Cocoa Energy Restore

Cocoa is becoming all the rage. If you go to your local health food store you are certain to find a section dedicated to cocoa. Wouldn’t it be nice if cocoa was good for you? There is good reason for the rage because cocoa is actually good for you. One product on the market is Cocoa Energy Restore by CocoaWell. Cocoa Energy Restore Cocoa Energy Restore has the properties of dark chocolate for energy and stress reducing herbs: ashwagandha, rhodioland and schisandra. Stress is hard on our bodies and causes us to feel exhausted. The three herbs in Cocoa Energy … Continue reading

Healthy Vitamin Chews by Genesis Today

Do you want an easy way to add in more nutrition? Since I have decided to pave a healthy road for me and my family I have been searching for products to support that goal. Living in the real world does not always allow for days filled with carrot sticks and the healing rays of Vitamin D which come from the sun. Some days are hectic. Some days are spent under cloudy skies or indoors. Some days there is simply no motivation or energy to make sure you have consumed enough vitamins. As a person who loves convenience (ashamed to … Continue reading

Getting All of Your Nutrients While Dieting

Why You Need a Multivitamin Cutting back on calories while dieting can most likely lead to some loss of essential nutrients. Although it is important to try to achieve adequate nutrition while dieting, this can be difficult. When dieting always remember to take a multivitamin to make up for anything that you have missed in your diet. There are some necessary vitamins that will actually help you to lose weight faster and more efficiently if they are included in your diet. Helpful Vitamins That Boost Your Metabolism Vitamin B: This vitamin can help your body to digest your food and … Continue reading

Pomegranate: Nature’s Superfruit!

Okay, whenever I hear something touted as being a superfood or a superfruit, I admit I get a mental image of a little cape, and little tights . . . but maybe they’re on to something this time. Pomegranates aren’t your most common fruit. I think I’ve had one, maybe twice, in my life. They’re kind of hard to eat and you can’t just walk down the street munching one (unless you’re more talented than I am). But look at what they can do for you: Considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world, it contains a huge array … Continue reading

The Need for Vitamins

“If I’m eating right do I really need to worry about taking extra vitamins. I eat from all four food groups just like I should so I shouldn’t need supplements, right?” There are two schools of thought on this topic. You have the die hard granola crunchers who will say that you can get every nutrient you need just by eating right. Then there are the people like me who believe that the foods you get in the average grocery store just don’t have it all. We’re both right. The Birkenstock-wearing, granola crunchers are right if you eat three perfectly … Continue reading

Akavar 20/50 is Not the Magic Pill

After nearly 20 days of using Akavar 20/50, the diet pill that tells you to “eat all you want and still lose weight”, I have determined that it is not the magic pill its makers would like us all to believe it is. I know why I’m not losing weight. I have not had a decent uninterrupted eight hours of sleep in a single night in weeks. Because of that, my body has slipped into a pre-diabetic state where I crave starchy carbohydrates in order to keep my energy levels up. Even using Akavar 20/50 hasn’t helped that. One thing … Continue reading

Akavar 20/50: Day 9 (+3lbs)

I have lost a grand total of one pound. It has been nine days since I’ve started using Akavar 20/50. Since then, my weight has done its usual dance on the scale. Up, down, up, down…psyche! When I weighed myself this morning, the scale and I had quite a conversation: Scale: “You’ve only lost one pound in the past two weeks, slacker.” Me: “I haven’t been slacking. I’ve really been making an effort. Maybe its your battery.” Scale: “Nope. You just changed my battery.” Me: “Well, maybe I’ve lost bodyfat. Take the measurement.” Scale: “Nope. You haven’t lost any of … Continue reading

Akavar 20/50: Day 3 (-1lb)

It isn’t that big a deal. Yes, so I lost a pound. I lost the same pound the day before yesterday. I drank more water yesterday. I got a little more sleep last night (7 hours instead of 5.5 or 6). I was really sore from my workouts earliuer in the week so I chose to sleep in a little longer and skip the workout. While there are times when you just can’t make time to wexercise, there are also times when you just need to make time for sleep. I’m lucky if I get 6 hours of sleep every … Continue reading

Akavar 20/50: Day 2 (+1lb)

I’m not so impressed today. OK, so yesterday was my birthday and I indulged in a great big chocolate whoopie pie. So what? I should think a person would be allowed a bit of cake on their birthday and the scale should be forgiving. Not so. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Part of Akavar’s sales pitch is that you’ll see results without any dieting or exercise. I’ve been exercising. It could very well be that the pound of difference between yesterday and today was the whoopie pie (but I’m certain it didn’t contain 3500 calories because I made it … Continue reading

Akavar 20/50: Day 1 (-4lbs)

I lost 4 pounds in 24 hours. I started the day with only six hours of sleep. That usually has me at borderline diabetic and craving starchy carbohydrates all day. I took one serving of Ultimate Orange, went to the gym and did 20 minutes of interval training on the elliptical trainer and then one set to failure on the chest press and flye machines. I was in and out of the gym in less than 45 minutes. Breakfast was a peanut butter sandwich made on a croissant. (I also had my usual pot of weak coffee.) As this doubles … Continue reading