Habits that Keep the Fat On

Recently, I was searching out common habits that keep the pounds on. Dieting can be an uphill battle and every little tip can help. I am a firm believer that half the battle is mindset and bad habits. Weight loss is simply a mathematical equation of burning more calories then you consume. So what makes it more complicated? We do. We need to be more aware of our habits that can keep us from losing weight. Here are common habits that can keep the fat stubbornly in place: Not getting enough sleep Not drinking enough water Not being prepared Drinking … Continue reading

Day Three of the Three Day Diet

It is the third and final day of the three day diet. I have to admit that it feels like I have been on this diet a lot longer than three days. I feel like I have deprived myself for weeks, I am most discouraged by my lack of results coupled with constant hunger. I mean you can take one it the other. It the combination makes this gig not worth it for me. I have lost a total of two pounds. So I sit disappointed. People from many different sources with no ties to promoting this diet lost five … Continue reading

Day Two of the Three Day Diet

It is day two of the 3 Day Diet. I am starving. Starving is not the feeling you should have on a diet unless your doctor or a nutritionist oversees your diet and perhaps you simply are not used to eating the proper portions. This diet puts you under 1200 calories a day and that is not recommended. When I lost weight successfully a few years ago or so, I ate about 1200-1500 calories a day and felt full. This diet misses the mark on creating a lifestyle of health. So obviously, I would not recommended. So day two and … Continue reading

Day One of the Three Day Diet

Today I began the 3 Day Diet. The purpose of the diet is to lose a decent amount of weight in a short amount of time. It is said by those who promote the diet that up to ten pounds can be lost following this plan. Keep in mind that depends on the person more than the diet. False claims are not unusual for a crash diet. It has also been stated that the diet must be followed exactly with no substitutions. The diet is supposed to work by stimulating the metabolism by the chemical breakdown of the foods. Here … Continue reading

Going on a diet….

In all my almost 40 years, I have never followed a diet plan. I have successfully lost weight by monitoring what I eat and working out. I never joined Weight Watchers or tried a fad diet. So why not start now, right? I mean you only live once and in that time experiencing one fad diet can’t hurt. Besides, I have never been so intent to lose weight. Or is it desperate? The line is blurred and I have no idea what is driving me more. I am on a quest to lose at least 30 pounds. After one knee … Continue reading

A Mind Body Blast Deal for 2012!

I recently took a 6 week fitness and nutrition class called Mind Body Blast and really enjoyed it. To sum it up, it’s an online class with Luci Gabel, a national exercise physiologist and wellness consultant. It’s like having your own nutrition consultant and fitness trainer on-the-go. Mind Body Blast is a small step approach, where you tackle one change to your diet and exercise program each week. Mind Body Blast is not a specific diet (no fads), it’s a program that simply hones in on healthy habit changes for lasting results. Luci guides you through the course through a … Continue reading

Oh For a Celebrity Body!

At night, as I try to fit planning for healthy meals into my already hectic schedule I find myself watching mindless stuff on TV. Mindless TV for me is celebrity related as I’m not someone who has the slightest bit of interest in what Paris Hilton is doing on videos or whether or not Brittany wears panties! However watching these celebrities slink their way down a red carpet I do envy the fact that they can get into those dresses – well some of them anyway, others I wouldn’t even give to a thrift store! Standing in line at the … Continue reading

On Having a Weight Loss Buddy

I haven’t mentioned this before, but I have a weight loss buddy. Although I have other weight loss buddies who are online and who I check in with from time to time to see how they’re doing, this particular weight loss buddy actually lives with me! That’s right, my darling hubby is being supportive and joining in the Weight Watchers eating plan right alongside me. First of all on this I should clarify that he’s not just doing this purely out of selfless motivation – I know he loves me and would do anything he could to support me anyway … Continue reading

Momma’s on a Diet: Week 5 Weigh-In

I’ve been on this diet for a month now and I have to say that things are ticking along nicely. I don’t really think that things are getting easier though. In fact, I’m starting to create problems for myself when it comes to eating and that’s like seeing red flags lined up along the side of the road. I need to stop and recenter my weight loss balance somewhat. I know that this is a tricky part time of the month with hormones running riot and everything, but I know that once I start giving credibility to these problems and … Continue reading

Hug your Local Neurologist!

Yesterday I had a meeting with my neurologist. I really like this guy because he’s the first consultant I’ve seen in over 3 years of unexplained/undiagnosed illness who really seems as if he cares about me, the person. Not long before Christmas he did an EEG and as a result of that diagnosed me as epileptic. I’m not sure the diagnosis is correct but I bow to his better judgment and am trying the treatment plan to see if it helps. This aside, he’s obviously concerned about my weight. The last time we met we talked about the fact that … Continue reading