Motivation from Inside

I have recently written about how social media can be used for weight loss support and accountability. Social media gets a bad rap for making letters and postcards a thing of the past while making past lovers a thing of the present. Many say that people are beginning to lack communication skills due to social media. Any outlet that brings people together will have a light and dark side. Sure the are questionable things in the realm of social media. However, there is good in it as well. It is a way to keep in contact with those with distance … Continue reading

Eating Right This Holiday Weekend

We are coming on another holiday weekend. You know what that means, right? It means we will be invited to family gatherings, picnics, and events surrounded by food. Dieting is hard enough on a regular day with all the temptations around. It will become even tougher as we are faced with Aunt Millie’s famous pies and Grandma’s cookies. Even if we could avoid all the sugar we still need to confront buttered corn and high fat macaroni salads. We cannot take the weekend off of our diet. That would put us back at square one and no one needs that … Continue reading

End of the Month Check In: March 2011

March has ended, has your diet or weight loss program? I certainly hope not. If you have a goal in mind stick to until the end! As spring comes the sun begins to shine and you begin to realize that if you do not work out now those shorts will never fit. I have shorts just waiting for me to fulfill my promise to wear them again. I think the storage is making them batty so it is my duty to get them out in the world again. I would hate to think of them suffering in the dark waiting … Continue reading

Dear Diary: I Am Hungry

I woke up this morning and felt the rumble in my stomach. I got out of bed and stumbled to the shower. I was hoping that the awful feeling would go away. As I got washed and dressed the emptiness in the pit of my stomach grew more fierce. I counted out five crackers. Having been a dieter for several years I did not have to look at the package to see how many calories there were or even the portion size that they recommended. I have experience. The crackers took my emptiness away and I am now good to … Continue reading

My Lifestyle Journey: June 6, 2009

I did not put a week in my title this time, as I have completely lost track of what week I am on. I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter at this point. I am striving to live a more healthy lifestyle and that is the main thing. I would love to lose more weight, but I feel good that I have not gained any weight in over 3 years now. I know that eventually I will reach my destination, but having lost such a great deal of weight over the past three years I feel … Continue reading

Healthy Choice Dieting

I know what they say about frozen dinners. They are high in sodium, which is not a good thing. However, when you need to lose weight, Healthy Choice was what worked for me and I will tell you why. I am not a spokesperson for Healthy Choice or in any way connected to them. Healthy Choice dinners enabled me to lose a great deal of weight. Yes, too great to talk about. It is a sensitive topic with me that I would rather not remember. My doctor suggested medication for my high cholesterol. I took it one day and my … Continue reading

Weight Loss: My Lifestyle Journey (Week Three)

This week I have accomplished losing about three pounds. It is not what I had hoped for, but then again my expectations are somewhat unrealistic and I realize that. It is recommended that you lose weight on the average of 1 to 2 pounds a week. The fact that I am disappointed at a 3-pound weight loss is pointless, so I am trying to be happy with it. My problem is that I want it to happen more quickly, as I am sure that everyone does. I get impatient if it does not, but I know that I should not. … Continue reading

Weight Loss: My Lifestyle Journey (Week One)

I am going to be journaling “My Lifestyle Journey” over the next several months. I hope that it will only be a few months, but time will tell. I joined “Peertrainer” and the support seems to be helping me somewhat. More so, I am just determined to finish what I started when I first began my road to weight loss. Although I did accomplish losing a great deal of weight, I want to finish what I started and reach my original goal. I feel pretty good this week, as I lost 7 pounds. I am walking a fine line though … Continue reading

Mission Possible: The Doldrums

It has been awhile since I’ve posted a Mission Possible post so I figured it was high time I give an update and a motivational pep talk. Since the beginning of Mission Possible, I have changed my eating habits and my exercising habits: I started eating breakfast. I started including 5 to 8 servings of fruits or vegetables in my diet. I am making sure I’m drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I am not drinking soda–not even diet soda. I am exercising at least 48 minutes per day. I’ve dropped about 5 pounds. And then I’ve … Continue reading

Mission Possible: Matrimonial Motivation

Hello my fellow weight loss enthusiasts. This marks the beginning of the second full week of Mission Possible. I still have a BMI of 31 but I have now lost 3 pounds. In case you’re new to Mission Possible, you may want to check out my introduction to the series, or my dieting manifesto. Essentially, I am determined to lose weight and I refuse to starve myself to do it. I am simply eating less and moving more. That’s it. No money spent (although I would join a gym if it were convenient), no starvation, binging, purging, no supplements, no … Continue reading