Time to Get Moving! Why Weekends Count BIG Time

As a busy working mom, it’s not always easy to find the time for a consistent exercise routine during the workweek. However, on the weekends I can usually make the time to work physical activity into my day a lot easier. For instance, yesterday, after making breakfast for my husband and kids, I went for a jog. Jogging is an enjoyable get-away for me. I do some of my best thinking while hitting the pavement. Jogging outdoors has a much different feel than running on a treadmill inside the gym. I enjoy jogging in the morning most of all–the sunshine … Continue reading

Time to Get Moving!- Introduction

My name is Elizabeth Kane. I will celebrate my thirty-first birthday in March. I have two children– a daughter who is four and a step-son who is eleven. Weight is not something I had to deal with on a regular basis until after I had my daughter. Prior to being a mother I weighed approximately 105 lbs. and I am 5′ 1″ tall. Sure in high school I packed on forty pounds but lost it as most youth can do fairly quickly. It was during my high school weight loss experience that I took up exercising. My first marriage ended … Continue reading