend. What’s more, the group maintains that we’re in for a bumpy ride. AAA says if this Independence Day is anything like last year’s, its employees are in for a busy weekend rescuing us from travel troubles. Way to jinx us AAA. According to the group, July 4th is the single busiest day for emergency roadside assistance calls with an average response rate of 520,000. That’s more than a half million stranded motorists calling AAA to help them. The leading cause of car … Continue reading

Road Trip Sanity Savers

Happy kids equal happy parents. That goes double when you are traveling in the same vehicle together for long periods of time during a family road trip. When the kids are miserable, summer car trips can be unbearable for parents. If you are trying to figure out ways to preserve your sanity on an upcoming road trip, then arm yourself with the following kid-friendly boredom busters: BAKING SHEET BINGO Pack a baking sheet in your vehicle and you will quickly see how versatile it can be on a long car trip. The baking sheet is multi-faceted. It can be used … Continue reading

Road Trip Reminders

For some families taking a summer road trip is a seasonal rite of passage. It was when I was growing up. Interestingly, a new study by AAA reveals that due to budget constraints more people are planning to drive to their summer vacation destination this year rather than fly. However, there are risks involved when driving long distances. If you are planning to hit the highway on a summer adventure in the upcoming weeks, then consider these simple tips to help keep your family safe: PARKING Whether you drive a 2010 Lexus SUV or a 1999 Toyota minivan, you want … Continue reading

Travel Tales: How Not to Cut Down on Your Gas Bill

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And in some cases illegal action. With the price of gas skyrocketing to record levels it’s no surprise that some people are resorting to some unconventional means to gas up. Just ask police in Hermitage, Pennsylvania who say they may have finally figured out how mass quantities of diesel fuel have been lifted from local gas stations. According to authorities, the perpetrators allegedly employed a specially equipped pickup truck trailer with a trap door and a vacuum hose. Police say no one has been charged for the crime yet, but the truck and trailer … Continue reading

Sunday Travel Funnies: Gas and Giggles

Yesterday my best friend called from Hawaii to inform me that a gallon of regular unleaded gas has now reached $4.50 in our hometown (that, and her son broke his arm at a local playground). The record breaking price of fuel is no laughing matter for families who live on a fixed income, but what might get a few giggles is the way some folks have been dealing with the financial burden. For example, in Arlington, Washington, staff members at a local dental office are switching from four wheels to four legs to save money on gas. According to reports, … Continue reading

Travel Tales: Kids Rebel Against High Gas Prices

My daughter is far too young to understand that skyrocketing gas prices are just one of the reasons we can’t afford to drive to Chicago everyday to see her finned friends at the aquarium. And even if she did comprehend what gas prices have done to our household budget I’m still not convinced she would take on the project two sisters in Salt Lake City did recently. Nine-year-old Sadie and 7-year-old Pyper Vance are rebelling against record high gas prices. The sisters aren’t even old enough to have their learner’s permit, yet they say they are as sick of the … Continue reading

Gas and Go… or Not

Okay, now I’ve heard everything… With the price for a single gallon of unleaded gas well over the $4 mark in most parts of the nation it’s no wonder motorists are getting creative when it comes to filling up at the pump. For instance, a guy in Denver recently gave new meaning to “squeezing every penny at the pump.” Get this: according to news reports, clerks at a gas station just outside the Mile High City actually called the police when a man came in and insisted on using $10 worth of pennies to prepay for his fuel. Responding officers … Continue reading

Saving Money on Rental Cars

If there is a silver lining in the gray cloud of record high gas prices it’s that a slew of rental car companies are offering deep discounts to summer travelers in need of wheels. As the price for a single gallon of unleaded fuel tops the $4 mark many major rental car companies are offering an array of deals to retain customers despite the fact that may automakers have cut back on the number of vehicles allocated to car rental companies, which means that there are fewer fuel-efficient cars for travelers to rent. The new promotions being offered by rental … Continue reading

Are You Contemplating Selling Your SUV?

If you are, you certainly aren’t alone. In a country where the average price of a gallon of unleaded fuel is $4.05, many gas guzzling SUVs are getting kicked to the curb by their owners. The only problem is once they get to the curb they often sit there for a while. Last week the General Motors plant located not far from my home announced it would be closing because of soft sales on SUVs and large trucks. Many workers there said they could see the writing on the wall, especially with the price of gas skyrocketing to record levels. … Continue reading

Gas Attack—Man Fights Back

You’ve heard the complaints. Heck, you’ve probably spewed out a few yourselves. The cost of gas is ridiculously high and most drivers are not holding their tongues when it comes to ripping into those in charge of price gouging. But there is one man who lives not far from my neighborhood who is doing more than just flapping his lips about the outrageous price of fuel. Brian LaFave says he has given up on complaining. In fact, he couldn’t care less how high gasoline prices climb these days. The Wisconsin man has parked his pickup truck and is refusing to … Continue reading