Eating Healthy at a Buffet

Buffets are a great place to bring a family. There is always something for everyone. Even the pickiest little eater will find something at a buffet. The problem is for many adults the lure of the buffet and the promise of all you can eat goes right to their hips. The dessert line is often what does even the most strong-willed dieter in. So what can you do if you are a buffet and you want to stay on your diet? Take Your Time: When you get there go look at all the food and what is being offered. Decide … Continue reading

Holiday Tip from An Apostle of Fitness

Carole Carson, author of From Fat to Fit: Turn Yourself into a Weapon of Mass Reduction has been called “An Apostle for Fitness” by the Wall Street Journal. In addition she is the coach for the AARP Fat 2 Fit online community. She has a tip to keep you from packing on the holiday pounds. Over the holidays you are bound to visit friends and family. These visits will tempt you with an array of party food promising to add on unneeded pounds. It can be difficult to resist the temptation of all the high fat but delicious food you … Continue reading

How to Not Wreck Your Diet this Holiday Season

The holidays are coming and you know what that means, right? The challenge of keeping on your diet will be even harder. In fact, not gaining an ounce seems all but impossible. From Halloween candy to New Year’s Dinner and everything in between, you will be bombarded with high fat food calling your name. This is the toughest time of year to stick to a diet. This is also the toughest time of year to resist food since it is so festive and tempting. It isn’t everyday you get gingerbread man cookies or great Aunt Mabel’s famous pumpkin pie. So … Continue reading

Supermarket Strategies for Weight Loss

Weight loss often starts at the supermarket. If you make good choices at the store with your groceries, then you are more likely to stick with healthy foods. After all, cookies that don’t exist in your home are hard to eat. (And yes, while it is true that some of us have been known to get out of the house and drive for peanut butter ice cream, the effort is usually not worth it.) I take some of my best frugal living strategies, that is, ways to save money, and apply them somewhat to weight loss strategies, that is, ways … Continue reading

How to Navigate the Food Court

With the holiday season having arrived you may find yourself out and about at the malls and other retail stores, getting gifts, decorations and more. It is easy to get distracted from your weight loss plan when you are tired, hungry and faced with the fast food. Instead of being forced to give up all that you worked so hard to achieve, use the following strategies to help you navigate the food court. Be prepared Obviously, if you are able to eat before your shopping trip and bring some healthy food with you, then you will be ahead of the … Continue reading

Apples and Weight Loss

A well-known phrase is “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” There is great truth to that not only in terms of your health in general, but in truth because eating apples are a great way to aid in weight loss. Apples are a great diet food. They contain no fat, sodium, or cholesterol. Apples also have a small bit of potassium, which is an asset in terms of your heart and your blood pressure. There is no doubt that apples are good for you. The apple is the second most sought after fruit in the United States not … Continue reading

Successful Vacation Dieting

Going on vacation is something that everyone looks forward to. However, if you are dieting it can be difficult to maintain your dieting regime and at the same time treat yourself to a little extra extravagance when it comes to mealtime. Here are some suggestions to help you make it through your vacation and still lose a pound or two: First of all, do not expect to lose as much as you would when you are at home and following your normal, every day schedule. Accepting this will help you not to become too discouraged when you get back home … Continue reading

Solving Obesity: Food Prices Based on Calorie Count

I had an interesting thought the other day as I pulled up to the drive-thru window of the local fast food restaurant as I counted my money. What if food prices were based on calorie count? Not only would we all be thin, but we would be all the wealthier as we are all counting our pennies these days. Let’s just say that a cheeseburger, which is about calories 340 at one local fast food chain, sold for $3.40 and a Caesar salad, which is about 160 calories at the same place sold for $1.60. Another example would be the … Continue reading

Weight Loss and Dating: What to Eat

You are dating and currently dieting as well. Should you tell him or her? If it is a first date then I do not think that you have to go into details. You should eat, but choose something like a decent salad. Do not sit and move your food around on the plate and pick at it. Nobody likes to eat alone. Your date will probably be uncomfortable and feel like he or she should not be eating either. They will also feel like, “Why did we go out to eat?” It is slightly annoying. If it has been several … Continue reading

Fast Food Fight: Resist the Urge

Weakness Dragging my tired body out of work, I walk to my van. Thank goodness I do not live too far away because I am tired. It has been a long day, up at 4 a.m. It is 2:30 p.m. and I still have the rest of the day to complete. A day like any other I would go home, take a shower, visit with my son and start my second shift writing the night away. At least I can be home for the rest of the day and work at something that relaxed me. However, I am hungry. I … Continue reading