Some Teens are Having Bariatric Surgery

Teenagers who are obese might have the option of having bariatric surgery. Previously, this type of weight loss surgery was only offered to adults. Although it isn’t the best choice for every teenager, there are some teens who can greatly benefit from it. The New York Times reported in February of 2017 that the number of adolescents who are overweight or obese has leveled off in recent years. But the number who are severely obese – heavy enough to qualify for bariatric surgery – has nearly doubled from 1999 to 2014. Previously, 5.2 percent of adolescents were severely obese. That … Continue reading

The Eat Clean Diet

The Eat Clean diet is one that has gained popularity over the years. The main idea is to choose foods that are unprocessed. It is always a good idea to speak with a doctor before starting a new diet. What is the Eat Clean Diet? The Eat Clean Diet is different from other diets because it encourages a lifestyle approach that includes healthy eating and exercise. The main idea is to avoid foods that are “unclean”. In general, this means people who choose the Eat Clean Diet are consuming whole foods and avoiding processed foods that contain artificial flavorings, artificial … Continue reading

The Tapeworm Diet

We live in a society where being thin is seen as more important than being healthy. This can lead some desperate people to attempt fad diets that are completely and entirely unsafe. The tapeworm diet is dangerous, unhealthy, and will not result in weight loss. It is advisable that people speak with their doctor before starting any diet. What is the Tapeworm Diet? The tapeworm diet is not really a diet at all. Instead, it is an extremely dangerous attempt to lose weight that is based on misinformation. Some people have become convinced that intentionally swallowing a tapeworm will allow … Continue reading

The Glycemic Index Diet

The Glycemic Index Diet is based on the Glycemic Index. It is a way of looking at how the carbohydrates in foods affect blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels. Before starting a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor about it. What is the Glycemic Index Diet? The Glycemic Index Diet has also been called Sugar Busters, the Zone Diet, and Nutrisystem. The original version was called the “G.I. Diet”. Despite what people have been taught by the authors of those books, the Glycemic Index Diet was not intended to be a weight loss diet. … Continue reading

The Paleo Diet

You may have heard the Paleo diet described as “eat like a caveman”. Other names for it include: The Stone Age diet, or the Ancient diet. No matter what name you know it as, the overall concept of the Paleo diet is the same. The Paleo diet is an attempt to replicate the diet that humans who were alive during the Paleolithic age would have eaten. It is always a good idea to consult a doctor before choosing to start a new diet. Where did the Paleo diet come from? The Paleo diet has been around for longer than you … Continue reading

The Juice Cleanse Diet

The Juice Cleanse diet is a fad diet. It requires people to drink a certain amount of juice and prohibits people from eating food. There are a lot of dangers involved with this fad diet. Before you begin a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor about it. What is the Juice Cleanse Diet? The Juice Cleanse diet has gone by different names over the years including: Cleanse, Master Cleanse, Detox, and the “Maple Syrup Diet” (made popular when Beyonce did it years ago). The Hollywood 48 hour miracle diet is a Juice Cleanse diet. … Continue reading

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is among the most well known diets. This is due in part to how long it has been around. People recognize the name from all the Atkins food products that they see in grocery stores. Before beginning a diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor. What is the Atkins Diet? The Atkins Diet is the original low carb diet. The main idea is to limit the amount of carbohydrates that you eat, especially during the early stages of the diet. According to the Atkins website, the purpose of this diet is to “flip … Continue reading

The Weight Watchers Diet

Weight Watchers is one of the most well-known diets. This is due to how long it has been in existence and its advertising efforts. Is it the best diet for you? Before beginning a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor. What is the Weight Watchers Diet? Weight Watchers is a diet that uses a points system. Recently, Weight Watchers changed their points system to a new one called SmartPoints. Their new points formula looks at the type of fat in a given food, with saturated fat pointed more heavily. Lean protein has fewer points … Continue reading

The Gluten-Free Diet

The Gluten-Free diet is an excellent choice for people who have certain health conditions. It is not ideal for everyone. Before you begin a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor about it. What is the Gluten-Free diet? A gluten-free diet is one that excludes foods that contain gluten. Gluten is the general name for the proteins that are found in wheat (durum, emmer, spelt, farina, farro, KAMUT, khorasan wheat, and einkorn) rye, barley, and triticale. Gluten acts as a glue that holds foods together. People who go on a gluten-free diet stop eating foods … Continue reading

The Cotton Ball Diet is Dangerous

There have been many diets that sound a bit extreme – but that do involve actual food. The cotton ball diet, however, encourages people to eat a non-food item that their bodies cannot break down or gain nutrition from. The purpose of this diet, like all diets, is weight loss. It is important to know that the cotton ball diet is very dangerous! There are certain times of the year in which a lot of people suddenly decide to go on a diet. One is shortly before summer, when people decide they want to lose weight in order to look … Continue reading