International Tipping

How much did you tip the valet during your last stay at an upscale hotel? If the hotel was in the United States you should have shelled out at least 5 to 10 percent of the valet charge, according to gratuity experts. However, if you were given the same service in Europe, experts say you wouldn’t be expected to tip more than 3 percent, if at all. According to a new poll, nobody tips better than Americans. In fact, many of us are “overtippers” and that generosity doesn’t stop when we travel overseas. Interestingly, in some countries, leaving a wad … Continue reading

Destinations for Daring Travelers

You don’t have to be daring to tour New York City’s Museum of Modern Art, unless you are a parent with a young child, who decides to visit the legendary art institute during a nude exhibition. Ironically, it’s not the naked models you have to worry about. Rather, it’s the perverted patrons, who are touching the nude performers that you’ll want to shield your kids’ eyes from. According to museum officials, more than a dozen visitors have been escorted out of the gallery after pushing, prodding, and poking nude performers. The performers are part of Marina Abramovic’s new exhibition highlighting … Continue reading

Travel Tales: A Wing and a Prayer

With the sky-high airfare and insane service fees, airlines have become the target of many travelers ire. Airplanes, on the other hand, still hold a special place in some people’s hearts, including Darren and Katie McWalters. The newlyweds say they are die-hard flyers and to prove it they recently exchanged wedding vows 1,000 feet above the earth strapped to the top of biplanes. The 23-year-old bride reportedly took to the skies dressed in her white wedding gown perched on the top wing of red-and-white plane operated by a group of stunt pilots. Meanwhile, her 24-year-old groom flew by her side … Continue reading

Sunday Travel Funnies: The Power of Prayer

On this day set aside for prayer and thoughtful reflection I thought it would be appropriate to blog about the way some people are combining God and travel. In St. Louis, Missouri a group of avid travelers will be offering two prayer services at area gas stations to thank God for lower fuel prices and to ask that they continue to drop. I’m not kidding. Darrell Alexander, Midwest co-chair of the “Pray at the Pump” movement, says prayer gatherings will be held tomorrow afternoon and evening at a Mobil station west of downtown St. Louis. Alexander says he and a … Continue reading

Touring Asia on a Dime

Well, maybe not a single dime, but you get the idea. If you have ever dreamed of exploring culturally rich Singapore, but could never afford to do so now is the time to fly. Cathay Pacific Airways just announced an amazing travel package to Bangkok or Singapore. Roundtrip flights from Los Angeles and San Francisco are priced at just $926 with a free stopover in Hong Kong (add $50 if departing from New York). The offer is good for travel from September 1 to November 30, 2008, but you must book by July 31, 2008. Note: The price is based … Continue reading

Why Passengers Don’t Mind Being Delayed in Hong Kong

No one likes to be stuck in an airport when they should be somewhere over the Pacific. But according to a recent survey, if you have to be delayed anywhere, it’s best to be held up at the Hong Kong International Airport. For the seventh year in a row, the massive airport was ranked the best by millions of passengers around the world. Visitors chose the Hong Kong International Airport over 190 others in an annual survey conducted by Skytrax, a privately owned research company. The London-based firm reportedly collected more than 8 million questionnaires from travelers flying into and … Continue reading

Vacation Like a Celebrity

Let’s face it; most of us will never walk the red carpet at a major Hollywood event. And we will likely never know what it’s like to have thousands of screaming fans chanting our names as we cross the street. However, if you have the means you can escape to the same exotic spots A-list stars frequent. Celebrities go on vacation for the same reason we do—to escape from the rigors of everyday life. That’s why many of them choose to jet off to exclusive resorts in far off locales. For example, Tom Cruise regularly vacations on one of the … Continue reading

What to Know Before you Fly with Fido—Part 3

Now that you which airlines will allow your pampered pet to fly in style you should be aware of some of the restrictions that are associated with transporting animals on airplanes. Summer Travel If you are taking to the skies with Fido or Fifi during the summer months, it’s important to remember that most airlines have temperature restrictions in place during that time frame (May through September). If it’s over 85 degrees Fahrenheit, airlines will not fly pets as checked baggage — the same applies if it’s below 45 degrees. In addition, some airlines have restrictions on certain types of … Continue reading

What to Know Before you Fly with Fido—Part 2

Did you know that more than a half a million dogs and cats are transported on commercial airlines each year? And according to the Air Transport Association, 99% of the animals reach their destinations without incident. (Not bad, unless your pet was part of that one percent.) In my previous blog I provided facts to consider before you take to the skies with your beloved furry friends domestically. If you are flying internationally check out El Al Israel Airlines, it was the first international airline to introduce a frequent flyer plan with its Points for Pets program in 2001. The … Continue reading

What to Know Before you Fly with Fido

If you thought the recent luggage fees, additional fuel surcharges, and add-ons for food and drinks were all that you had to contend with when traveling at 35,000 feet, think again. If you are looking to take Fido or Fifi along on your cross-country journey plan to dig deep. A number of airlines are making two-legged passengers pay more to tote their four-legged friends on planes. For example, JetBlue just raised its one-way pet fee for in-cabin travel from $75 to $100. However, it’s trying to temper the move by also throwing in some incentives for pet owners. According to … Continue reading