Chocolate and Weight Loss

Could it be true? Could chocolate actually help you lose weight? For years we have been told to stay as far away from chocolate as possible, don’t even breathe when walking down the candy aisle. Most spend wasted years crossing chocolate off the list if there was any hope of fitting into that little black dress by Christmas. Tell me it is true that chocolate is actually good for you. Well, good for you is an exaggeration. Eating a Hershey bar will not increase your weight loss but your sugar consumption. We all know the devastation to the hips if … Continue reading

National French Fries Day

Today is National French Fries Day! The simple concept of fried potatoes is much loved by many. Sadly, it has become an unhealthy tradition full of saturated fats, sodium and excess calories. Many are beginning to hail the French fry as the new cancer stick as cigarettes are known. Fast food companies fearing losing customers concerned with the health of their families are now supplying substitutes in kids’ meals such as apples or oranges. Ah, yes, today is National French Fries Day so we should put aside our anger toward an unhealthy favorite and dive right into a fast food … Continue reading

Agave Nectar Recipes

We recently discussed Agave Nectar. Agave Nectar comes from the Blue Agave plant more commonly known for making the tequila. Agave Nectar is also used as a sugar substitute. You can cook with Agave Nectar the same way you use sugar. It even caramelizes, browns and retains moisture. As with any sweetener you must use common sense and moderation. Be certain the Agave Nectar you purchase is organic otherwise it may have been processed using chemicals which results in harmful refined fructose. As someone who is trying to cut down on sugar I am happy to introduce Agave Nectar into … Continue reading

Mashed Parsnips and Cauliflower

A lovely recipe from Live Raw by Mimi Kirk. Mashed Parsnips and Cauliflower A delicious replacement for mashed potatoes. 1/2 cup cashews, soaked 3-4 hours 1 1/2 cups parsnip, peeled and cut into 2-3 pieces. 1/2 cup cauliflower, cut into pieces Juice of 1 lemon. Himalayan sea salt 1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 small clove of garlic or scant amount of garlic powder 2 Tablespoons of nutritional yeast (not raw) 1/2 Cup filtered water 1 teaspoon truffle oil or pinch of truffle salt (optional) Freshly milled pepper Directions: Place all ingredients except truffle oil in the food processor … Continue reading

Enjoy Your Tea with Enjoying Tea

I first became familiar with Enjoying Tea during a Mother’s Day Tea event I planned. The event was blessed with using Enjoying Tea as your featured beverage. Everyone commented on tea and praised the quality and flavor. As a tea drinker, I enjoy a good cup of tea. I am happy to say I found it in Enjoying Tea. Tea is a wonderful alternative for health and for cutting calories to coffee, soda, juices and sports drinks. While I am a coffee lover, I tend to add a lot of sugar and cream to it. I can drink tea all … Continue reading

New Diet Find: True Citrus

It brings my heart (and waistline) such joy to find something natural, healthy and yummy that is also diet friendly. My latest find is True Citrus. Have you heard of it? Perhaps you have seen it in the store and wondered about it. I passed by it many times often wondering about it but looking the other way thinking it was just another product filled with fake sugars. However, it is not sweetened with fake sugar but contains stevia a natural sugar. True Citrus will transform the way to think about adding lemon, lime and orange flavors to your water, … Continue reading

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is commonly known for benefitting hair and skin but it also has other health benefits. Also included among the benefits are stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. All of this is attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid, caprylic acid, myristic acid, vitamin E, vitamin K, iron, fatty acids and more! Let’s explore if coconut oil is beneficial to weight loss. It is said that coconut oil is helpful in reducing … Continue reading

Refreshing Strawberry Recipes

In honor of National Strawberry Month and the warm weather approaching as summer is on the horizon here are a few refreshing strawberry recipes that are good for you! Strawberry Slushy Ingredients: 6-10 ice cubes 20 strawberries (give or take…we do not actually count them out) ½ cup frozen limeade drink Water Directions: Place ice in your blender and pulse to crush. Add in the rest of the ingredients and blend until thick. Serve with a straw and spoon! This is a recipe my family makes several times throughout the summer months. It is low in calorie, non dairy, refreshing … Continue reading

The Health Benefits of Strawberries

Since May is National Strawberry Month, I want to celebrate by singing the praises of the health benefits of strawberries. Strawberries are credited with many health benefits along with great taste so this little berry is sure to be a crowd pleaser in your home. The best feature is that rarely does anyone have to be convinced to eat a strawberry. The Basics: One cup of strawberries contains 13% of the RDA of dietary fiber. At only 53 calories per cup of sliced strawberries this is a healthy and delicious way to increase your fiber intake and regulate your digestion. … Continue reading

May is National Strawberry Month

May is National Strawberry Month. I love a month dedicated to a yummy food. Of course, I also loved National Eat What You Want Day as well. However, this month is special since the food of the month is not only very good to eat but good for you. I have heard fruit and berries referred to as “nature’s candy” several times in the past. I would say that term is apt for the strawberry. So run to your favorite grocery store, market, or country stand and pick up some strawberries to celebrate. A favorite activity for my family is … Continue reading