Should You Rent a Vehicle in a Foreign Country?

In a previous blog I noted that motor vehicle crashes – not crime or terrorism – are the No. 1 killer of healthy Americans in foreign countries. That blog certainly didn’t make a very good argument in support of getting behind the wheel of a car when traveling abroad. And I didn’t even touch on the financial pitfalls associated with renting a vehicle in foreign land. For example, the car and gas will cost more than in the United States. Also, you may need to purchase additional insurance since the chances of something going wrong are much higher than they … Continue reading

Are You Ready for Cars That Drive Themselves?

It’s hip. It’s happening. It’s the latest innovation to hit the auto world—it’s the driverless car engineered by a robotics team from Carnegie Mellon University… and it could soon be coming to a garage near you. Sounds like something out of a futuristic movie, but the folks at General Motors say it’s not science fiction (though their still working all the kinks out). The high-tech vehicle features the ultimate cruise control and was recently tested for the media on a closed course at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The modified sport utility vehicle uses a Global Positioning System … Continue reading

It’s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week

Studies show 60% of adult drivers – about 168 million people – say they have driven a vehicle while feeling drowsy in the past year, and more than one-third (or 103 million people) has actually fallen asleep at the wheel. Are you one of them? Regular readers of this blog have read my past drowsy driving experiences (none of them were pretty). And now there’s an entire week dedicated to educating travelers about the dangers of getting behind the wheel without proper sleep. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 100,000 police-reported crashes are the direct result of driver … Continue reading

Speeding in Ireland

I would guess that it would be hard to catch a break from a judge who is hearing a case involving allegations that you were driving 112 mph in a 62 mph zone. Then again I have never been caught speeding in Ireland. Apparently, your chances of getting off the hook there are pretty good. As least if you believe David Clarke. According to police reports the 31-year-old motorist was caught flying down an Dublin road a few weeks ago at speeds in excessive of 180 kilometers per hour (roughly 110 mph) in a 100 kph zone (62 mph). When … Continue reading

“Park Your Car For A Penguin”

How’s that for a catchy tag line? One transportation group says if penguins could talk they would likely urge travelers to think about them and take a bus. “Motorcoaches are nice and don’t melt our ice.” Another great line. The hits keep coming in an eight-page educational booklet produced by the American Bus Association aimed at sending an important message to policy-makers. The pamphlet is titled “Save A Penguin. Take A Motorcoach.” According to leaders in the bus industry, by supporting motorcoach transportation, which gets about 184 miles per gallon and is one of the most efficient ways to travel, … Continue reading

Rental Cars—-What I Wish I Knew A Few Weeks Ago

I try very hard to learn from my mistakes. (Ideally, I would prefer to learn from other people’s mistakes, rather than go through the drama myself, but I digress.) A few weeks ago I had to rent a car while my four-wheeled wonder was getting serviced. Without getting into the details of the billing process (the car was supposedly covered by insurance, yada, yada) I ended up getting a crash course in Rental Car Hidden Costs 101. In the coming months many of you may be forced to rent a car at your holiday destination and for you I offer … Continue reading

Bumper Stickers and Personalized License Plates—-Crack Ups and Controversies

“My cat is smarter than your honor student.” “Stable relationships are for horses.” “I thought I was indecisive; now I’m not so sure.” “Without geometry, life is pointless.” “I’m schizophrenic and so am I.” And, my personal favorite: “WWJD (Who Wants Jelly Donuts?)” Those are just some of the many hilarious bumper stickers I saw adorning vehicles this summer as my family traveled across the Midwest. Honestly, I’m still smiling as I write this. I don’t know where people come up with the material that eventually appears on bumper stickers, but I have to say, I am glad someone’s coming … Continue reading

Back-To-School Road Rules

Today our 5-year-old neighbor completed his first day of school. He’s been waiting for this day since the middle of summer. Each day since his mom bought him his new backpack (more than two weeks ago) he has come over to remind my 3-year-old daughter that he is “going to school to make a lot of new friends.” So today when I saw him standing outside posing for pictures by his mailbox wearing his brand new backpack I couldn’t resist grabbing my daughter and walking over to wish him well on his big day. Turns out we ended up walking … Continue reading

Back-to-School Driving Tips For Teens

Did you know that vehicle crashes are the No.1 killer of U.S. teens? Studies show many of these deaths are the result of driver error to due to inexperience behind the wheel… AND they are preventable. It’s a fact that many parents of teen drivers need to be aware of especially with fall just around the corner. In less than 10 days millions of teens will be back on the roads heading to and from class and after-school activities. Experts say this last week in August is an ideal time to speak with your student driver about the rules of … Continue reading

E-ZPass Exposes Infidelities

Attention adulterers: You may be cruising for a bruising if you are cheating on your loved one and own an E-ZPass. Who knew a little piece of plastic could cause so much trouble? It seems the E-ZPass (a type of electronic toll collection device) is emerging as a powerful means of proving infidelity. The reason: the contraception, that’s no bigger than the common garage door opener, allows suspicious spouses to check out where their cheating mates have been. One New York divorce attorney who has used E-ZPass records several times in court says this about the device: “E-ZPass is an … Continue reading