Ten Reasons I Hate Dieting

1.Temptation: I rarely crave sweets unless I am dieting. All of a sudden I am tempted by all sugar treats and high carb foods. 2.Feelings of Failure: Just missing breakfast makes me feel like I have failed. I don’t handle failure well. It makes me want to give up and get a fresh start. That is a dangerous attitude. 3.My late night ice cream appointment: I do not crave sweets but often I enjoy a nice bowl of ice cream while watching a movie on Netflix. That really isn’t wise when dieting. Late night snacking unless it is on ice … Continue reading

Honey, Do I Look Fat?

How many times do we ask our husband if something we are wearing makes us look fat? When we ask that question we rarely think about the position of the other person. If the cringing is not enough indication, just know the question makes your husband uncomfortable. He struggles with telling the truth or telling a lie. Do you want him to lie to you? If you indicate you want truth but the truth sends you in a tailspin of emotion then chances are he will avoid the truth. However, some want a real answer. This does not mean that … Continue reading

Stress and Weight Gain

Stress is a part of life. We experience it in many forms and on different levels almost daily. Stress can be rooted in your job, finances or relationships. In this world of uncertain jobs and economy many are stressed out. The stress of money can easily put more strain on relationships causing more overall stress in your life. Stress can build up over time or you can experience a steady flow of stress. No matter, stress is stress and getting stressed out can have a detrimental effect on your weight. When you are stressed your hormones basically go wonky and … Continue reading

Tempted to Cheat…on a Diet

As I walk through my house I am on a high knowing that all day I have stuck to my diet. Feeling proud of myself I make my way to the kitchen for a scheduled afternoon snack of veggies and cottage cheese. Certain nothing can break my stride I open the refrigerator door to find nothing. No veggies. No cottage cheese. Nothing. Quizzically I look at the calendar on my fridge and realize its Friday. Friday is day I go to the grocery store. I’m too hungry to go the grocery store now. Mercy, I’ve eaten nothing but rabbit food … Continue reading

Enough to Make a Whale Go Back to her Aquarium

Well, I went on a run this morning. A donut run! Pick your jaw up off the floor, we all make mistakes. Besides, my husband is working and my kids asked if we could get donuts this morning. Normally I would never entertain such a request but they got me at a weak moment. So, I get in my car and go on a donut run. I get a pretty sprinkle topped donut, a cinnamon roll, a glazed and a chocolate glazed for the kids. Me? I got a mega deluxe cream filled donut with a huge cup of coffee. … Continue reading

Death of a Beauty Queen

Sit back and ask yourself why you want to lose weight? When I asked myself that question I am ashamed to say it was out of vanity. I wanted to become some great beauty that walked down the street hearing mutterings about how I looked amazing after having four children. After years of my husband telling me that vanity is not a goal and only a concrete goal will give the tool to accomplish, I finally figured out what he was trying to say. Vain aspirations will achieve vain results. My desire to be something or someone else was not … Continue reading

Keeping Your Weight Under Control During Menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and middle age spread. You cannot fight city hall they say, but ah, wait a minute. Yes, you can. If you are totally aware and conscious of all of these things that are taking place in your body you can fight back against it. It is not easy by any means, but by making a concentrated effort you will succeed in your quest. Menopause is that time in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle ceases and with it so does her childbearing capabilities. Some are relieved by this, especially those that have had … Continue reading

Over 40 and Doing Double Time

My Journey The year that I turned 40 was a great revelation to me. I discovered all kinds of new things, not only about my attitude, but also about my health. Like a bad dream, I woke up one day and realized that I was not what I used to be. Almost overnight the fine print was a blurry line. That was my first sign. More signs were to follow and with each new discovery, I became panicked. A few years down the road and with some other health issues popping up at each doctor visit, I knew that something … Continue reading

Looking For My Waist: Just Keep Walking

Like the fish from Finding Nemo with her ongoing personal reminder, “Just keep swimming… Swimming, swimming, swimming”, I am telling myself to just keep walking (walking, walking, walking). I did not exactly go for the walk everyday last week, even with the prize of a new measuring tape looming overhead, my house guests made it difficult. (Nothing like a good excuse to be lazy huh?) When I did not take the morning walk, I did however make it point to keep moving. I spent much of last week helping my in-laws find a new house as they are moving here … Continue reading

Looking For My Waist: soliciting weight loss vibes

I know I have not updated my weight loss progress in a while. I am truly sorry. What I am even sorrier about is that I have excuses. You see I am obviously having blood pressure issues causing my feet to swell painfully. I haven’t worn my wedding rings in weeks. Combine that with my hormones being out of whack, and well, you can see why I have not written on my weight loss ‘successes’. I have not had any. Right now, (until my husband’s contract job is permanent, which should be soon) I am focusing on building good habits. … Continue reading