Exercise for Type II Diabetics

Exercise is important for everyone, but regular exercise is especially important for people with Type II diabetes. With regular exercise, diabetics may be able to control nerve pain and/or peripheral neuropathy, nerve damage that mainly affects the legs and feet. Regular exercise can also help a diabetic maintain a healthy weight and regulate their blood sugar. But, some diabetics avoid exercise because they are already overweight or suffering from some physical ailment. They may even avoid getting started on an exercise regiment because they cannot exercise for very long. Just remember – any movement is good movement. While the American … Continue reading

Ways to Suppress Hunger

Half the time, I know I eat because I am bored or stressed. Sometimes I find myself eating when I know good and well that I am not hungry. I ran across an email the other day titled Natural Appetite Suppressors, so I decided to do some research to see what I could find to help me. One that I know of (because my husband is always reminding me of it) is water. If you feel like eating something, drink some water. I try to remember this one because not only will the water make me feel full and suppress … Continue reading

Easy Ways to Burn Calories

I’ve slacked off on the gym, so now I am looking for ways to burn calories. I can across this list of easy ways to burn 100 calories from Our Lady of Weigh Loss, Janice Taylor. These are things I could (and probably should be doing): Vacuuming This I can do! If you vacuum for just 25 minutes, you can burn 100 calories. Janice, however, lives in a New York City apartment that only takes 10 minutes to vacuum, so she volunteers to do her neighbor’s vacuuming as well. Who is going to turn that kind of offer down? Drink … Continue reading

Dieting Myths – Part 1

After losing 30 pounds last year, I gained 10 back over the holidays. I know that is not horrible, but by eating poorly and not exercising, I know I am in trouble. I thought now might be a good time to remind myself of dieting myths as I try to get back on the bandwagon! #1 – Crash diets are a good way to lose weight! I know I will have some naysayers for this one, but I am not a huge fan of crash diets. I know a lot of women swear by them, but I view dieting as … Continue reading

How to Determine Portion Sizes

I have mentioned that one of the most important things about the diabetic diet is portion control. While you get three meals a day and three snacks, you still need to follow proper portion control to remain within your diet. Now, if you are like me, you don’t have time to be bothered with a scale. I’ve bought food scales before, used them once or twice, and then put them up in the cabinet, never to see the light of day again. But, I got a very helpful sheet from the diabetic specialist that makes portion control easier. If you … Continue reading

About the Diabetic Diet

Before I was put on the diabetic diet, I was told by some healthcare professionals that it is really the healthiest diet for anyone to be on – even if they aren’t diabetic. Now, I am not a nutritionist, so I can’t say if that is 100% true or not, but I know I have tried a few diets and the diabetic diet is the easiest to stick with as far as I am concerned. What makes the diabetic diet unlike other diets? Well, I for one don’t really get hungry. That is because on the diabetic diet, you eat … Continue reading

Fast Food is the Devil

Okay, I wrote my title tongue-in-cheek because I love fast food as much as the next person and quite possibly more. And, it isn’t just fast food that is bad for us because sit-down restaurant food can be just as bad. You can eat out, but you need to be careful and think about what you are putting in your mouth, which is something you should be doing at home as well. A friend of mine moaned about dieting because he couldn’t have fries. Well, you shouldn’t have fries, but you can, just don’t get the 1/2 pound supersized bucket … Continue reading

Weight Loss: My Own Personal Philosophy

In my last weight loss blog, I found myself 46, a good 30 pounds overweight, with high cholesterol and teetering on the borderline of being diabetic. My problem is I know what to do, it is just implementing it, but then I am sure some of you have the same problem. I know everyone has different opinions about weigh loss, but I thought I would share with you my own personal philosophy. Mind you, some of you may disagree with my opinion, so just remember, this is just the way I feel about weight loss. Number one, fad diets and … Continue reading

My Forced Weight Loss Journey – How It Started

I used the word “forced” in the title when I guess no one can be truly “forced” to lose weight. But, let me tell you a bit about my history and why I felt this was forced. When I was younger, I was very active, but like many of us, I became more and more sedentary as the years went on. I married for the first (and only!) time at 36 and right before I turned 40, I realized if we were going to have any children, we had better get started! I was very lucky in that we got … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: When You’re Sick

I’ve been sick all week. Not with the sniffles or a mild cold, but with a knock-you-off-your-feet, scramble-your-brain-in-pain virus. It happens once a year. The virus rips through the Northwest, depleting workers’ sick time, lowering attendance at school significantly, and driving some to their doctor’s offices. If I weren’t relegated to “Dr. Duty” in the military healthcare system, I probably would’ve gone in, even if it were just for some pain relief. Instead, I sit here with my Theraflu Severe Cold Formula and my quilt wrapped around me. They offer some comfort, especially the heavy quilt. In a week where … Continue reading